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A Singaporean's guide to living in Thailand


Alfrescian (Inf)
That looks good to me. Looks like Japanese fried prawn (curry style, not tempura style) and pork cutlet to me. Which restaurant? How much?

1 at Funan centre. cant remember the name... Jap curry is one of my fav in Jap restaurant, other than sashimi.

Khun Ying Pojaman

Wow 88 is a ripe old age.


I fxxking disagree with you ! I'm going to live for another 100 years and rule you for another 1000 years !!


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
1 at Funan centre. cant remember the name... Jap curry is one of my fav in Jap restaurant, other than sashimi.

You come here I bring you to Aoringo (green apple) Japanese Curry Restaurant. Best of the best. Many Japs have their meals there. I love Japanese curry rice and this is very original like in Japan.

Khun Ying Pojaman

Bros, my friend in Sinkieland bought a new phone for me. Is it possible to 'mail' the phone to Thailand ? Will Thailand Custom potong jalan my new phone ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bros, my friend in Sinkieland bought a new phone for me. Is it possible to 'mail' the phone to Thailand ? Will Thailand Custom potong jalan my new phone ?

I have no problem with Royal Thai Post before. Send anything in or out, they also smile and close two eyes. :smile:

But explosives and firearms need extra precaution and arrangement of course. I don't see how a phone can be of problem.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Bros, my friend in Sinkieland bought a new phone for me. Is it possible to 'mail' the phone to Thailand ? Will Thailand Custom potong jalan my new phone ?

Please don't do that KYP. If you have friends coming over ask them to bring. Thai customs will give you difficult time because of import tax. I'm not saying it cannot be done surey it can be done but there is a very high chance that you will face difficulties. However if your friend can show invoice inside the shipment then it become easier but still you may have to face the hassle to pay taxes.

Khun Ying Pojaman

Please don't do that KYP. If you have friends coming over ask them to bring. Thai customs will give you difficult time because of import tax. I'm not saying it cannot be done surey it can be done but there is a very high chance that you will face difficulties. However if your friend can show invoice inside the shipment then it become easier but still you may have to face the hassle to pay taxes.

My friend has volunteered to bring the phone to Bangkok for me. But that cb kia wants me to pay for his air tickets, and some more stipulates that he will not fly budget airlines. nabeh guniang !
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Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
My friend has volunteered to bring the phone to Bangkok for me. But that cb kia wants me to pay for his air tickets, and some more stipulates that he will not fly budget airlines. nabeh guniang !

Your friend is joking with you la pii eh simply means he could not come. Anyway I strongly advise you not to send mobile phones by post la. If by DHL or other courier service I believe its ok but then still have the invoice attach to the package while sending. Also if by reputable courier service they guarantee you it not get lost as they have insurance or at least you need to buy insurance for it.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Good night guys, very tired these few days of songkran. Tomorrow's flight is 1045am. I am picking up 2 more colleagues to go with me.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Did you send any expensive items ?

So far, nothing worth more than a couple of hundred dollars. If worth more than that, use courier service with airway bill (DHL, Fedex etc.) and declare.

If illegal and need to smuggle, like explosives or firearms, hire professional smugglers or DIY at your own risk.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
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Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Sawasdee krup everyone. In Thailand today is a holiday for everyone and many companies tomorrow is also a holiday. For me its working because going to Guangzhou this morning for the Canton Fair. This fair will take me all 3 days and on Friday onwards will be a whirlwind trip that will take me to Foshan, Shunde, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Jiangyin, Hangzhou, Yuhang then back on Tuesday. Total 11 meetings in 4 working days, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue.

Will post whenever I could. I used to buy the unlimited package with AIS but this trip was advised they have discontinued because the provider in China, UNICOM, their system is not reliable so they discontinued. I am left with buying 200M download which cost me 2500 baht. But this lasts for 1 year and can be use in more than 20 countries.

Sawasdee krup


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My friend has volunteered to bring the phone to Bangkok for me. But that cb kia wants me to pay for his air tickets, and some more stipulates that he will not fly budget airlines. nabeh guniang !

KYP, can consider using courier.

they have tracking number so you know where you item is all the way.

if there's tax incurred, courier can clear then bill you later.
but if the tax is higher than the phone then ask them to fly kite lah.