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Why is marijuana Illegal and why do we hang people for it?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are a very big company with an established reputation..Think their history goes back a long way.. If I'm not mistaken their salvage Dept used to be under PSA Marine.. Not sure about that now..They got more than 10 fleets...in fact I think much more than that.. Leading player in harbour and deep sea services.. Crew consists of mostly Philipines.. But local Singaporeans Directors running their business deals.. I think a local Sporean Captain is MD of Posh Semco..

He drives a white Porche.
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Short Stats about Cannabis.




The THC found in the Cannabis plant fits with receptors in our brains just like a glove. The pharmacological actions of THC result from its binding to the cannabinoid receptor CB1, located mainly in the central nervous system, and the CB2 receptor, mainly present in cells of the immune system. It acts as a partial agonist on both receptors, i.e., it activates them but not to their full extent. The psychoactive effects of THC are mediated by its activation of the CB1 receptor, which is the most abundant G protein-coupled receptor in the brain.
The presence of these specialized receptors in the brain implied to researchers that endogenous cannabinoids are manufactured by the body, so the search began for a substance normally manufactured in the brain that binds to these receptors, the so-called natural ligand or agonist, leading to the eventual discovery of anandamide, 2-arachidonoyl glyceride (2-AG), and other related compounds known as endocannabinoids. This is similar to the story of the discovery of endogenous opiates (endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphin), after the realization that morphine and other opiates bind to specific receptors in the brain. In addition, it has been shown that cannabinoids, through an unknown mechanism, activate endogenous opioid pathways involving the μ1 opioid receptor, precipitating a dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens.
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What we have learn in all the 5 pages is this.. It is not justifiable to hang/criminalize anyone link to Cannabis.


Alfrescian (Inf)
bro, u seamen for how long? Got kena pirates attack b4?

For around 6 years... From 2000 till 2006.. Then no more far flung offshore jobs.. Big bucks can be earned easily after your offshore trips.. But it can also flies away easily from my grasp.. Money gone down the drain at Katong Paramount and Turf Club...:o :o As for pirates, thankfully I did not encounter one at all... Most memorable trip was when my vessel berthed at Port Santos Brazil.. Bonked a Latina street hooker by the name of Maria for 100 USD, as she lit a roll of joint for me..She thought that I was from China..:biggrin: After shagging her, She asked me whether I would be interested to go for a walk around her neighbourhood or favela in Portugese.. I politely declined as my Chief Officer warned me not to go for safety reasons..



Quick Facts About Alcohol.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What we have learn in all the 5 pages is this.. It is not justifiable to hang/criminalize anyone link to Cannabis.

Sorry TS... Paiseh for the off topic.. Back in 2001 a Malay friend of mine was hanged after CNB undercovers raided his Changi North condo.. Was not that close to him.. Only knew him as both of us are into mountain biking..They found nearly 2kgs of Marijuana in his unit.. My Malay neighbourhood friends attended his court hearings.. When the judge sentenced him to death, he cooly said this to the CNB officers who were present in the court.. '' I''ll see You In Hell''... This story was related to me by some of my football kakis who attended every one of his hearings..

R.I.P Joe Tango...




Sorry TS... Paiseh for the off topic.. Back in 2001 a Malay friend of mine was hanged after CNB undercovers raided his Changi North condo.. Was not that close to him.. Only knew him as both of us are into mountain biking..They found nearly 2kgs of Marijuana in his unit.. My Malay neighbourhood friends attended his court hearings.. When the judge sentenced him to death, he cooly said this to the CNB officers who were present in the court.. '' I''ll see You In Hell''... This story was related to me by some of my football kakis who attended every one of his hearings..

R.I.P Joe Tango...

Its fucking disgusting that people get hanged for a drug that has never killed anyone in history.

A drug that has no known psychical withdrawn symptoms nor does is make people foam or shake if they had too much.

My boss in Australia a women in her 50s grows them in her Hill house. She makes them into butter and makes cakes with them. But she usually have them on weekends. She grows about 5 plants every year and have been growing them for decades, She has 4 children all in their 20s now, 3 of them doesnt take it except for her youngest son but he too smokes on weekend. She has a huge barrel that is stuffed with Cannabis as she doesnt sell it.
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So what will be a good age to tell your kids to go ahead and enjoy the stuff?

Defiantly not during their development period. Your body will usually totally develop by the time you are 21 after that it will start to age, So only after 21 when all your organs have fully grown. Plus you dont want a lazy kid, A kid's job is to go to school and run around, Lazying around as a kid means stunning their growth.
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Sorry if you misunderstood. My post is about illicit drugs in general.

