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Being Honest


Many years ago, I used to believe that honesty was the best policy and actually practised that in real life. no untruths, half truths, black lies, white lies, etc for me, too much trouble to hide and bluff.
But as I grow older and wiser, I realize that many a time, telling lies or untruths are ok, as long as you can get away with it and it serves your purpose or allows you to get your way. Of course not in the legal sense, but in any other situation, if you tell a lie and get what you want, so be it.
Agree or disagree? :rolleyes:


Don't think that nowadays ppl really care about honesty being the best policy. In this dog-eat-dog world, the survival of the fittest is paramount. The mindset is that if its gonna be in my advantage...so be it :(


Alfrescian (Inf)
As long there no attack on the conscience, then telling half truth is acceptable. The Truth hurt and some ppl cannot handle the truth. So being half truth is the best.:cool:


Don't think that nowadays ppl really care about honesty being the best policy. In this dog-eat-dog world, the survival of the fittest is paramount. The mindset is that if its gonna be in my advantage...so be it :(
Exactly. Nobody cares about honesty anymore, in fact, some view honest people as being stupid.
It's really sad. :(


As long there no attack on the conscience, then telling half truth is acceptable. The Truth hurt and some ppl cannot handle the truth. So being half truth is the best.:cool:
Agree. If it's not a legal situation and nobody gets harmed or hurt, telling lies sometimes is better than telling the truth. Everyone does it anyway.


Alfrescian (Inf)
my downstairs kopitiam ah peks tol me ... :biggrin:

ppl r scheming ... but dey want u 2 b honest wif dem ...

so dat dey can manipulate u over n over again 4 their personal benefit ...



Mappo, or The Latter Day of the Law, is one of the Three Ages of Buddhism. Mappō (末法 Cn: mòfǎ; Jp: mappō), which is also translated as the Age of Dharma Decline, is the "degenerate" Third Age of Buddhism. Traditionally, this Age is supposed to begin 2,000 years after Sakyamuni Buddha's passing and lasts for "10,000 years". The first two Ages are the Age of Right Dharma (正法 Cn: zhèngfǎ; Jp: shōbō) followed by the Age of Semblance Dharma (像法 Cn: xiàngfǎ; Jp: zōbō).[1] During this degenerate age, it is believed that people will be unable to attain enlightenment through the word of Sakyamuni Buddha, and society becomes morally corrupted. In Buddhist thought, even during the Age of Dharma Decline the teachings of the Buddha are still correct, but people are no longer capable of following them.

Don't worry, it's just a natural progression if your a buddhist. :p


my downstairs kopitiam ah peks tol me ... :biggrin:

ppl r scheming ... but dey want u 2 b honest wif dem ...

so dat dey can manipulate u over n over again 4 their personal benefit ...
Your kopitiam ah pek is a wise and smart man.
But you need to be careful when dealing with him................ :smile:


Super Moderator
Many years ago, I used to believe that honesty was the best policy and actually practised that in real life. no untruths, half truths, black lies, white lies, etc for me, too much trouble to hide and bluff.
But as I grow older and wiser, I realize that many a time, telling lies or untruths are ok, as long as you can get away with it and it serves your purpose or allows you to get your way. Of course not in the legal sense, but in any other situation, if you tell a lie and get what you want, so be it.
Agree or disagree? :rolleyes:

i only believe in being brutally honest to the people i truly care about, even if it might bring hurt to the other party, as long as i feel the other party could benefit from my honesty, why not? :wink:
on the other hand, if i don't care about the person, i wouldn't even waste my breath at all :biggrin:


i only believe in being brutally honest to the people i truly care about, even if it might bring hurt to the other party, as long as i feel the other party could benefit from my honesty, why not? :wink:
on the other hand, if i don't care about the person, i wouldn't even waste my breath at all :biggrin:

Exactly. If you don't care for the other person, why bother being honest? Only makes the other person hate you right?


Super Moderator
Exactly. If you don't care for the other person, why bother being honest? Only makes the other person hate you right?

the funny thing is that you only need to tell the truth and the picture would be distorted in their brain anyway :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Many years ago, I used to believe that honesty was the best policy and actually practised that in real life. no untruths, half truths, black lies, white lies, etc for me, too much trouble to hide and bluff.
But as I grow older and wiser, I realize that many a time, telling lies or untruths are ok, as long as you can get away with it and it serves your purpose or allows you to get your way. Of course not in the legal sense, but in any other situation, if you tell a lie and get what you want, so be it.
Agree or disagree? :rolleyes:

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How to be honest when you are surrounded by crooks? Starting from the Top. Monks, Pastors, Bankers, Insurances agents, we are surrounded by crooks.


My belief is that you gotta to be smart, and play your cards well. As long as you're aware of the issues that are around you, and you play your cards shrewdly, most of the guys will benefit.


Many years ago, I used to believe that honesty was the best policy and actually practised that in real life. no untruths, half truths, black lies, white lies, etc for me, too much trouble to hide and bluff.
But as I grow older and wiser, I realize that many a time, telling lies or untruths are ok, as long as you can get away with it and it serves your purpose or allows you to get your way. Of course not in the legal sense, but in any other situation, if you tell a lie and get what you want, so be it.
Agree or disagree? :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha, good topic. Lying sometimes get you the job youu want. It really depends on the person you are telling the truth to. A well travel and unorthordox person would probably be more appreciative to someone who is telling him/her the truth. I think.