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Chitchat Why Jamus Lim join Workers' Party ?


Jamus makes a new friend. :tongue:



Jamus went to Penang. :cool:

6h ·
The previous week, Chua Kheng Wee 蔡庆威 and I joined residents of #SengkangGRC for a three-day trip to Penang. The city—part of the former Straits Settlements—shares many similarities to Singapore; in addition to its island geography and colonial history, it also features high urban densities (with a plurality Chinese population) and places an emphasis on developing its human capital. It is also one of the places where there is a sizable Peranakan population, which is my own heritage.Some older of the older travelers in our group (including my Mom) tell me that the Penang of today reminds them of Singapore from a few decades ago. It’s certainly true that development has been comparatively slower for our cousins further north. But while incomes are lower, the town retains some of its charms from an earlier era. And parts of downtown area have evolved to embody a bohemian vibe and coffeeshop culture, which I personally appreciate. The hawker fare, in particular, is excellent, as I’m sure many who have been to the island will attest. #TeamSengkang



Jamus ramped up the frequency of house visits. :wink::eek::biggrin:

Jamus Lim

14h ·
This past week, we ramped up the frequency of our #TeamSengkang house visits, which allowed us to close out at 333C, along with wrapping up 333A and 339A #Anchorvale. We were also able to do our estate walk at the Harvest, Vista, and Village clusters, which we bundled with several refueling stops at the newly-opened Village complex.
Some of the folks we met were those that had previously come by our #SengkangGRC meet-the-people sessions, and whom we had tried to help in one way or another. Of course, there is little guarantee that the cases we assist with succeed. But some do, either because the outcomes are more within our control (some short-term financial assistance, or the matter is something that our volunteers can assist with directly), or because the nature of the appeal is somewhat more amenable to additional consideration by government agencies (for these, we usually try to give an assessment of the chances of success, based on our experience).
And when that occurs, it is especially gratifying, because many people only come to the MP as a last resort. We’ve had residents who share heartbreaking stories of being at the end of their rope, for whom we were able to provide some temporary relief. We’ve had those that have resigned themselves to a situation of prolonged hardship, for which we were able to offer some light at the end of the tunnel. And we’ve had those who are just simply grateful that there was someone out there to lend them comfort and support.
Sometimes I’m asked why I would choose to do what I do. Usually, I am reminded of these little stories. These aren’t earth-shattering ideas for policy reform, or timely interventions in Parliament. Nor are they dramatic organized events that involve hundreds or thousands of people. Rather, it is the folks for whose lives I’ve been able to make a small difference, one person at a time.




Jamus Lim

2 July at 08:06 ·

The Workers' Party

2 July at 01:58 ·
In his speech on the ACRA (Amendments) Bill, MP Jamus Lim spoke about the importance of balancing the ease of doing business against sound corporate regulation, to avoid brand Singapore becoming known as a permissive place for illicit activity.
He warned that we have to be scrupulous in avoiding “Singapore-Washing,” where foreign actors take advantage of our simple registration processes and global reputation for incorruptibility to incorporate fronts for dubious business activities.
#wpsg #makeyourvotecount