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uncle tell sinkies go malaysia maihaolian

Scrooball (clone)

Stay big house also must make sure u live long enough to enjoy la. If u everyday scared u get robbed, lol got use meh? Better take the time to earn more money and buy a bigger house in Singapore la.


Go buy things not helping their economy but called helping ourselves? Go slap yourself suck cock sinkie. Then why they crying when border closed and their shops closed? Go see the jb malls with shops closed during pandemic AND some still unopened okay?


Go buy things not helping their economy but called helping ourselves? Go slap yourself suck cock sinkie. Then why they crying when border closed and their shops closed? Go see the jb malls with shops closed during pandemic AND some still unopened okay?
No matter how some suck Malaysian cock sinkies want to deny, the truth remains jb malls and shops thrived and thriving on money earned in spore - be it earned by Sinkies or mudlanders working in spore earning 3.5x and act poor thing they are born in mudland. I love to be born in mudland anytime! Come over as asean scholar Shiok! Who won the lottery game? Not me that get nothing except shit from pap. Speak for yourself suck cock sinkie that won the lottery game got cheap hdb. Buy one house in jb only suck Malaysian cock until cock until like that. That’s the ugly truth of sinkies. Yikes!


No matter how some suck Malaysian cock sinkies want to deny, the truth remains jb malls and shops thrived and thriving on money earned in spore - be it earned by Sinkies or mudlanders working in spore earning 3.5x and act poor thing they are born in mudland. I love to be born in mudland anytime! Come over as asean scholar Shiok! Who won the lottery game? Not me that get nothing except shit from pap. Speak for yourself suck cock sinkie that won the lottery game got cheap hdb. Buy one house in jb only suck Malaysian cock until cock until like that. That’s the ugly truth of sinkies. Yikes!
I sold two houses in jb and who bought them? Mudlanders working in Spore earning 3.5x salary! Sinkies won the lottery game ? Siao! They won the lottery game!

Scrooball (clone)

This Sinkie uncle must be getting senile.

When I go Malaysia, sure i see the occasional Sinkie saying cheap cheap… but the way he said it is so exaggerated la.

He should ask the JB businesses if they can survive without Singaporeans monies or not. And… even the JB people are also earning Singapore monies and going back to spend la. Without Singapore, these businesses can go suck cocks!


Go buy things not helping their economy but called helping ourselves? Go slap yourself suck cock sinkie. Then why they crying when border closed and their shops closed? Go see the jb malls with shops closed during pandemic AND some still unopened okay?
And btw I am 0.01% Singaporean that never said cheap cheap when I go buy things in jb and yet Malaysians hate me too. How to explain that? Very simple it’s not sinkies but Malaysians that ownself hate sinkies whether sinkies said cheap cheap or not.


And btw I am 0.01% Singaporean that never said cheap cheap when I go buy things in jb and yet Malaysians hate me too. How to explain that? Very simple it’s not sinkies but Malaysians that ownself hate sinkies whether sinkies said cheap cheap or not.
That’s the ugly truth of Malaysians. They think they are poor thing and they come to spore is they are helping spore AND sinkies go to buy things in jb is THEY are helping sinkies. So stop being sibei sia suay apologist and slap sinkies when you should slap yourself for being a suck Malaysian cock sinkie.


That’s the ugly truth of Malaysians. They think they are poor thing and they come to spore is they are helping spore AND sinkies go to buy things in jb is THEY are helping sinkies. So stop being sibei sia suay apologist and slap sinkies when you should slap yourself for being a suck Malaysian cock sinkie.
That’s how shallow snd disgusting sinkies that buy house in jb are. Can’t even see the simple truth of Malaysians and want to slap Singaporeans for saying the truth we go buy things is help Malaysia economy.

Scrooball (clone)

This uncle is a sia suay sellout. He himself like to suck on Malaysian cock and por lumpar, and preaches to others to behave like him. That’s the true mark of a beta Simp.

I can assure you this boomer uncle talk like some worldly wise lao beng, but in reality is a balless prick.


That’s how shallow snd disgusting sinkies that buy house in jb are. Can’t even see the simple truth of Malaysians and want to slap Singaporeans for saying the truth we go buy things is help Malaysia economy.
Sinkies are traitor dogs that deserved to be slapped for ganging up with Malaysians doing crimes on me but not for this reason of saying cheap cheap or for saying we go buy things help their economy because that is a fact proven by the pandemic and I no need to be economist to know this simple truth.


That’s the ugly truth of Malaysians. They think they are poor thing and they come to spore is they are helping spore AND sinkies go to buy things in jb is THEY are helping sinkies. So stop being sibei sia suay apologist and slap sinkies when you should slap yourself for being a suck Malaysian cock sinkie.
In fact it’s not just they think but a Malaysian in my jb condo said that to my face when I was fighting them for stealing landscaped common estate to plant vegetables. He said they are invited by PAP to work in Spore and they working in Spore are HELPING Spore! Silly and disgusting sinkies that love to suck Malaysian cocks should go slap themselves!


In fact it’s not just they think but a Malaysian in my jb condo said that to my face when I was fighting them for stealing landscaped common estate to plant vegetables. He said they are invited by PAP to work in Spore and they working in Spore are HELPING Spore! Silly and disgusting sinkies that love to suck Malaysian cocks should go slap themselves!
Like I said many times what shit you meet in jb depend on how suay chee you are and you see how ugly Malaysians are when any shit happened through no fault of yours. Is it my fault that they steal my jb condo landscaping view to plant vegetables that I have to go fight them and they open their nasty smelly mouth?


Like I said many times what shit you meet in jb depend on how suay chee you are and you see how ugly Malaysians are when any shit happened through no fault of yours. Is it my fault that they steal my jb condo landscaping view to plant vegetables that I have to go fight them and they open their nasty smelly mouth?
So please lah don’t keep saying Malaysians are nice when they are NOT! Why they don’t plant vegetables infront of their own condo landscaping view but steal my view? Because they are greedy selfish piece of shit! If people are nice I said they are nice, when they are shit they are shit okay?


In fact it’s not just they think but a Malaysian in my jb condo said that to my face when I was fighting them for stealing landscaped common estate to plant vegetables. He said they are invited by PAP to work in Spore and they working in Spore are HELPING Spore! Silly and disgusting sinkies that love to suck Malaysian cocks should go slap themselves!
so listen up sia suay disgusting suck cock sinkies, Malaysians said they working in Spore is HELPING SINGAPORE, go open your suck cock mouth to tell them off they come to work in spore is not helping spore but they are helping themselves just like how you tell off sinkies okay? Go buy things in jb is not helping their economy but we help ourselves right? Go do a video and don’t be double standard okay?


so listen up sia suay disgusting suck cock sinkies, Malaysians said they working in Spore is HELPING SINGAPORE, go open your suck cock mouth to tell them off they come to work in spore is not helping spore but they are helping themselves just like how you tell off sinkies okay? Go buy things in jb is not helping their economy but we help ourselves right? Go do a video and don’t be double standard okay?
No video means double standard hypocrite lor and go slap yourself suck Malaysian cock sinkie! Fucking disgusting! Yikes!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

kuti-kuti :​

'Don’t call Malaysia cheap’​

Lol, this guy... Get real lah... He really thinks jhks give a fug? They happy all the sg money spending at bolehland... They crying for more purchases..... Buy more please! Buy buy buy.... Cheap cheap cheap....

Not sinkies say cheap cheap hokay.... Jhks themselves say one
