Dear sis LaMei,
As for troublemaker clone, well that clone has revealed my PERSONAL SMS that I sent to lockeliberal too. Well I guess that clone must be a total genius, out of 26^160 different SMS text combinations, he managed to guess correct precisely which text combination I sent to locke. 26^160 is more than the number of neutrinos in the universe.
Bapok you looking for me issit
WTF you want!
My dear knight...
all we can say..someone is very anxious to show he is connected to those clones through his own series of unfortunate conincidences :-)
Dear Porifirio
The man has gone to JAIL on a few occasions along with Dr Chee and others. He may not have been sued as he might have been a bankrupt , but then again he has gone to JAIL. That must count for a lot
CSJ is a bankrupt but still being sued by Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong.
Known critics like Robert Ho and Gopalan Nair have been taken to task for their blog posts but not this Yap Keng Ho who is constantly attacking LKY as old dog thief.
Yap goes to jail not alone but comes out praising prison authorities while all the others condemn the treatment!!
Hey all, my first time...I just felt i had to make my little opinion heard.
I think Yap and GMS are clowns. Really man......
Yap seems to breed on hatred and spares little thought for consequences. Stay an activist pls, don't ever contest. While many Singaporeans are grappling with daily bread n butter issues, this is what you do.
GMS is petty and does a lot of name calling. WP can do without that. You were in the WP team contesting Aljunied, right? Now that I know you better, I'm gonna think twice if you are ever in that team again. I still think you are a friendly guy in your Jubilee PC shop though.
CSJ is another clown. His podcasts, speeches and articles always mention how he would continue to "fight for Singaporeans". He can't really gauge public sentiment, huh. Hasn't he seen that in the consistent low number of votes garnered in every election? If people want democracy, they vote Anwar. Singaporeans wants democracy, do they vote CSJ? NO.
The proper way would be to enter parliament and grow from there. But it would never happen for CSJ. Never, never ever.
Don't talking about Wuchang revolution. The parellels cannot be drawn here. China was under severe oppression for hundreds of years, country selling itself out to foreigners and the population is in poverty. It's easy to spark a fire and start a mass movement the country over but in Singapore, we haven't come to that stage yet. Just look at Msia, the people's unhappiness with BN is more than just skin deep, it runs to the bones. 51 years of their rule is enough and look where championing malay rights has brought them. Singapore, we haven't come to that stage yet.
Hitler gained power because he preached hatred at the right time. Yap? Just preaches hatred at all the wrong times.
Thanks for reading.
Dear sis LaMei,
Who was the one with glaring revelations about The Active Citizens (not that I really care anyway)? Please do note that lockeliberal is on my Ignore List and my browser does not display his posts. In this whole thread I have no clue what he has written apart from a few quotes others have quoted when replying to him.
As for troublemaker clone, well that clone has revealed my PERSONAL SMS that I sent to lockeliberal too. Well I guess that clone must be a total genius, out of 26^160 different SMS text combinations, he managed to guess correct precisely which text combination I sent to locke. 26^160 is more than the number of neutrinos in the universe.
My dear knight...
all we can say..someone is very anxious to show he is connected to those clones through his own series of unfortunate conincidences :-)
Dear Porifirio
The man has gone to JAIL on a few occasions along with Dr Chee and others. He may not have been sued as he might have been a bankrupt , but then again he has gone to JAIL. That must count for a lot
Dear Porifirio
He may not have been sued as he might have been a bankrupt ,
What happened ? Accusing him of "stealing the limelight" did not work ? Are u trying to "anwar" him by throwing all sorts of accusations until one sticks ?
Dear One
Well he has gone to jail with Dr Chee more than once I must say. He has helped JBJ as much as he could and how do u know activists are distancing themselves from him ? He helps as much as he can. If Ejay CTL or La Mei are not SDP members one could also accuse them of gate crashing SDP events could you not ? Ok question if U Yap is a gate crasher then errr what does that make the individuals stated above if they are also not SDP members as far as I know.
WP and NSP and SPP might be to tame for Uncle Yap. He is the heck care and go to jail type and not the care and cry or change t shirt type. His hunger protest failed, so what ? He tried and it failed just as Dr Chee tried and failed.
Dear One
Honestly I can't understand your need to do an "anwar" or to disparage a man's aims or to discredit, even if you disagree with his methods. You speak as if you come from within the SDP so I will thus treat you as such.
He gets 'jailed' with others but comes out praising the prison authorities. One wonders the type of treatment agent provocateur Yap gets inside!!
Hi E-Jay,
I don't expect all to agree with my postings, I am doing in certain ways some are deliberately made unacceptable by some people indeed.
I adopt lots of Chinese / Taiwanese political culture, and I don't consider to get westernized values to appreciate what I am doing. In the past I might had been more general and made things more approachable by commoner or local peasants.
At this moment, I want to pound harder, and consider less. This is the atmosphere for this season.It may later change again. :p
It is a battle and we some time will step on the foot or our own friends in a battle that does not mean that we are enemies.![]()
It is for the people here to judge. I am very motivated and trying to discourage me is not possible with your skill.
Effectiveness is something both LEEgime & myself can feel it very clearly and doubtlessly.