Hi E-Jay,
I don't expect all to agree with my postings, I am doing in certain ways some are deliberately made unacceptable by some people indeed.
I adopt lots of Chinese / Taiwanese political culture, and I don't consider to get westernized values to appreciate what I am doing. In the past I might had been more general and made things more approachable by commoner or local peasants.
At this moment, I want to pound harder, and consider less. This is the atmosphere for this season.

It may later change again. :p
It is a battle and we some time will step on the foot or our own friends in a battle that does not mean that we are enemies.
I can no longer stand it that SDP have so much petty considerations, almost like standing as nanny to baby-sit the activists. We are fighting the thugs and I don't believe in trying to look like a saint while doing this. I want the thugs to know clearly that I am no saint and can become a beast to cannibalize them when necessary. Too hypocritical I feel to have to maintain a noble stand or nice image, these things reminds me only of LEEgime's falsehood.
I made these observations for more than 20 years since Mr. JBJ 1st won Anson & old dog thief LKy started fixing him. Noble saints type like Mr. JBJ will only continue to be bullied by thug LKy. I decided that when I come out to fight, I promise that won't be a saint. I want the table to turn around 180 degrees.
When Dr CSJ got sued and kicked out of NUS he still remained compliance to LEEgime's rules. I saw that and felt he was going to be another noble victim for LKy to fix. I came out to help him in 2004 and in GE2006, he turned harder and fight with civil disobedience, however that is only a 90 degree turn. When old dog thief crapped out that same defamation shit out of his lame ass, Dr CSJ only refused to apologize but he let his CEC members apologized. The law suit ended up too little damage to famiLEE LEEgime and the small damages are not in time of GE2006, famiLEE buy time and dodged from NKF fire. WASTED! :(
It will take more aggressiveness to fix LKy than this. Standing on noble platforms will not help this. The civil disobedience is still not at an ideal balance. Fortunately, SDP is not relying just on the democratic electoral platform, otherwise when Dr. CSJ reached Mr. JBJ's age, he will still be bankrupt and all his members will also be disqualified from GE and LKy's Ass Loong son will still rule on in his father's way.
Effectively the civil disobedience route cut the lifespan of famiLEE LEEgime down by at least half, but this is still less than adequate to me especially. Singaporean civil disobedience is still too soft, even comparing with Malaysia. famiLEE LEEgime is a very weak opponent and very dumb. LKy is a pussy and a very soft one! :p

We don't have to give them so much time and chances.
On silver platters famiLEE had delivered lots of golden opportunities for us to strike them down. Why are we giving them feather touch instead of lethal blows?
It had been all wrong that many of our reformist used a local standard to measure LKy and his LEEgime. Petty Kia-Su considerations and Kia-Si attitude had been applied by those fighting the LEEgime's lame bastards. The activist nanny policy is also a byproduct of this nanny state indeed.

Please apply the world's standard on red dot!
It had already been years and it is time for our activists to be hardened and stop being babies.

famiLEE LEEgime is the baby, lets take care of it!