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Dinesh is a fucker lah. PAP should not even pay a cent of taxpayers money to his ah neh mother.
Dinesh is a fucker lah. PAP should not even pay a cent of taxpayers money to his ah neh mother.
those aren't assumptions but estimations from his criminal past and behavior.
Mind you yourself are making an assumption that he will correct himself but from the looks of things i have a better chance of saying he is incorrigible.
Who cares if there are big or small members? You do the crime you do the time. You're going off tangent here and there talking about big or small time ss members. There are big time ss bosses that don't commit any crimes and there are small time ss members that commit violent crimes and of course there are ppl not even in ss that commit violent crimes what does one's rank have to do with the punishment. You're just blindly shooting off hundreds of rounds making sure one will hit.
I didn't assume and i gave a couple of scenerios that could have instigated him. I mentioned maybe the warden said something to him in which case it's stupid if he got provoked. I then asked you guys under what circumstances can a warden or a police officer since most of us have not been inside a jail cell so a police officer would be a better analogy could provoke a person to attack him? I then decided ok maybe the wardens decided to rape him. Now that is a great cause for someone to attack the wardens but everyone knows that is just BS.
The worst thing about some pro dinesh ppl in here is that they are trying to make this an anti PAP thing and call those that support dinesh getting his due punishment pap dogs what a joke you buggers are. There is nothing political about this thread and dinesh isn't some type of anti pap freedom type of political prisoner he's just a low life gangster trust you to bring politics into the picture to try and make it seem that those that support the judgement are pro pappy dogs.![]()
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply?
So, it should be guilty until proven innocent? Well, if that's your stance, the PAP is just perfect for you.
You assume the worst in others and take that as the truth while I work on the basis of fact. I ain't shooting wildly.
The fact is that the inmate died. What happened? The coroner inquiry could have revealed that. But it was shut down. Why? The perpetrator was given a slap in the wrist sentence. Is that justice? Well, it may be for you but for many who value a just society for all, it is not.
The PAP runs the country ...it treats sinkees arbitrarily ...for the death of this inmate, the perpetrator gets a $10k fine which is a slap in the wrist sentence. Why is the government shutting down the coroner inquiry? Something to hide. Why should the death of this sinkee be treated lightly and brushed off? If they can do this, why can't they do this again to political detainees?
So, there is a political implication to this.
No shit the PAP runs the country but the fact of the matter is it has nothing to do with politics. Might as well you go the entire gamut and talk about corruption in HDB, in banks, in hiring practices, in letting in foreigners, in preferential treatment for certain people etc.
No the fact of the matter is by bringing in the PAP you are trying to illicit some type of response from ppl which is just plain low down. Like those that support dinesh death = pro pappy dogs and you are some sort of anti pap freedom fighter.Rubbish.
The coroner inquiry could have revealed that. But it was shut down. Why? The perpetrator was given a slap in the wrist sentence. Is that justice? Well, it may be for you but for many who value a just society for all, it is not.
The PAP runs the country ...it treats sinkees arbitrarily ...for the death of this inmate, the perpetrator gets a $10k fine which is a slap in the wrist sentence. Why is the government shutting down the coroner inquiry? Something to hide. Why should the death of this sinkee be treated lightly and brushed off? If they can do this, why can't they do this again to political detainees?
So, there is a political implication to this.
The law should be applied fairly. We are supposed to be a developed country, yet we have a government that condones the variable application of the law. The death of an inmate is deemed acceptable while the death of an angmo gets a long full-blown coroner inquiry.
That's why we need a political change to bring in true democracy, not one that the government can suka suka kill anyone it pleases.
If you support the summary killing of a person, you buy into the PAP's philosophy that they are above the law and do as they please. That's a fact, not rubbish.
I want to ask you something. You admit that the pap runs singapore. ok. Therefore they could have simply changed the contents of the coroner's inquiry or simply get the coroner to write whatever they please correct? Therefore what's the point of having the inquiry? In fact i am very certain you would have come to this conclusion had the inquiry been released the fact of the matter is you just simply want to choose what u want to believe in and even worse make it sound factual.
Why you take everything the PAP press print as truth? I didn't say the government intended to kill him but the abuse of inmates is tolerated and in this case, it went to far, resulting in a death. Is this unfortunate or deliberate? While you consider it unfortunate, I consider it an abuse and I believe that no one should be above the law, including prison officers. Yet, the light sentence given to the perpetrator suggests something is amiss.Stop making up shit la. What death of an inmate is acceptable? He died due to unfortunate circumstances and death of which ang moh? Show the names at least.Ok why would the govt want to kill dinesh? Pray tell why do they want him dead? Being an incorrigible gangster usually wouldn't warrant his death since there are plenty of them in singapore. So state a motive. Was dinesh going to effect a regime change in singapore?
So, he died naturally ah? The inmate was subjected to some form of abuse and he died. It could be unintentional but surely, the prison officers that abused him had to be aware that their actions could result in death. So, you can close an eye to it just because he is an inmate and you decided that he was the scum of the earth?Don't make up rubbish la. What support summary killing? It's the unfortunate or in this case fortunate death of a scum of society. He certainly wasn't killed.
