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@blackmondy @Ralders 是你的朋友吗? niam keng nonstop . 一直念一直念
不认识。我是个独孤者。@blackmondy @Ralders 是你的朋友吗? niam keng nonstop . 一直念一直念
中共土匪。 有听说过吗?不认识。我是个独孤者。
My great grandfather worked in rubber plantation in Jurong and he was forced to pay protection money and rice to Chinese communist terrorists and he was beaten up and killed eventually when he could not afford to pay ransom and 白米 to 中共土匪中共土匪。 有听说过吗?
我的祖父是国民党成员。每个月得交税, 不交便被打。全世界的华人都一样。残酷,势利,一盘散沙。My great grandfather worked in rubber plantation in Jurong and he was forced to pay protection money and rice to Chinese communist terrorists and he was beaten up and killed eventually when he could not afford to pay ransom and 白米 to 中共土匪
i am very certain.Cannot be toppled... Are you sure???
Show me one regime, nay, one empire that was never toppled in history, and I'll show you the kingdom of Heaven.And the sun did set on the British Empire.
Personally, I don't see the CCP lasting past this century without re-inventing itself. Even Xi's grand proclamation about re-uniting the motherland by 2050 seems like a pipe dream to me.
1. True, if you're talking about conventional warfare. But in some areas, e.g. hypersonic missiles and drone technology, the Chinese have surged ahead. Just so, the number of nuclear warheads on both sides will mean Mutually Assurred Destruction. Anyway unlike the imperialist ways of the US (and the Brits before them), China has no interest in conquering faraway lands and converting them to their own ideology. They're obsessed about raising living standards, maintaining stability, guarding territorial integrity (avoiding the repeat of past humiliations like the ceding of Taiwan, HK and Macau). Because - that's the irony - there are no alternative parties, no elections: if the CCP fails to deliver, there will be massive riots, civil war even... and it will be like warlord era of the early post-Republican years.
2. 5,000 years of civilization. Need we say more? At the height of Tang culture, China was already the world's largest economy and Europe was still in the dark ages after the fall of the Roman Empire. Till the 1850, China was still the world's largest economy (India #2 before being run over by the Brits). What goes up must come down, and vice versa. That's the big lesson of history. Paper, gun powder, movable type, compass, porcelain, silk, tea, pasta, even skiing... in today's terms it would be intellectual property theft by the West. How does one even calculate the payable damages?
3. No longer true. A recent Aussie study finds that China is now leading the US in 37 out of 44 critical technology fields, including nanoscale tech and synthetic biology:
4. The Yanks have long had a free ride by getting off the gold standard (to finance the Vietnam War, which it lost miserably) and establishing a fiat currency regime in which it is not only the world's reserve currency, it is also the only country to be able to go heavily in debt by borrowing money in its own currency and determining its own monetary rates. But the writing is on the wall: the CIA bombing of the Nord Stream, weaponising the $ in sanctions against Russia and Iran, the fallout from the Ukraine War on Europe and Brics nations - all this has led to a steady de-dollarization push among many nations, including Brazil, Argentina, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Middle East. The reserve currency status will not be toppled soon, but it may not last past mid-century.
Throughout China's 5,000 year history, it has always been engaged in warfare with 'barbarian' nations to the north, south and west - a cycle of conquering and being conquered by its enemies (most notably the Mongols and the Manchus). Always defending its borders. Zero globalist ambition, hence the navel-gazing concept of the Middle Kingdom. Fast-forward to the 21st century: still obsessed about its borders, reclaiming lost territory, no interest in a hegemonic world order.
Some things don't change.
Pakistan is one of the nine official states possessing nuclear weapons. Detonated 5 devices in 1998. Iran is probably the next Muslim state to join the club.
So what? Nuclear weapons don't make you a superpower, they don't put bread on the table, a shelter over your heads. By your admission, nuclear-armed North Korea is just a 'statelet' - non-nuclear South Korea's GDP is 57x the North's.
