It's already proven in dna. Humans are not that much different from apes and even pigs.
LOL! Tere r scientists who had proven n rejected Darwin's theory.
It's already proven in dna. Humans are not that much different from apes and even pigs.
Currently overwhelming number of scientist believes in it's taught in schools.LOL! Tere r scientists who had proven n rejected Darwin's theory.
Currently overwhelming number of scientist believes in it's taught in schools.
Tat should be the way. We can tcss, discuss tampa maki Tuhan, Rasool, Kitab etc. End of the day is not about winning or losing. Just gain some knowledge cukup leow.
Again, sorry if I cause offence, but this is exactly where the pride and the prejudice comes in. Every single Muslim I have met always mentions hygiene to me. I personally think hygiene is wonderful. Teaching hygiene also wonderful. No problems here. The 1st step is to be good : practise hygiene. Then comes the 2nd step. I am proud to be clean/suci. My entire family and all my fellow Muslims are clean and hygienic. Then 3rd step is that it becomes prejudice. Other religions don't practice this hygiene, they are dirty pigs. Eventually step 4 ultimately becomes hapuskan binatang ni yang tak ikut pelajaran betul dan tepat. (slaughter all these unclean animals that don't follow good and righteous practice). This is why I say good is better than right. Goodness stops at step 1. Rightness can lead people to step 4. Not everyone will go there, but 10-15% is what usually happens and that's enough to wreck everyone's day. But what's worse is that 50%+ will reach step 3. That number is too high for me to accept.Lets talk about hygiene. Tons of them mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. Its good for mankind. Dont u tink so? But not everyone follows, no? Washing hands? Muslims doing tat 5 times a day. It could have been 50 times a day had not the Prophet appeal it to be reduced to 5 times. Tat also not all Muslims zakat, alms? Yes...its compulsory 2.5% on harta, Fitrah and sedakah to all mankind. Its good dont u tink so? If teres no such command, all the muslims will be hoarding their money and whos going to help the poor? I can name u tons and tons of hukum meted out by the Creator which the end results are good for it physically or spiritually. U mentioned sleep being controlled? How is it?
Thank you for the offer. Will consider it. give me some months to research what I can first. A lot of this stuff you mentioned in this paragraph is difficult for me to verify one way or another. If I cannot satisfy my own reasoning, even if you tell me 1000x I cannot take it seriously.Why are we created? Following are the verses:
“And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play.
We created them not except with truth (i.e. to examine and test those who are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient ones and punish the disobedient ones), but most of them know not” [al-Dukhaan 44:38]
To me i believe in God, his Book and the Prophets. Of course we can start asking ourselves why God commanded us to do this and tat. Does it make on and so forth. Watever God commanded us to do certain thing, teres reasons behind it. HE already made it very clear to u and I tat we will be tested in this world. HE even made clear HE dont need us but we need HIM. We are given senses. Use it wisely. As for shaytan or Jinn.....i love to quote the example of kudang kepang. U ever watch it especially during Malay wedding ceremony. Ever see how the performers in a trance, eating glasses and grasses? Of course skeptics would say ni semua bedek. I suppose u need to be possessed then u would believe. I can bring u to witness one? U can test it urself? I will video tape u as evidence. After the whole "play" is over, u can watch it urself and i hope u can ask me how come u are eating glasses and grasses without getting hurt or cuts in ur mouth. PM me if u dare take the challenge. I dont always meet people from this forum. Red carpet for u.MUIS banned it. I may have to take u to Msia or Indon.
If only what you say were so simple then it would be easy. Black and white has no traceable verifications. I apologize for the apparent disrespect, but I have to state my case. Just a whole bunch of eloquently written stuff that feels right. I can verify that if I set fire to something, and it burns, I will have what ash remaining. Exactly, repeatably and without doubt. There are bones and DNA from our ancestors who bridge some of the genetic gaps to chimpanzees. Their DNA is tested and will test 96% the same no matter how many times you do it. It will also prove that Southern Chinese are migrants out of South East Asia who originally migrated through India. In other words a Malay is in genetic terms and older brother of a Southern Chinese and an Indian and older brother to a Malay. Sidetrack, but that's why I feel all this racism is so pointless. We are all verifiably and definitely related. Not 2 generations ago, but maybe 20-50.Aaaahhh.....created from nothingness? U believe in tat? But u dont believe the Creator? Latter told u black and white in the scripture but u rejected it whereas the former didnt show u any proof yet u believe?