He was paying his dues in prison. His punishment was imprison, NOT to the subject of abuse and consequently death.WTF are you talking about? We're basing it on his criminal behavior. This fucker is alreadt guilty as charged that is why he is in prison. You're just making up rubbish.
By your own logic, a thief would end up a murderer then.Of course you are shooting wildly. I don't assume anything at all. Here's someone that even had his own mother take out a PPO against him. These aren't assumptions but facts you're just making up nonsense with no basis whatsoever that he will correct himself when you don't have any evidence to prove so. You're the one full of BS and the worst thing is you lie that you work in facts.![]()
It is justice ...a death = $10k ...I don't think that is a fair exchange. You support harsh punishment for crime, so why are you inconsistent in this regard?WTF is this shit? Who are you to even determine the level of punishment? Following your logic we can all agree the editor that killed the cyclist and just got a fine and the numerous cases all got a slap on the wrist sentence right? Is that right? Why not you fight for all of them?
Stop the bs excuse of 'unforseen circumstances'. When those prison guards decide to abuse that inmate, they should have known better that it could get out of hand and someone getting hurt or die. That's not unforseen. This to me is as good as second degree murder. Did they didn't even bother to put a manslaughter charge on the perpetrators?The inmate died but it was due to unforseen circumstances not that he was deliberately killed. Why not you use this type of logic and get rid of the manslaughter charge. There are different charges for a person getting killed whether it was by accident, unintentional or with intent why not you just argue hey the fact is the person just died.![]()
It is political ...if you want to support the PAP on this one where they chose to protect the culprits and swept the facts under the carpet, then you are as good as a PAPpy. Be consistent lah. I don't mind you are a PAPpy.Still sickening for you to try and make this into some sort of political thread.
Having a coroner inquiry at least would require the government to have to do more to cover up. There will be cross-examination and witnesses testifying in court. And a slip-up is more likely as well. That's the point.
I operate on fact, not just swallowing everything that the PAP press spews out. The fact is that an inmate died in prison. How he died remains an unanswered question which a coroner inquiry would shed more light. In the case of the Shane Todd, the government didn't take the cops' finding as final. There was still an open court coroner inquiry. So, why the change in approach in the case of the inmate?
Why you take everything the PAP press print as truth? I didn't say the government intended to kill him but the abuse of inmates is tolerated and in this case, it went to far, resulting in a death. Is this unfortunate or deliberate? While you consider it unfortunate, I consider it an abuse and I believe that no one should be above the law, including prison officers. Yet, the light sentence given to the perpetrator suggests something is amiss.
So, he died naturally ah? The inmate was subjected to some form of abuse and he died. It could be unintentional but surely, the prison officers that abused him had to be aware that their actions could result in death. So, you can close an eye to it just because he is an inmate and you decided that he was the scum of the earth?
He was paying his dues in prison. His punishment was imprison, NOT to the subject of abuse and consequently death.
By your own logic, a thief would end up a murderer then.What crap is that?
It is justice ...a death = $10k ...I don't think that is a fair exchange. You support harsh punishment for crime, so why are you inconsistent in this regard?
I am for all drivers who kill someone on the road to receive harsher sentences. A fine is just a slap on the wrist.
Stop the bs excuse of 'unforseen circumstances'. When those prison guards decide to abuse that inmate, they should have known better that it could get out of hand and someone getting hurt or die. That's not unforseen. This to me is as good as second degree murder. Did they didn't even bother to put a manslaughter charge on the perpetrators?
It is political ...if you want to support the PAP on this one where they chose to protect the culprits and swept the facts under the carpet, then you are as good as a PAPpy. Be consistent lah. I don't mind you are a PAPpy.
A ah men's death generate so much interest? Sinkees got nothing better to do.
A ah men's death generate so much interest? Sinkees got nothing better to do.
evidently everything wrong is pap fault ...yes that is wat some ppl here feel. no doubt pap is far from perfect but anything negative is pap is abit extreme. there is no dispute that he attacked the warden n he was subdued. govt acknowledged action was overdone n punished the warden...wat else to appease the deceased side n the mob here ? home affairs minister to quit perhaps ?
dinesh was in the cooler bcos he committed a crime n he was subdued bcos he attacked a warden ...u dont do that in a prison. y he attacked the warden bcos he doolan he was deprived of yard time which was bcos he committed another offense. that sjows something isnt it ? that dinesh is not a goodie boy despite being in prison.
u guys noe well in army....maybe he thio marked liao bcos of his antics but ask y he thio marked...wat did he do ? if he has been behaving...there r so mny inmates in changi resort....child molestors rapist swindlers they dont get marked ? how cum we dun hear they get whacked ?
I can also bet if dinesh wasn't a keling but a chinese fewer ppl would have been dulan about it. These assholes feeling for a shit skin criminal.
Oh! you are a pappy dog!! According to some ppl here.![]()
I am race-blind on this. Even if you were the victim, I would not have stood my ground on this. How can we demand for democratic rights when we condone the abuse of inmates and their death as a consequence? We can't pick and choose who is entitled to rights. It is for all or for none.
Anyone who is against Dinesh is PAP dog!