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Why is marijuana Illegal and why do we hang people for it?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

In Sg, they said cannot means cannot. Other countries, cannot but somewhere u can manage to get it.

ahhh happy pizza






Alfrescian (Inf)
I remembered 9 years back when I was a wet behind the years novice seaman... Was attached to this vessel for salvage Operations near the South China Sea.. The vessel Captain was a jolly 50+ Dutchman and the Chief Officer was a rockin great Welshman.. During the salvage ops there, a supply boat was send and the supply crew brought this big slab of Hashish... Me and the whole vessel crew had a great time smokin the stuff after the Operations... Few days before the end of the job, the Captain ordered all of us to finish up the stuff... Took a flight back from Vietnam to Spore.. I was quite nervous when I arrived at Changi Airport.. A fellow crew member an old timer, who boarded the flight back with me told me to relax, be cool and steady.. Thankfully I was ok...


Alfrescian (Inf)
I remembered 9 years back when I was a wet behind the years novice seaman... Was attached to this vessel for salvage Operations near the South China Sea.. The vessel Captain was a jolly 50+ Dutchman and the Chief Officer was a rockin great Welshman.. During the salvage ops there, a supply boat was send and the supply crew brought this big slab of Hashish... Me and the whole vessel crew had a great time smokin the stuff after the Operations... Few days before the end of the job, the Captain ordered all of us to finish up the stuff... Took a flight back from Vietnam to Spore.. I was quite nervous when I arrived at Changi Airport.. A fellow crew member an old timer, who boarded the flight back with me told me to relax, be cool and steady.. Thankfully I was ok...

Just curious, and not necessary to answer. Are you still doing same job or move on to doing land jobs?


It is well known within the Shipping Industry that Crew members gets stoned everyday what else can you do on the high seas. I had many friends who have worked on-board ships telling me that cannabis is a norm on-board vessels and most Captains and owners of ships knows about it but closes one eye.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Just curious, and not necessary to answer. Are you still doing same job or move on to doing land jobs?

No longer goin to the sea for salvage projects now since married.. My boss got me a land job in my company's Spore office.. So now my job scope is in charge of Marine parts delivery to Vessels docked in Spore.. Frankly speaking the money was good back then... Many hidden incentives being a Vessel crew..:biggrin: Seeing different countries, booze, drugs, gals, money... Splurged most of my money away back then..:o Only bucked up my financial plight when I met my future wife.. FYI, Many seasoned seamen are all Sporeans mostly the Malays... Many Marine companies are now recruiting seamen from Philipines... Our Sporean Malays used to dominate the Marine Diving jobs here..But now most Divers are from the Philipines..In years to come I don't think many young Sporeans will be interested in the Marine Industry, workin on board the vessel in the hot burning sun..:wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks for the info. I was curious as I have contacts in this industry. Were you from Semco before?

I assume you mean Posh Semco..I Was not from there.. But Posh Semco is also one of the leading players in the towage and Marine Industry..


Alfrescian (Inf)
I assume you mean Posh Semco..I Was not from there.. But Posh Semco is also one of the leading players in the towage and Marine Industry..

Yeah I was referring to POSH. Any comments you have about them? Would appreciate some feedback. I had some dealings with them for Gas Carriers before.


It is well known within the Shipping Industry that Crew members gets stoned everyday what else can you do on the high seas. I had many friends who have worked on-board ships telling me that cannabis is a norm on-board vessels and most Captains and owners of ships knows about it but closes one eye.

If hard drugs are made legal, imagine the social implications.... It is already a known statistic that 3/4 of all crime in the US is drug-related. People get stoned, they want to always get high, they got no means to support their habit, they pose a real danger to society. It is a little like gambling, only more dangerous. At least with gambling, you have no money, you won't kill to gamble. With drugs, the need is such that you WILL kill to feed your habit.

And then on the other hand, you have people supplying the drugs - the growers, the traffickers, the pushers, the pimps... imagine the state of chaos and unhappiness of society in general when you have a handful of unscrupulous people controlling the others who are addicts. You only have to look at Mexico to see it happening.

The countries you mention like the Netherlands are basically countries that have come to accept the fact that some communities of people are beyond help. They would rather save the general public from a few "pariahs", so they provide these outcasts with drugs and places to shoot themselves till they die.

It's not really about the drugs that pose a health danger, although it is still very dangerous road to go down because of the side effects. It is the massive social implications of the entire drug thing that society cannot deal with. That is why the penalty of trafficking drugs is death.


If hard drugs are made legal, imagine the social implications.... It is already a known statistic that 3/4 of all crime in the US is drug-related. People get stoned, they want to always get high, they got no means to support their habit, they pose a real danger to society. It is a little like gambling, only more dangerous. At least with gambling, you have no money, you won't kill to gamble. With drugs, the need is such that you WILL kill to feed your habit.

And then on the other hand, you have people supplying the drugs - the growers, the traffickers, the pushers, the pimps... imagine the state of chaos and unhappiness of society in general when you have a handful of unscrupulous people controlling the others who are addicts. You only have to look at Mexico to see it happening.

The countries you mention like the Netherlands are basically countries that have come to accept the fact that some communities of people are beyond help. They would rather save the general public from a few "pariahs", so they provide these outcasts with drugs and places to shoot themselves till they die.

It's not really about the drugs that pose a health danger, although it is still very dangerous road to go down because of the side effects. It is the massive social implications of the entire drug thing that society cannot deal with. That is why the penalty of trafficking drugs is death.

3/4 of the crimes in Us is poverty driven and drugs being made illegal will only open up doors to criminal organization. Well your understanding of Amsterdam culture, cannabis and its legalization is screw up. They did not legalize hard drugs but only soft drug like cannabis.. You dont shoot up cannabis.. There are NO psychical withdrawn symptoms associated with cannabis, You dont turn violent when you dont have the drug, Its not the same as hard-drugs.. I suggest b4 you open your mouth..Go watch some videos on cannabis then come back to me.. Its just ridicules that a person without any knowledge/exposure on Cannabis is giving a lecture(Its pretty obvious you dont know anything about it) and Dont mix hard drugs and cannabis together. So you either come back and talk solely on cannabis or you come back and talk to me about hard-drugs. Dont mix this two together. Aight. And you dont lecture people if you know nothing about it, I do understand where your coming from as you dont have any understanding or exposure to it and you are standing on your Morals and Principals which is alright i guess but you ought to educate yourself b4 you give your 2cent worth.
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Just to get you started, watch this and then scroll back and watch the other documentaries already placed here.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Yeah I was referring to POSH. Any comments you have about them? Would appreciate some feedback. I had some dealings with them for Gas Carriers before.

They are a very big company with an established reputation..Think their history goes back a long way.. If I'm not mistaken their salvage Dept used to be under PSA Marine.. Not sure about that now..They got more than 10 fleets...in fact I think much more than that.. Leading player in harbour and deep sea services.. Crew consists of mostly Philipines.. But local Singaporeans Directors running their business deals.. I think a local Sporean Captain is MD of Posh Semco..