Nuclear states understand this: nuclear weapons are just a deterrent, a geopolitical bargaining chip, nothing more. Use them and both you and your enemies will be annihilated completely.
ironically tiongs stole hypersonic missile tech from russkies and 3 russian scientists were arrested on sexpionage charges. russkies never forget chicoms will betray them when russia is either weak or strong.First of all, i haven't seen a single video of these supposedly hypersonic missiles from russkies or tiongs. show us their launch their flight and impact videos in clear crisp footage, ok, I will admit then tiongs lead yanks in only 1 military tech. ang moh kia dun consider tiong nukes worthwhile. just chum pchange. russkies can wipe out yanks sstill dare not use it on ukraine let alone yanks or gayrope.
what of tiongs? even if tiongs are defeated in taiwan invasion attempt, i doubt tiongs will dare to fire anything. moreover, tiong noisy subs have nowhere to hide whole SCS and japan got many yanke e subs sensors navy and air force patrolling. just imagine - four times smaller yanks, coming from 10k to 12k km away, threatening tiongs on their own turf.
This humiliation, this pathetic military incompetence and ineptitude has NEVER been exhibited yb stinkypura. i.e. a country FOUR TIMES SMALLER than stinkypura, coming from 10k to 12k km away, and dominating and threatening stinkypura in its own backyard. NEVER did it happen.
as we have explained before, tiongkok is the BIGGEST FAILURE EVER in ENTIRE human history!
it even failed to conquer, subjugate, decimate, thrash a SMALLER CECA country, the only such instance in entire CECA history.
ya lor. need we say more about cultural revolution? yet dare talk about 5000 years of questionable history considering qin and han were some 2200 or so years ago?
tiong tourists vera here vera there until got sign boards warning tiong tourists in chink language. whole world disgusted with tiong tourists behaviour prompted tiong xi to enact social credit score. yet, ang moh kia keep blaming winnie for these.
btw, there was NO India before the British created it in the first place, so how could India have been the 2nd largest economy. there were no global or interenational economic statistics collection agencies back in the day, wtf collected these make believe statistics telling you that some nonexistent entity called India had any gdp whatsoever? when india didn't even exist before the british?
and there were no global stats collation or collection authorities, who were gonig to do these calculations?
this is the level of reliability and authetnicity of western science, western reasoning. take them with a pinch of salt.
these are only abt recent (not even 10 year old) papers, and incl self citations, where usual culprits like tiongs yanks ceca russkies iran and many others will dominate (i.e. these countries dominate in SELF citations. without SELF citations, their stats look much more miserable. ergo, these countries have a tendency of puffing up their own stats, ergo, don't trust stats coming out of these countries. etc etc you can take this chain of argument a long way).
May not. Past mid-century. Another 27 years. And no guarantee either.
This means, by all means, Tiongkok has not only failed but failed miserably.
Certainly stinkypura NEVER FAILED to surpass a 4 times smaller country. in 30 years flat stinkypura went from turd world to first world, not quite since stinkies are still a turd world autocratic dictatorship made worse by turd world chink ceca pinooy and other turd world imports lowering the standars and quality of all services and goods from stinkypura even further. if there were any quality to begin with.
but you get ht edrift, in the past, stinkypura was able to do more difficult tasks which they can't do today. it's for that reason you can safely say stinkypura has genuinely regressed. moreover, it's entirely true that mongoloids are a genuinely inferior breed.
this is the tried and tested, and maybe tiring, old argument used by wumaos to convince yanks that look, we are not a threat, we will lie low, and bide our time. it may have worked when yanks carried out their war against islam where ALL kuffar worldwide in cl tiongs ceca virus russkies gayropeans japs gooks stinkies zionist terorrists, burmese pinoys etc etc ALL sided with kafir yanks. no exceptions whatsoever. let's be clear about that.
this old tactic of lying low and biding your time wont' work any longer, yanks are laying the traps and will gradually ensnare their puppets in the traps at anytime.
ironically tiongs stole hypersonic missile tech from russkies and 3 russian scientists were arrested on sexpionage charges. russkies never forget chicoms will betray them when russia is either weak or strong.
this us china fight will take decades to see end result who win unless go to war immediately, but then once war and nuke, everyone dies. i don't think even my generation will see end result of who will win..so actually, other than fucking cecas and ccps, me also no interest in us china rubbishNow, who's spying on whom?A case of the pot calling the kettle black?
