How do I make sense of what you said here? No compulsion but fear a father who is strict in punishment. One this 1 point alone, I cannot follow already.
Ok lah. To be precise, i chose to believe in the Creator. So i have to try my best to belief in wat he commanded me to do. I know this isnt wat u are looking for. U want to be free .... to chose wat u like or dislike. Tats where we differ.
I don't think you understand my point. The hygiene is good. But it is not the practice. It is the pride. If you care to go back to previous post, I explain why this ends up in prideful and prejudiced Muslims. Not bad behaviour Muslims. Since when I say bad behaviour?
For me washing hands, bathing in the all about good hygiene. Its good for my health. Maybe i put it wrongly. So i dont have to be proud and start criticising others who dont practise such. Its only now...with the covid 19, then we appreciate practising good hygiene. And why not since practise make perfect.
eating glass is not something to experiement with on your own. I am happy to not prove this to myself.
Like tat how to prove to u the existence of invisible force? U claimed not to believe in jinn, no? Ok....i will try to speak to Pak Man to exempt u from taking glasses. Just the dancing alone would do. U cant lie to urself if u see urself dancing simultaneously with the music.U may ask urself since when u know dancing kuda kepang. So good enough to prove the existence of Jinn? I mean how else can i convince u? U need to experiment it urself. Right?
There are people who will obey a command to kill just because someone says so. No reason. That is what's trained in the military. Humans do this all the time. If whether government or religious leaders do it makes no difference to me. Your own complaint about US going to the ME. Do you really think all these people want to leave their home and family because they want to kill Muslims? No. I find it that humans kill for no reason very easily.
Soldiers are trained to kill in battle ground. Tats ur profession. Unless u join the orthodox jews or JW. They wont carry arms. Sure go detention. But in Islam, we are specifically told to only retaliate on self defence.
Like minded people influence each other. All the people you mentioned including atheists can be religious too. But their religion is whatever they choose. And what does terrorism have to do with our discussion?
I just happened to mentioned terrorism. Not to u but specifically so sm people here who always refer islam as a terrorist religion. U know who they are.
I don't follow MSM and I don't say that Muslims have bad behaviour and I don't reject the creator. am I not clear in what I write? And since when did mention terrorism?
Let me try again. I say only two things hopefully it becomes clearer.
1) Compulsion and fear are not how I choose to lead my life. They are also not elements of what I choose follow. Nor do I expect people around me to be compelled and fearful. If I know that someone is following me out of fear, I will be very sad. You have said that you fear a strict father. I acknowledge, understand and agree with you, but I won't follow you in fearing a strict father. I will walk away from this person.
2) Following a religion (in your case Islam) is a road to pride and prejudice. For you to be religious pride and prejudice are necessary.
those are my points. no terror, no bad behaviour, nothing specific to Islam.
I suppose everyone have their pride and prejudice. U also admitted u are one. Tats why u dont see the necessity to refer the Quran. U cant equate the Creator with a human. God is perfect. Not human. Human is just HIS creation. I guess u wont accept it.