But I wouldn't go as far as assuming someone of not being exposed to marijuana if I were you, especially if you don't know me. Anyway, the fact is potheads will always jump on the defence of marijuana being harmless, and the miracle weed to bring about benefits to the world around them. Back in my uni days in the US, a few friends of mine even claim marijuana to be able to cure cancer. No need to be so serious. Enjoy this joke:

Definition of a pothead: Someone who believes (1) any problem can be fixed by smoking marijuana, and (2) any activity is more enjoyable whilst stoned.
John: "Hey man, wanna hang out?"
Pothead: "Yeah sure, you wanna smoke a bowl?"
John: "I dunno man, my throat's been kinda sore lately."
Pothead: "Oh that's ok, a bowl will fix that."
John: "Really? Well I've got this Government test tomorrow too, so I probably shouldn't smoke."
Pothead: "Pot makes studying easier. You'll enjoy the subject more!"
John: "You're full of shit. Next you'll tell me weed can fix my chronic back pain and I should get high before visiting my grandma in the nursing home."
Pothead: "I'm glad you understand now. Got a lighter?"


Sorry if you misunderstood. My post is about illicit drugs in general.

But I wouldn't go as far as assuming someone of not being exposed to marijuana if I were you, especially if you don't know me. Anyway, the fact is potheads will always jump on the defence of marijuana being harmless, and the miracle weed to bring about benefits to the world around them. Back in my uni days in the US, a few friends of mine even claim marijuana to be able to cure cancer. No need to be so serious. Enjoy this joke:

Definition of a pothead: Someone who believes (1) any problem can be fixed by smoking marijuana, and (2) any activity is more enjoyable whilst stoned.
John: "Hey man, wanna hang out?"
Pothead: "Yeah sure, you wanna smoke a bowl?"
John: "I dunno man, my throat's been kinda sore lately."
Pothead: "Oh that's ok, a bowl will fix that."
John: "Really? Well I've got this Government test tomorrow too, so I probably shouldn't smoke."
Pothead: "Pot makes studying easier. You'll enjoy the subject more!"
John: "You're full of shit. Next you'll tell me weed can fix my chronic back pain and I should get high before visiting my grandma in the nursing home."
Pothead: "I'm glad you understand now. Got a lighter?"

Your mates are amateurs or people with no idea, I guess you became more stupid hanging around those dummies. Choose your friends more wisely next time :biggrin:

Before you get the wrong idea, I dont smoke cannabis as well but have only tried it a few times when i was in Australia, Never smoked the dope in Singapore before. But when i tried it in aus It really relaxed my body and Mind. Surprisingly almost all my friends in Australia loved smoking pot, I was just to busy with my education to stop things and get stoned. But this topic was opened to ask this Question, Is it Justifiable to hang and castrate individuals for Cannabis.

My past-time hobby is studying/learning about Psychology and Shamanism so i get very interested in this type of topics and how it effects your body, mind and Soul. So im pretty knowledgeable in this field esp with Cannabis cos its link to the Hindu Religion as Hindu Holy-man have been consuming this drug out in the open for thousands of years and one of Hindu's God is known as a Pothead. They are allowed to consume them in India as a religious sacrament

Everyone knows Cannabis does not cure cancer but is used to smooth pain and discomfort due to cancer instead of taking chemical medicine which causes further damage to your body.
It will not help you study, it will make you chill out and relax thus the word stoned. How to study while stoned.
Its helps with chronic back pain, Just last year a Singaporean dude was let off in court cos he complained he needed it for his chronic backache. Its smooths and relaxes your muscles. It is known medically to remove discomfort if you are suffering from joint aches/cancer/aids etc. But not cure it. But if you are sick wouldnt you want to feel better naturally instead of feeling more sick taking chemical medicines. I had a friend recently who became very ill and had nerve damage due to high fever, After being put on doctors medicine he is complaining of liver pain, Doctor said there will be side-effects when taking them.

Jokes are jokes, But jokes that sound sarcastic and is used to try to discredit?

The fact is, It is a miracle drug.
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Good For Bodybuilding Too


I heard of hemp some years back when I was really serious about bodybuilding and going to the gym frequently. Yah, I have heard of "Hemp For Victory" because the US Navy needed good ropes for ships. Jeans will be durable if we use hemp instead of cotton.

The funny thing is : marijuana has to be distinguished between a male and a female plant.


Re: Good For Bodybuilding Too

Female Plant gets you stoned, Male plants doesnt.

The video makes sense, Weed makes you hungry and makes you want to eat chocolate and junk food(But self discipline plays a part here)(But it helps people who have problems eating/no appetite) and makes you lazy(Stoned/Doesnt make sense to go jogging after smoking up a J, Who does that?). So not for children who should be running around instead of lazying around. Its for adults to chill after a long day of working just like a glass of beer/wine at the end of the day but less harmful. The tobacco can easily be by-past by not putting any in the joint and smoking it neat. Just like how all my Aussie friends smoke up. No tobacco.
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