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China is plundering africa natural resources and debt traps african corrupted governments. Nothing is free, Sri Lanka is good example how CCP's hidden loans works.
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Don't be misled by the Western media with their hidden agenda.China is plundering africa natural resources and debt traps african corrupted governments. Nothing is free, Sri Lanka is good example how CCP's hidden loans works.
Bro, the CCP not my master la. I'm a mercenary and the CCP pays me only 10¢ per post. I may switch allegiance if Uncle Sam pays me more.@superpower your CCP master's new 10 dash line, the lanjiao enlarged so long you call there raise in peace? It's bullying small countries.
e.g. duluxe (Indian Hindu) ranting on about Islam and China, mudhatter and syed putra (Malay, DKK) standing up for Malay rights.
You will agitate many CECA members in this forum.I'm a pragmatist: at the end of the day, what matters is good governance, whether it's democracy, communism, or even a traditional feudal monarchy.
I've seen so many failed states which had adopted Western-style democracies (quite a few in SE Asia alone). And commie states like Vietnam and Cuba which thrived despite sanctions.
China under communism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, raised living standards, established gender equality, invested in infrastructure. Probably the greatest social uplift within 2 generations in history. At the cost of some freedoms, of course. The CCP is fighting massive corruption within the party ranks; we'll see how it pans out.
India, a liberal democracy with about the same population size and modern founding period, has done a much poorer job in raising living standards and fighting factionalism and caste divisions. But there's more freedom there. And despite the institutionalized rule of law, corruption is probably much worse than in China.
Both are huge socio-political experiments. In 2023, would you prefer to live in India or China (putting aside ancestral and linguistic affiliations)?
Don't be misled by the Western media with their hidden agenda.
The CCP will be the first to acknowledge that all their initiatives are to (1) benefit China's search for resources to grow the economy and (2) at the same time develop infrastructure in Africa. Win-win.
Debt trap? There's debt to be sure - Santa Claus doesn't exist - someone has to come out with the money and loans... but trap? If you can't pay back the loan, I'll continue to run your ports and railways in the meantime - you still benefit from the infrastructure and taxes and trade engendered by it while I reap a % of the profits.
Or would you rather have the IMF/WB debt trap, backed by the US? Where you're given high interest loans, forced to open your markets to Western products and agricultural produce and MNCs, remove all subsidies for your farmers and nascent industry, give up IP rights on your crops (Monsanto wanted to patent basmati rice), and have all these MNCs remit their profits back home or to some tax haven? The ones who benefit ultimately are the corrupt rulers (and their families) and the Western corporations; the masses remain poor and disempowered. Any wonder why central African states are experiencing coup after coup?
Decades after the Global South states have achieved independence, what have these IMF/WB loan schemes and aid achieved? More global debt, more failed states, more coups, more authoritarians regimes and military juntas taking over democracies. Subsaharan Africa still subsisting on per capita income of USD2k. And the West gets richer by the day.
The exploitation and ravaging of the 3rd World by Western (ex-)colonial powers haven't abated; they've just morphed into a different form.
You old friend reincarnated and back here as somebody else.Tell that to tibetans, mongolians uighyrs and manchoos.
China under communism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, raised living standards, established gender equality, invested in infrastructure. Probably the greatest social uplift within 2 generations in history. At the cost of some freedoms, of course. The CCP is fighting massive corruption within the party ranks; we'll see how it pans out.
Going by your logic, no nation/institution can command any allegiance based on historical atrocities.It was the CCP who plunged the whole country into severe proverty, backwardness and starvation during the Great Leap Forwards and Culture Revolution. Someone pushed you into the water, then saved you. Should you feel grateful to him?
Going by your logic, no nation/institution can command any allegiance based on historical atrocities.
The very same Republicans who institutionalized slavery (and many grievous human rights abuses) were also the ones who abolished it. The people who grabbed land in Australia and decimated the natives and stole their babies are also their rulers today. 1,000 years of witch hunts, crusades, Inquisitions, persecution of scientists should justify the bombing the Vatican to smithereens today.
ccp superpower at emulating angmoh towns and cities but all empty inside and out.
Modern China starts from 1949, under the CCP. Agree.You are comparing between 2 different eras, the imperialism, colonialism era and modern era. I am comparing in the same era. All mainlanders agree that the new china started from 1949.
Actually it's a matter of time before China's nominal GDP overtakes the US'. (Actually surpassed some time back on PPP basis.) It's only a matter of when. The current economic downturn may push it back further, but it's inevitable. Deep down inside, the US administration knows that too.According to the US, they are beating China and China will eventually kowtow to the US. I believe.
you really need to see Cuba. For you to make that statement means you've never been there.I'm a pragmatist: at the end of the day, what matters is good governance, whether it's democracy, communism, or even a traditional feudal monarchy.
I've seen so many failed states which had adopted Western-style democracies (quite a few in SE Asia alone). And commie states like Vietnam and Cuba which thrived despite sanctions.
That's just not true. I've seen this insanely incorrect statement made too many times. What every dumbass on the internet attributes to be communism lifting the people out of property is a mistaken conclusion. What actually happened is that communism under Mao artificially kept the Chinese people in poverty post WW2. As the saying goes : can't see the wood from the trees.China under communism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, raised living standards, established gender equality, invested in infrastructure. Probably the greatest social uplift within 2 generations in history. At the cost of some freedoms, of course. The CCP is fighting massive corruption within the party ranks; we'll see how it pans out.
Do you actually have any real world experience or just writing based on printed data? Since when does India have institutionalized rule of law? It has an institutionalized disregard for the rule of law.India, a liberal democracy with about the same population size and modern founding period, has done a much poorer job in raising living standards and fighting factionalism and caste divisions. But there's more freedom there. And despite the institutionalized rule of law, corruption is probably much worse than in China.
Neither. A cesspool nor lord of the flies in a 21st century megalopolis do not fit my idea of preferred habitats.Both are huge socio-political experiments. In 2023, would you prefer to live in India or China (putting aside ancestral and linguistic affiliations)?
That's a laughable statement. The current leader is Mao 2.0. He is exactly replicating all of Mao's mistakes. He's definitely not learning from the past other than copying it outright.Let me tell you: no one is more aware of the egregious excesses of Mao's reign than the CCP. He was a great wartime leader, but a fucked up peacetime head of state. Ask any man on the street, even an uneducated peasant, and they'll tell you the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution cost China 20 years of technological progress. If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that the CCP learns (and continues to learn) from the past.
That's equally laughable. Earlier you mentioned that Chinese will keep on surviving like cockroaches, but now they're too fragile if one government collapses. You can't have it both ways.In an electoral democracy, you fuck up your term, the oppo takes over, but you have another 4 or 5 years to win it back. Life goes on.
In a one-party state like China, you lose the plot, it will be the end: unrest, riots, civil war, anarchy. 1911 all over again.
That's why the CCP are control freaks. They can't afford to take a wrong step, stability matters above all, they have to put food on the table, grow the economy, provide jobs, keep the people happy. Like the PAP. That's why they over-react all the time (like during COVID). And that's why they'll never wish for war over Taiwan.
Running a non-elected one-party state engenders a totally different psyche and mentality altogether. One wrong step and the nation collapses. Because there's no alternative.