you believe ccp (fake) numbers?
here are two of the longest supercar convoys in malaysia
650+ and 700+ strong SUPERCAR convoys apaprently.
haven't seen anything CLOSE TO this in ceca virus yet.
truth be told, i don't see that many supercar convoys in yankee territory either.
so lots of countries pump out fake numbers and stats no doubts abt it.
doesn't match their GDP stats. where are proportionately long supercar convoys in ceca virus? turkey? russkie? yankees?
yankee gdp supposed to be what? 50 or 60 times as big as malaysia? so they have to show a supercar convoy that's 35000 to 42000+ strong.
i don't think they have what it takes.
so a lot of these fake gdp stats are pumped out by many countries.
China & America: The End Game Has Already Arrived…China’s rise to superpower in peace is a first for mankind, ushering in a new world order
September 9th, 2023
No bombs, no attacks, no wars, no overthrowing of other govts and foreign elections of those who don’t agree with your interests, Imran Khan of Pakistan, being the lastest leaving once again, Pakistan in chaos and misery.
View attachment 188738
density and size, just like iq and race (pun intended). amerika is too large for all ferraris to assemble in one convoy, but it has the largest owned fleet by far compared to all other cuntries. a 2009 tally by ferrari says it all, and this report only focuses on 1 type and or model of ferrari.
impossible to assemble a convoy of ferraris over 36.9k strong anywhere in america lah. the largest supercar show in carmel doesn’t even have enough parking space for 6.9k cars in one tight spot the size of sg yeast coast park and fark.excuses.
SUPERCARS are not restricted to ferraris.
and dun forget cars incl SUPERCARS are dirt cheap due to low taxes in ang moh kia countries. they still dun have 35,000 to 42,000 strong supercar convoys.
and that article is also from 2009, 14 years old.
dun make excuses mate.
i haven't seen any 35,000 to 42,000 strong SUPERCAR convoy in yankee territory. or proportionately longer SUPERCAR convoys, not just ferraris.
bearing in mind, cheaper prices (like 10% or 20% of stinkypura prices?), where are these supercar convoys?
impossible to assemble a convoy of ferraris over 36.9k strong anywhere in america lah.
density and size, just like iq and race (pun intended). amerika is too large for all ferraris to assemble in one convoy, but it has the largest owned fleet by far compared to all other cuntries. a 2009 tally by ferrari says it all on relative percentages of all types and models. by end of 2009, amerika had over 36.9k ferraris of all makes and models. by now in 2023 that number should be over 69k, over 69 times more than the numbers in ml and sg combined.
Oh i see now, cpc pumpng in money/ budget for progpnd to counter cia budget
how the hell are chinks a superpower?
1. military ? no chance. 10 out of 10, tiongkoks are behind yanks in almost every arena. no invention to begin with just mere copy paste and poor copies at that. these morons cant even copy well just inferior mongoloids.
2. culture? tiongs got culture?
we've all heard abt, seen the chink tourists, don't talk about tiong culture.
3. engineering, science tech? zero. except copy paste, tiongkok got no invention in last 50 years. same as all other mongoloids btw. this is why japs have been stagnant for last 30 odd years and why stinkypura has only been a monye laundering and tax evasion hub nowadays. they all admit ang moh kia are superior, in that there is no doubt.
4. commercial success? sorry, no superpowerdom there. yankee dollar = global reserve currency (thanks soley due to their miltiary which tiongs have no chance of surpassing), which means yanks can print as many dollars as they like.
while tiongs have to slave away as sweatshop workers to earn dollars pritned by yanks.
5. anything else?
in fact tiongs are the biggest failure EVER in human history.
1. ONLY country in human hisotry which could not conquer subdue decimate pulverize destroy a SMALLER ceca country is tiongkok (under cpc).
2. tiongkok has failed, REPEATEDLY, to surpass a 4 times smaller country called the united states that comes from 10k to 12k km away.
this failure has NEVER been experienced by stinkypura in its entire history.
NEVER did stinkypura FAIL, AT ALL, against a 4 times smaller country whether the country came from afar or near. period.