For pride explanation, see above and yes as I mentioned that is why I have a problem no matter which group you belong to. Believe it or not, I am not proud to reject anything. In fact, it makes me sad. First of all, it makes me sad because I have to discount something. I like to believe. It's a happy thing for me to do so. Discounting someone and rejecting their ideas is not natural to me. I do it because I have no other reasonable choice. Yes, every time I reply to you, I feel sad to stand contrary to your belief, but I do so because I believe it is the right thing to do. Secondly, I have mentioned that I have been subject to some wonderful things in this life. Since I cannot prove it, I will keep quiet because it does not meet the standard of proof I demand. But I cannot deny it happened and I experienced it. So in this situation, I am forced to just share my experience, but be ready that people will laugh at me and say that I am talking BS.Yes. I am proud to be a Muslim. I am sure xtians also proud to believe in xtianity though latter not found in the bible. Just like u also proud in rejecting the existence of Allah azzawajal, no? So its the norm for believers to be proud of their beliefs.![]()
that one not my point. I don't know enough about Quran to know whether it contains science or not so I diam diam.Quran does not reject science. So much evidence found in the Quran. So i am not surprise scientist will slowly cm to term with the Quran (n embrace Islam) when they realise wat they r studyg or discover can actually be found in the Quran. Subhanallah!![]()
mixing usually creates a better world!Quran mix with Confucius and will make the better world!
bro. sorry for any offence the following statement may cause. the moment you say no compulsion in religion is straightaway habis. There is compulsion in religion. Religion is be definition compulsion to behave in a certain manner. First of all, you are compelled to follow and to fear. If you do not follow and fear, you will lose access to heaven.
Again, sorry if I cause offence, but this is exactly where the pride and the prejudice comes in. Every single Muslim I have met always mentions hygiene to me. I personally think hygiene is wonderful. Teaching hygiene also wonderful. No problems here. The 1st step is to be good : practise hygiene. Then comes the 2nd step. I am proud to be clean/suci. My entire family and all my fellow Muslims are clean and hygienic. Then 3rd step is that it becomes prejudice. Other religions don't practice this hygiene, they are dirty pigs. Eventually step 4 ultimately becomes hapuskan binatang ni yang tak ikut pelajaran betul dan tepat. (slaughter all these unclean animals that don't follow good and righteous practice). This is why I say good is better than right. Goodness stops at step 1. Rightness can lead people to step 4. Not everyone will go there, but 10-15% is what usually happens and that's enough to wreck everyone's day. But what's worse is that 50%+ will reach step 3. That number is too high for me to accept.
That's why I ketawa when you say pride and prejudice. I can give you countless examples of this behaviour. Not just limited to your religion. Can be any school of thought. But applicable in Islam case because I am talking to you about Islam.
Thank you for the offer. Will consider it. give me some months to research what I can first. A lot of this stuff you mentioned in this paragraph is difficult for me to verify one way or another. If I cannot satisfy my own reasoning, even if you tell me 1000x I cannot take it seriously.
You quote the chapter, I know I have quoted too, but I cannot say who wrote and worst of all, it doesn't make sense to me. It is an instruction to surrender your free will. It's one of the few things that we are born with. I cannot just give it away. What happens if we are commanded to kill without reason then by our leaders? Follow? Disobey? This very quote is the definition of compulsion. How do you refuse if your religious leaders tell you to eat / don't eat pork?
