1) ain't it the same for JBJ and CSJ who were constantly portrayed as firebrand but are actually quite warm and friendly in person?
In this context, it refers to Mr Anwar and I do not see the reason for bringing in other people; for that matter, I know more than 3 politicians who are mild-mannered firebrands and don't think it makes sense to produce an entire list every time I describe one person.
2) sad isn't it, that besides offering condolenses to WP ex-SG, they do not seem to have anything else to offer or nothing in common to reciprocrate the support and sympathy to WP..sad isn't it that this same group of opposition members do not expressed support and sympathy over the many trials faced by oppositions members and activists who are up against the ruling party in SG just like DAP is up against BN.
Any article would highlight certain aspects and not a penning of minutes via verbatim; more were said in various conversations than what was written.
3) Fruitful and insightful will only be useful if it is put into good use, therefore, I sincerely wish that after this WP's expedition, Singaporeans could see the rising of a more vocal opposition from a silent one.
Such a trip can be for learning about Malaysia politics for our own interest rather than learn what is applicable in Singapore politics. Politically-interested Singaporeans do show interest in international politics like latest happenings in US, Thailand or Taiwan, regardless of whether it concerns Singapore. Also, "vocal" or not "opposition" was not in the cards of any conversation.