XYZ 2 hours ago
From above article:
"....The authorities added that Temasek had committed to assist as well as agreed that the work done by its linked companies would be done at a “cost-recovery basis, and in some cases, below cost”.
“There will be no profit made by Temasek and its linked companies for the work done. The Temasek linked companies agreed with these arrangements,....".
Quoting Shanmugam's own words (his attacks on the fiduciary breach by WP AHTC town-councillors.)
And you come and you say no money is lost.
One can only wonder at such a statement.
Strict view taken in law
The law takes an extremely strict view on related party transactions when conflicts of interests are involved. The lawyers in the house will know that.
Where contracts have been entered into with related parties in breach of fiduciary duties – and let there be no doubt, that there is a breach of fiduciary duties here, by everyone,
The law, presumes LOSS.
It will require the related party to justify every payment by
Showing what work was done; and
Assessing the true value of the work.
The contracts are all voidable. ..