national policies are set by cabinet and civil service.
Political parties will have their own party policies.
which the bloody sdp does not have!!! End of matter
national policies are set by cabinet and civil service.
Political parties will have their own party policies.
We should, all those who had followed the political developments in Singapore over the last twenty years, share with the younger generation what we know, so that they may be made aware of exactly what Dr. Chee's agendas or ill intentions are against the people of Singapore. I think we owe them at least that![]()
Never judge a warrior by what his enemy has said of him unless you are on the enemy side and are fucked to obey.
Well since political films are allowed, someone should make a film about Chee's case of misusing research funds. We should be entitled to know what is the real truth.
Make know mistake, Chee is a 'dangerous' man. That's why we have committed so many resources to 'fix' him. But for all his influence, he doesn't seem to understand his own electorate. Sg'reans do not regard human rights as a top priority. Everyday standard of living and personal gain is always everyone's concern. For that he has failed.
Any one can raise accountability, but political parties are suppose to form concrete policies, not to blow all insults
Ah but wait. You see, in other countries, its not just the politicians. After all, sometimes you can't trust politicians to keep themselves accountable. And so the system allows political activism and that allows ordinary people to form NGOs and trade unions et al, to keep politicians on their toes.
So its not necessary for people to become politicians in order to keep the ruling party- and the opposition parties- on their toes.
And so if some groups are just blowing smoke, because they have to, then its still only part of the process. But an enlightened people under a democracy will know when a group's blowing smoke, and when one's doing something of substance and will vote accordingly, let it be through cash, popularity or something else.
But to say that people shouldn't keep politicians in check, just because they are ordinary people, is just wrong and misleading. People ARE supposed to keep politicians and judges in check. That's why there's separation of powers in most democracies. That's why society is part of the system and part of the process.
And that's why democracies like the US, -Canada and the UK as well- has progressed within less than a few hundred years despite some internal turmoil. Compare that to China which has had autocracies since time eternal, and yet after 5000 years, they are still not at the level of the US as yet. And there's still huge corruption and great gaps between the rich and the poor.
it was becos of chee that political films were actually banned for the last 10 yrs.
Chee is indeed a genius for trying to break PAP's stranglehold on the media.
No one before Chee has done that! That's why there is no need for the ban anyway.
Beyond that Chee has no economic or foreign policy to counter the PAP's. AND D O NOT GIVE THE EXCUSE HE HAS NO RESOURCES
Excuses, excuses for Chee. He writes nothing for the website except showing his personal vendetta against the PAP. Even his trial questions shows that. As i siad, political parties are for policy making, not just blasting away at the other side. Chee has NO VISION for Singapore. He thinks democracy is a magic pill.
If Chee wants to check people, he should NOT be in a political party. He has no vision for Singapore except protest.
China's growth was and is getting afaster thna the US. If Chee wants to check people, he should NOT be in a political party. He has no vision for Singapore except protest.
As a politician, he has the right to check on the ruling party. As I said, the role of a civil society and a democracy is to ensure that all sides check on each other. This means opposition politicians must check on the ruling party's politicians; the people must check on both, through NGOs and unions et al; and the Judges would be there to ensure the law is not abused and applied correctly.
So Dr. Chee still has a role to play, if he wishes, to continue in that style of his. As a democrat, I have no qualms on what he does. I respect his right to continue in that fashion, and only he can say when will he cease. Its not up to us to decide it for him.
All Singapore oppositions can do is air the dirty linen of the PAP in public. Beyond that they don't want to form policies which can attract voters
The PAP lawsuits hold no water in foreign courts- simply because they have no case. All they have is their vendetta. And history will deliver a boomerang, I can guarantee you of that. PAP is not immune to history; they are just as human as anyone of us.
He has rebuilt the SDP alright, it the party which has seen votes fall and losing seats ever since he took over from Chiam.
Chee merely raised questions of accountability on the governance of S'pore by the govt. Those questions are legitimate questions befitting of an opposition leader.
unfortunatly for some, when u raise any question, u need to back ur question with facts and background. its pointless to raise any question when no one can trace where the question comes from and how its been represented and could be easily dismissed.