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Agree. China and Vietnam are authoritarian non-electoral one-party states, with a capitalist economy, with a certain degree of central control, the extent of which varies according to the leader in charge.Under Deng, state interference in the economy was sidelined and capitalist style market reforms took place. That gave rise to foreign trade and direct investment, and what actually happened is that the Chinese people brought themselves out of poverty after the Dear Leaders stopped the communist suppression. So really the credit goes to the Chinese people and not some Marxist Mandarins who lorded it over their own people.
You need to differentiate between communism politically and communism economically. China and Vietnam in the modern era are communist politically and in name only. In fact, you can easily see the same result in Vietnam's development when they adopted a free market.
Cuba and Venezuela is communist in both. Good luck to you if you want to live there.
Do you actually have any real world experience or just writing based on printed data? Since when does India have institutionalized rule of law? It has an institutionalized disregard for the rule of law.A veritable cesspool of corruption where the laws are not worth the paper they're printed on and only apply to those who can't pay.
Neither. A cesspool nor lord of the flies in a 21st century megalopolis do not fit my idea of preferred habitats.
I've never said post-Deng China was communist in the Marxist sense of the word: a centrally planned socialist economy.
I was talking about the uplifting of the Chinese people under the auspices of the Chinese Commnunist Party in 2 generations, which uplifitng was probably the greatest social achievement (in terms of numbers) in human history. Mind you, this was after Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution set China back 20 years. Same party, different leader.
You can give credit to the people - no doubt they deserve it - but you need a leader who can see the wood for the trees, cut through the political doctrinaire builshit, see that black and white cats are no different if they catch mice, and implement facilitatory policies. You need vision, courage, gumption and chutzph to go against the yoke of 5,000 years of feudalistic culture to call out the Marxist-Lenninist bullshit and act on it. Deng was the man. (BTW, even the CCP has stopped calling its economy Marxist.)
You're wrong about India. Rule of law is institutionalized in India, thanks to the Brits. (Check their constitution). ON paper, that's India's strength vis-a-vis China (since there's always a certain arbitrariness in the interpretation & implementation of the law in a communist state) but there's absolute disregard for rule of law at the level of the people or government in India because caste and social status reigns supreme. Hence the rampant corruption.
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