If only what you say were so simple then it would be easy. Black and white has no traceable verifications. I apologize for the apparent disrespect, but I have to state my case. Just a whole bunch of eloquently written stuff that feels right. I can verify that if I set fire to something, and it burns, I will have what ash remaining. Exactly, repeatably and without doubt. There are bones and DNA from our ancestors who bridge some of the genetic gaps to chimpanzees. Their DNA is tested and will test 96% the same no matter how many times you do it. It will also prove that Southern Chinese are migrants out of South East Asia who originally migrated through India. In other words a Malay is in genetic terms and older brother of a Southern Chinese and an Indian and older brother to a Malay. Sidetrack, but that's why I feel all this racism is so pointless. We are all verifiably and definitely related. Not 2 generations ago, but maybe 20-50.
The age of this planet can be verified and compared with your age and the age of the fruit on your table. It can be tested time and time again with the exact same test and it will show consistent results. How to disprove this? I cannot. Whereas the other is a book of trust me.
For pride explanation, see above and yes as I mentioned that is why I have a problem no matter which group you belong to. Believe it or not, I am not proud to reject anything. In fact, it makes me sad. First of all, it makes me sad because I have to discount something. I like to believe. It's a happy thing for me to do so. Discounting someone and rejecting their ideas is not natural to me. I do it because I have no other reasonable choice. Yes, every time I reply to you, I feel sad to stand contrary to your belief, but I do so because I believe it is the right thing to do. Secondly, I have mentioned that I have been subject to some wonderful things in this life. Since I cannot prove it, I will keep quiet because it does not meet the standard of proof I demand. But I cannot deny it happened and I experienced it. So in this situation, I am forced to just share my experience, but be ready that people will laugh at me and say that I am talking BS.
hmmm.... I ask you. Do you feel that you are talking to someone proud when you talk to me? or that I am just very certain of my thoughts? Some people call me sombong because I am sure of my thoughts. But I take no joy in proving someone wrong. Even when I have to argue about China to pro-CCP people. I just don't wish to see people suffering under false truths.
that one not my point. I don't know enough about Quran to know whether it contains science or not so I diam diam.
Currently overwhelming number of scientist believes in it's taught in schools.
How do I make sense of what you said here? No compulsion but fear a father who is strict in punishment. One this 1 point alone, I cannot follow already.Wat i meant was the Quran explicitely stated teres no compulsion in religion. But if i embrace Islam, i would try my best to practise wat is being taught in the scripture. I believe in the existence of the Creator. So definitely i fear HIM. Just like if ur father is very strict in punishment, u will fear him to, no?
I don't think you understand my point. The hygiene is good. But it is not the practice. It is the pride. If you care to go back to previous post, I explain why this ends up in prideful and prejudiced Muslims. Not bad behaviour Muslims. Since when I say bad behaviour?If everyone practise hygiene, maybe spread of virus may be minimise. Just my opinion. I seen many times ah pek uncle after doing their personal business, just exit the toilet without washing their hands. Very unhygienic right? As far as pork is concerned, the Quran never state it had to be destroyed. We were told to avoid destroying plants and trees. Wat more living animals? Only when we are acting in self defence, then we allow to kill. We kill animals to survive. Not for sports. No one race is perfect. But when we see the above toilet scenario, we just cant help it...need to comment. Bad behaviour of course is discourage. Maybe u can quote me some verses where the Quran encourage bad behaviour?
eating glass is not something to experiement with on your own. I am happy to not prove this to myself.The only way to satisfy ur curiosity is first hand experience, no? Example if i demonstrate to u how a kris can float and fly back to its sheath which i am holding. U saw it own two eyes. But u can always claim it BS. Silap mata. Illusion. Same like kuda kepang. I can be one of the performers. U can say i am trained to eat glasses, no? So best is u try it out urself? I will jamin u will be in safe hands. No worry. U wont be hurt. So after the performance, u can see for urself wat u actually had done during the short performance. Where those power came from? How come u able eat glasses? How come i was wiped and yet no pain? Of course i have the answer. But u wont believe unless u try it out urself. OK, bro?
