WOW!!! I truly cannot believe this. 5 pages of posts and you are as clueless as ever.
Such is your intelligence, ego and delusions of humility, that you still think this thread is about you. A perceived attack on your dad became, in your own deluded, limited mind, an attack on you. Before that, NO ONE knows you even exist and for the matter, NO ONE gives a damn now about you or your lifestyle.
In your own little world, everything revolves around you, but here's a little tip to expand your mind... this thread is about the Lees and your dad. You are a nobody as far as we are concerned. The only reason why you have a chance to bore us about your lifestyle is because of your dad. Please grow up.
There is no need for us to go into the conveyancing or talk about your dad's character. Your imbecilic posts reveal far more about your family and do them far more damage than any of us could ever manage. Well done sister.