GMS reminds us of his Herd Infection Protocol.

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GMS Herd Infection Protocol
(updated 21 Oct 2021)
1) The Fundamental of Vaccine is to invoke our immune system to produce anti-bodies to fight the virus.
2) If our body’s natural immune system is weak, no amount of vaccine will help us to fight the virus
3) Thus the most fundamental way of fighting the virus is to strengthen our own body’s natural immune system
4) Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Quecertin, Raw Honey, Ginger Tea, Fruits, Proteins like eggs, fish soup, milk etc
5) When our own body’s immune system is weak, we will need external help… Medicine or Cure
6) India’s Experience Uttar Pradesh state in issuing medical kit
7) India UP Kit includes Ivermectin, Vitamin B, C, D, Zinc Supplement plus Panadol.
8 ) What to do in SG if you are confirmed or suspected infected?
9) Hospitals are full and healthcare system at brink of breaking down.
10) We can only depend on ourselves
11) Protect vulnerable family members by masking (N95) plus wearing Face Shield when you have direct communication with each other.
12) Create Isolation room with plastic screen. Keep an electric kettles inside the isolation room. Keep a personal set of utensils for meals including plates, bowls, chopsticks, fork and spoon etc.
13) Stock up TCM medicines.
14) For Treatment of Symptoms: Fever 莲花清瘟胶囊 3 boxes for 6 days dosage
15) For Diarrhea 藿香正气水 1 box
16) For main Lung protection & Coughs 清肺排毒汤 1 box
17) Monitor Temperature & Oxygen level
18) If you start to have breathing difficulty while walking, call ambulance and admit yourself to hospital.
19) Prepare the Covid Emergency Kit with all these stuffs, including Vitamins, supplements, Raw Honey, Ginger powder, TCM, Oximeter, thermometer etc. for bringing them with you once you are quarantined.
20) Do not use split unit aircon in the isolation room, keep the windows open and blow your fan out to the windows.
21) If possible, install an UV light air filtration system to kill off the virus in the air. We already know Ultra Violet light will kill off the virus. This will protect your family members from cross infection.
22) Get enough Sunlight (at least 20min) and eat more fruits for Vitamin C every day.
23) Take coconut water with a bit of salt and calamansi juice to cool down your body. To strengthen your body against flu symptoms, boil ginger water (10min) and add lemon plus honey after the water cool down as warm water. Drink in the morning.