Tell that to tibetans, mongolians uighyrs and manchoos.China has no interest in conquering faraway lands and converting them to their own ideology. They're obsessed about raising living standards, maintaining stability, guarding territorial integrity (avoiding the repeat of past humiliations like the ceding of Taiwan, HK and Macau).
Look at the long list of NASA and Soviet near-fatal and fatal incidents in the past 50 years. Didn't stop either from becoming superpowers locked in the Cold this how to be superpower?
China's military rocket force uncovers 'shortcomings' - PLA Daily
Fri, September 15, 2023 at 12:06 AM PDT
Big difference between guarding your borders against neighbouring aggressors and going round the world in warships conquering native lands. If you studied Chinese history, you'd know that the Chinese were invaded much more often by their neighbours than vice versa. The nation grew in good times under strong rulers, and fragmented into lawless states under ineffectual ones. Border skirmishes were always a result of provocation by neighboring tribes. The ultimate humiliations were the subjugation of the entire nation under the Manchus and Mongols. BTW, the Hans never ventured into the northeast or north of the Gobi desert. It was the northern 'barbarians' who invaded southwards.Tell that to tibetans, mongolians uighyrs and manchoos.
Pakistan is one of the nine official states possessing nuclear weapons. Detonated 5 devices in 1998. Iran is probably the next Muslim state to join the has surpassed them a few years ago if you count ppp.
problem is then ceca gdp looks much closer to tiongs' and tiongs dun like this idea.
they'd much rather be behind yanks but lead ceca by a considerable margin than be world leaders.
talk abt shooting their own foot.
GDP matters little.
E.g. indon.
fact thta both tiongs and yanks keep talking up either GDP or manufacturing tells us they are both utterly incapable countries.
yes it's true.
this is why it's also incredible that these bunch of morons can't be surpassed by current lot of muslims.
i mean for God's sake, why is that there is not a single Muslim country which has n't tested nukes and icbm in public? anti satellite missiles in public? while ceca have? while norkies have done 2 of 3?
we are talking of 76 IQ ceca and 25 million norkies?
so there are no muslim countries with bigger popn than norkies?
how come not a single one of the loud mouth braggarts like iran turkey pakis have tested nukes icbm and anti satellite missiles?
Under tang dynasty China army was beaten back by khwarezm Muslim forces otherwise they would have expanded westward.Big difference between guarding your borders against neighbouring aggressors and going round the world in warships conquering native lands. If you studied Chinese history, you'd know that the Chinese were invaded much more often by their neighbours than vice versa. The nation grew in good times under strong rulers, and fragmented into lawless states under ineffectual ones. Border skirmishes were always a result of provocation by neighboring tribes. The ultimate humiliations were the subjugation of the entire nation under the Manchus and Mongols. BTW, the Hans never ventured into the northeast or north of the Gobi desert. It was the northern 'barbarians' who invaded southwards.
It is no wonder the Chinese have an insecurity complex about defining borders and preserving territorial integrity. How many nations look at history through a 5,000-year lens and count cycles in 200 year epochs, with each dynasty writing the history of the preceding one, painstakingly analyzing its victories and losses and shortcomings in dealing with natural disasters and famine and vowing to reclaim lost territory (fan qing fu ming - overthrow the Qing, revive the Ming)?
That China is painted by the Western media and powers to be a power-hungry hegemon bent on instituting a new world order through violent physical conquest is merely a projection of their Neanderthal 'nature red in tooth and claw' psyches. 500 years of European adventurism, colonisation and exploitation have resulted in 1/10th of the world's population subjugating the other 9/10th.
Christopher Columbus' small pirate boat vs Zheng He gigantic junk: that's the difference in a nutshell. One resulted in the 'discovery' and conquest and exploitation of the New World, the other fostered trade along the Maritime Silk Road.
The expansion westward was (1) to basically to control the trade routes that crossed the Tarim basin, (2) to capture and subdue the Turks who were always staging incursions on its western borders. All Chinese Emperors value stability above all - any border war or unrest is a threat to their reign.Under tang dynasty China army was beaten back by khwarezm Muslim forces otherwise they would have expanded westward.
This forum needs some balance la.
Monikers like duluxe, ChinaCommunistSG and eatshitndie posting un-rebutted anti-China drivel on a daily basis actually makes one wonder if this forum isn't sponsored by the CIA.![]()