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China Accuses U.S. of Hacking Huawei Servers as Far Back as 2009
SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 7:15 AM EDT
China accused the U.S. of infiltrating Huawei Technologies Co. servers beginning in 2009, part of a broad-based effort to steal data that culminated in tens of thousands of cyber-attacks against Chinese targets last year.
The Tailored Access Operations unit of the National Security Agency carried out the attacks in 2009, which then continuously monitored the servers, China’s Ministry of State Security said in a post on its official WeChat account on Wednesday. It didn’t provide details of attacks since 2009.
Cyberattacks are a point of tension between Washington and Beijing, which has accused its political rival of orchestrating attacks against Chinese targets ever since Edward Snowden made explosive allegations about U.S. spying. Washington and cybersecurity researchers have said the Asian country has sponsored attacks against the West.
The ministry’s accusations emerged as the two countries battle for technological supremacy. Huawei in particular has spurred alarm in Washington since the telecom leader unveiled a smartphone powered by an advanced chip it designed, which was made by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. That’s in spite of years-long U.S. sanctions intended to cut Huawei off from the American technology it needs to design sophisticated chips and phones.
The U.S. has been “over-stretching” the concept of national security with its clampdown on Chinese enterprises, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told reporters at a regular press briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.
“What we want to tell the US is that suppression and containing of China will not stop China’s development. It will only make us more resolved in our development,” Mao said.
On Tuesday, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said she was “upset” when Huawei released the Mate 60 Pro during her visit to China last month, but noted the US has no evidence the Asian nation can make the advanced semiconductors powering the handset “at scale.”
Big power rivalry has always been the backdrop to the rise and fall of civilizations since time immemorial. It is so today, will continue to be so into the distant future.this us china fight will take decades to see end result who win unless go to war immediately, but then once war and nuke, everyone dies. i don't think even my generation will see end result of who will win..so actually, other than fucking cecas and ccps, me also no interest in us china rubbish
You're entitled to your opinion. You're confusing religion with political systems/parties.i am very certain.
As long as the great firewall exists, CCP will never be toppled. Just the play of a faction knocking down another. You don't believe how powerful is the great firewall, ask any mainland chinese their view about the sino-vietnam war 1979, he or she will say that it was the vietnameses invaded china first and china response in self-defence and won the war. And when some bridges collapsed in a province, the news won't flow out of the province to other provinces.
The Great FireWall + Propaganda + BrainWashing + Fake News = CCP is near impossible to be toppled just as islamism is also impossible to be exterminated. Communism is similar to ISLAMISM.
You're entitled to your opinion. You're confusing religion with political systems/parties.
I'm a firm believer of the Second Law of Thermodyamics:
In a closed system, the entropy (disorder) will always increase over time till a maximum is reached, resulting in a disordered or random state.
As a student of history, I can tell you that no system, no party, no empire, no dynasty has ever withstood the test of time. Not the Roman Empire, not the British Empire, not the Tang Dynasty, and, definitely, neither will the CCP.
That's what I mean when I said that the forum participants here are very unsophisticated. They lump CCP with China and the Chinese people.Why do you want the the CCP to collapse? Without CCP china cannot attained first world and superpower status. You moniker is superpower, aren't you supposed to be pro ccp?
That's what I mean when I said that the forum participants here are very unsophisticated. They lump CCP with China and the Chinese people.
Should we let the CCP dictate the parameters on how we should analyse the nation, its history, politics, culture and economy and most importantly, its people?It's the CCP that blurred the line between party, PLA and the people. Disloyal to the party is equated as disloyal to the country.
this us china fight will take decades to see end result who win unless go to war immediately, but then once war and nuke, everyone dies. i don't think even my generation will see end result of who will win..so actually, other than fucking cecas and ccps, me also no interest in us china rubbish
I believe in a multi-polar world (which definitely includes a resurgent India, and maybe Russia, depending on how the war turns out), not one in which Pax Americana rules with its arbitrary and imperialist policies.