There are people who will obey a command to kill just because someone says so. No reason. That is what's trained in the military. Humans do this all the time. If whether government or religious leaders do it makes no difference to me. Your own complaint about US going to the ME. Do you really think all these people want to leave their home and family because they want to kill Muslims? No. I find it that humans kill for no reason very easily.If teres war, u will also be commanded to kill, no? As for commanded to kill with no reasons? Any example? And why should u obey? Unless u work in the intelligence dept or some kind of security dept. As for pork, its not permissable as stated in the Quran. We abide by it. No issue since i am a Muslim. And for health benefits too.
Like minded people influence each other. All the people you mentioned including atheists can be religious too. But their religion is whatever they choose. And what does terrorism have to do with our discussion?Evidence? Watever u see around us have his origin, no? U called it cells. But when i asked u where the cells come from, wats ur answer?So many things u see just appear from thin air? I find it hard to believe. Only the Creator have the power to create cells, planets etc etc. So many new discoveries by present scientists already mentioned in the Quran/Prophet. Tats why u can witness urself scholars, drs, scientists, historians, Mathematicians, atheist etc etc when browsing thru the Quran, had spoke positive of the Quran and most of them converted to Islam. Islam spread terrorism??? Gosh....
I don't follow MSM and I don't say that Muslims have bad behaviour and I don't reject the creator. am I not clear in what I write? And since when did mention terrorism?I had came across lost of converts from all nationalities/races. Their heart warming stories really touch me. They were very prejudice against Islam and the Prophet initially. But when Allah shower them the hidayah, they totally changed. Even at the expense of being driven out by their parents. I sympathise them. So if u disagree with me on every aspects pertaining to the Quran, i can understand. Its not ur faulth. Partly due to the main stream media, behaviour of the Muslims and ur very own belief i.e. rejection of the Creator.
mixing usually creates a better world!
No. The hui do not create problems. It's the han Chinese that kills people, ,mostly their own, by the tens of millions. And millions in South East Asia too killed by descendants of han Chinese. They wanted south east asian countries to be communist like their motherland. Just Cambodia alone more than a million were killed.U see those hui muslim who is mainly chinese! They never create troubles and murder peo! This is then call peaceful as they mix their quran teaching with Confucius! These will never allow outside hui community which is sad!
Just a 7min short vid. Tere are tons of scientific miracles mentoned in the Quran. Following just 10 for brief introduction. copy paste from bible ya
No. The hui do not create problems. It's the han Chinese that kills people, ,mostly their own, by the tens of millions. And millions in South East Asia too killed by descendants of han Chinese. They wanted south east asian countries to be communist like their motherland. Just Cambodia alone more than a million were killed.
Confucius himself was sent into exile by the king. He abandon his own family. He wrote on blocks of wood or bamboo.Why u divert again? Here is talking about muslim! Well, that is mao and it happen long ago! Confucius is from china!
the khmer rouge populated by han chinese?No. The hui do not create problems. It's the han Chinese that kills people, ,mostly their own, by the tens of millions. And millions in South East Asia too killed by descendants of han Chinese. They wanted south east asian countries to be communist like their motherland. Just Cambodia alone more than a million were killed.
Descendants yes. The leaders. Pol pot. Ieng Sary. And backed by CCP. Not just in Cambodia. The entire South East Asia communist party was backed by CCP.the khmer rouge populated by han chinese?
Confucius himself was sent into exile by the king. He abandon his own family. He wrote on blocks of wood or bamboo.
Looking at China, I think confucious teaching did not get very far. Only now its been peaceful after hundreds of years of never ending turmoil. Why would Muslims want to Indulge in more problems as they have enough on their hands Right now! Failed gahmen policies, dictatorship, sectarianism, violence, and the funny thing is, the more they refer to the Quran for solution,the worse it becomes.So! The whole muslim shld learn Confucius just like hui and become peaceful!
Looking at China, I think confucious teaching did not get very far. Only now its been peaceful after hundreds of years of never ending turmoil. Why would Muslims want to Indulge in more problems as they have enough on their hands Right now! Failed gahmen policies, dictatorship, sectarianism, violence, and the funny thing is, the more they refer to the Quran for solution,the worse it becomes.