Christians and Muslim are of the same Aramaic roots but branch out to conveniently cater to the higher educated and middle range and the more primitive minds.
Same like Buddhism there's Mahāyāna which is 大乘佛法 has deep esoteric studies for manifesting, visualising and creation works you become Bomohs/High Priest/ Healers/Spiritual Masters/Adepts or Ashura status and there is simple Hinayana Buddhism which is 小乘佛法 for the common folks no need studies just pray and gives 'offerings' asking for protection.
Esoteric or Energy/Vibration/Chakras/Chi or
'Nature' studies is the highest and hardest to balance and acquire it means Oneness and Unity within diversities.
Next is
Love ie what Christians base on and last but not least is Fear based. Like this Covid episode if everyone are like SamBoss this entire Covid scare will not work.
1. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a
specialized knowledge (High IQ or at least, higher educations) or interest.
"esoteric philosophical debates"
Religions or Spiritual knowledge are suppose to be 'enlightening' but because since history we alter the scriptures to our own needs and later become politicized and now they're mainly instruments used to control the masses and for creating separations to create wars among our people it's just Dogmas.
In truth it's mind over matter and not the other way around though this is a very focused 3rd density experienced the basis or core is still energy is still Consciousness. Matter is an illusion hence the saying nothing was ever really created there was nothing in the beginning how can anything be created.
Also you've heard 'Energy' cannot be created or destroy why ? */hint because it was not real in the first place just an illusion.
Everything is connected to everything else just like in a computer programme hence when you sneeze the farthest Star moved is actually truth. What you have not fathom or grasp is 'Infinity'.
intelligent infinity.
Ra: Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being “Logos” or “Love.” The Creator is the focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us as closely as we can create understanding/learning in your language, intelligent infinity.