thank you for discussing. I am grateful to have a discussion too without insults and vulgarities.

It's a nice change, because 99% of the time, moment you disagree with someone, it's all one big battle. I am no longer willing to fight people. Too much fighting in my youth... That's why I refuse to discuss with some people here. They have no peace and do not bring peace upon us during discussions. I find hate and anger very bitter. can taste it. Don't wish to be part of it.
Now that we have that settle above, I will state my counterpoint. You mention most religions teach us respect and behave decently. I'm not sure about that. I believe that most religions most of the time have stories inside that can teach us to respect and behave decently. Sometimes, they also have stories that do not. In most religious works I have come across at some point, objectionable behaviour is present. Usually it has to do with mistreatment of an "enemy group". Don't think of it as enemy of the field with parang, but enemy of ideology. A lot of the demons names in Abrahamic religions come from the names of gods of competing religions in the Middle East at that time. It's just that the Jews were more successful than the others. Can research if you can be bothered. Djinn is also a good example. Before Islam came to Arabia, Djinn were worshipped as guardian spirits of Arab tribes who if displeased were to be feared. After Islam many years later, they became incorporated in Islamic belief as hantu that can possess you. Another good example is that people who read bible usually have a poor opinion of Egyptians. They deserve to have every 1st born male taken away from them by the angel of death. If you look hard enough, every religion has stuff like this and I cannot agree with promoting hate.
Sorry to disagree with you here. First of all, Abe religions do control most every part of your life. What does a human do? Eat, sleep, procreate, work and worship. In Islam, what you eat is controlled. How you procreate and work is controlled. Worship is definitely non-negotiable as you have mentioned. Even sleep is controlled! I guess a better question is which part of your life is NOT controlled by religion.
Abrahamic (will be shortened to Abe) creation stories are verifiably false. We were not made in 1 week. Timescale is measured not in millennia which is how Abe religions measure our creation, but in billions (millions of millennia) of years. Evolution is well-documented and in the millions of years. You are 96% chimpanzee or a chimpanzee is 96% human whichever way you look at it. This is already one big problem with Abe religions in terms of facts. Another problem is mankind creation through Adam and Hawwa. I honestly like the Muslim version better than the Christian version, but in the end, what is the purpose of creating mankind for? To create an entire race of slaves? What god feel so small ah? Must non-negotiable pray xx times a day otherwise he will send you to hell [al-Muddaththir 74:42-43]? I find this quite perverse. Create something that MUST worship you otherwise they will be punished for eternity. As for me, if I do not believe in Abe religion, means I don't believe in satan/syaitan as well. Plus I've never met anyone like that in my whole life. Just good or bad people.
Maybe you should ask me this question : what is the universe created from. Thin air? No one knows well. But it was created largely from nothingness. Once you have the building blocks (elements) of this universe. Given enough time and the right conditions, Life is created. We are 1 planet in a mind-boggling sea of planets. Life will arise purely out of probability.
Perhaps the bigger question between our points of view still lies unanswered. You mention in a previous post that pride and prejudice are not part of religion. I say that it is the heart of religion. Without pride and prejudice and a few other reasons, religions will simply not exist. Islam if anything is one of the prouder religions.