What are the coronavirus symptoms and what should I do if I have it?
By medical reporter
Sophie Scott
Updated 15 Mar 2020, 2:44pm
PHOTO: If you have symptoms of coronavirus, authorities recommend you seek medical attention. (AP: Ted S Warren)
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The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Australia has soared past 200.
As nations around the world step up their responses to try to contain the outbreak of COVID-19, here are the symptoms of the disease and what you should do if you think you have it.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
The most common symptoms are:
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Dry cough
But some people also experience:
- Aches and pains
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea
These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually.
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According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), some people become infected but don't develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell.
Experts say up to 80 per cent of people who get COVID-19 will recover from the illness without needing special treatment.
But one out of six will become seriously ill and develop breathing difficulties.
Older people and those with underlying health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory problems and high blood pressure are more likely to develop serious illness.
Symptoms will generally appear three to four days after exposure to the virus, but sometimes up to 14 days later.
Am I at risk?
In Australia, the people most at risk of getting the virus are those who have recently been in a high-risk country or region, and people who have been in close contact with someone who has coronavirus.
If you have returned from a country or region that is at higher risk for COVID-19, you cannot attend work if you work in a setting with vulnerable people.
According to federal Health Department advice, we have learned from previous experience with other coronaviruses that the people most at risk are those with compromised immune systems, such as people with cancer, as well as:
- Elderly people
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as they have higher rates of chronic illness
- People with chronic medical conditions
- People in group residential settings
- People in detention facilities
What the experts are saying about coronavirus:
OK, I think I have it. What should I do?
If you have symptoms of coronavirus, authorities recommend you seek medical attention.
The first thing to do is to call the coronavirus health information hotline on 1800 020 080.
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It's operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
They will tell you whether you should go to a clinic attached to a hospital in your area or to your GP (making sure to call them ahead of your visit).
They may advise you to go to one of the 100 pop-up and drive-through clinics that are being set up across Australia.
GPs are now being reimbursed for telephone consultations on coronavirus, for those who think they might have it, or who have pre-existing health problems and do not want to come into a doctor's waiting room.
If you need to see your GP, call their office ahead of time to explain your symptoms, travel history and any recent close contact with someone who has COVID-19, so the practice can prepare for your appointment.
They can also advise whether a tele-health consultation is appropriate.
If you've recently been overseas or in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, information about whether you need to self-isolate can be found on the
Department of Health website.
It's good to check sites like these regularly, as the information from authorities is being frequently updated as we learn more about the virus, and the number of cases grows.
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VIDEO: The Federal Government advertising campaign on coronavirus and influenza (ABC News)
Should I get tested?
Your doctor will decide if you need testing, based on the following criteria:
- If you have returned from overseas in the 14 days before you felt unwell
- If you have been a close or casual contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case in the 14 days before you felt unwell
- If you have a fever or acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat) with or without fever
- If you have a severe community-acquired pneumonia and no other obvious cause, with or without recent international travel
- If you are a healthcare worker with direct patient contact and have a fever (higher than 37.5 degrees) and an acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat)
The guidelines for testing are being regularly updated as the spread of the virus changes in Australia.
What is the test for COVID-19?
The COVID-19 test can be ordered by a specialist coronavirus clinic, your local GP or a hospital emergency department.
Testing methods may include a blood test, a swab test inside your nose or in the back of your throat, or a sputum test, which examines a mix of saliva and mucus.
Your questions on coronavirus answered:
How do I avoid getting coronavirus?
The best way to avoid catching coronavirus from touching a contaminated surface is to
wash your hands properly and avoid touching your face.
You should also wash your hands:
- After you use the bathroom
- After you cough or sneeze
- After taking public transport
- Before eating and preparing food
- After touching animals
- When caring for someone who is sick
If you need to cough, you should cough into your elbow or into a tissue and dispose of it straight away.