Quah Kim Song married Fake Oppo bitch Sylvia? Did someone tell him she is a lying SOB and a PAP mole in the Oppo party.Or alleged fake oppo party?
From Kenneth Jeyaratnam's blog:
I believe WP’s new found focus and courage (for them) stems from conversations I had with Pritam, Sylvia and Dennis Tan when we were in Armenia last year at the invitation of the Prosperous Armenia Party. A number of Singapore political parties were invited, including WP, Reform Party, SPP and PAP. I asked Sylvia why she hadn’t asked about Ho Ching’s remuneration and she said she thought it was in Temasek’s annual report. When I insisted it was not, she said that she would check and if it was not she would consider asking a question about it. However when I asked Dennis Tan whether he would ask a question, he frostily said that Ho Ching’s remuneration was not a fit subject for Parliamentary questions. WP’s new found courage probably stems from the fact that they have seen how many times I have questioned why Ho Ching was appointed to lead Temasek and have not yet been sued. In fact I have continued to point to the gaps in the Government’s Budget, the fake accounting and the missing assets and nothing has happened to me.