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uncle tell sinkies go malaysia maihaolian

Scrooball (clone)

Why go only to jb, malacca or KL.
The best beaches are in the east coast.
Best beach not in Maldives meh?



The insignificant nobody me DO agrees that we Singaporeans should be humble, However, I disagree with him with his perceptions on Economics 101.

The Malaysian economy have serious issues, thru corruption, mismanagement thru desire to stay in power by UNSUSTAINABLE generous subsidies over many social expenditure needs & even the religion & racial cards to stay in power, caused by past leaders.

It is NOT savior mentality that Singaporeans go to Malaysia to buy goods. All Humanity would like better savings anywhere as long as it is genuine. We Singaporeans have NO right to teach Malaysian leaders what to do. Only the Malaysians can. But in the meantime, even as we enjoy the savings, it DOES pump up the Malaysian economy thru BUYING Malaysian ringgit by SELLING our own precious hard earned Sing Dollar.

Imagine if we did not bother, & bought online DIRECT from China or elsewhere, or tour other nations than to face the long hot waits at Customs causeway & bullied by bad customer services, what would happen to the Malaysian ringgit?

It is NOT just a Singaporean exchanging a mere S$100 for MR$350 for a once a year trip, but HUNDRED THOUSANDS if not millions everyday trippers into Malaysia as Singapore is a tourist & transit hub. What about the Malaysians whom are working here in Singapore earn S$dollar remitting back to Malaysia? How about INVESTORS who poured in MILLIONS$?

It may not be much, compared to Malaysia's trade with Worldwide community, but every cent counts even in good times for the Malaysian economy, & may Singaporeans be proud of what they had done to help our neighbor in their time of need, & EQUALLY, be HUMBLE. And for good relations, may Malaysians too acknowledge & reciprocate our limited but sincere efforts to help.

Everyone has the right to say anything, but it does not mean what one says is right. Learn to use our basic 5 senses - smell, taste, touch, hear & see to discern REALITIES, to foster good relations for peaceful progress & evolution, than to foster negative traits such as hate, suspicions, conspiracy theories, ignorance, etc.

All the best.
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Byebye Penis

I agree Malaysian Chinese don't like us. They like our government but they feel bitter towards Singaporeans in Malaysia. When I talk to them, sometimes they suan us.

Malaysian malays are ok with us (except those at KLIA and JB customs), because we appreciate their services and humility. When we said thank you to them, you can really see that shine in their eyes because it really brightens their day. The local chinese treats them badly and without respect.

Lastly, cocky Singaporeans are usually former Malaysians who obtained singapore-citizen/PRs. When I go Malaysia, I try to integrate with the local and stay low. However, the former malaysians appear to be eager to differentiate from their former peers by being more snobbish.

just my personal observations.


This gentleman is doing a good deed; at least this what he thinks he is doing.

And by doing it over tiktok, he can boast that he is doing a good deed. If he did not record his good deed, nobody will believe him he if returns to say he has done a good deed. :biggrin:

The moral of the story is - he wants to be famous.

A Singaporean

Especially the angmoh wannabe Sinkies. But when they are in Angmoh cuntries they behave like a mouse. Kowtow to anyone white.

Byebye Penis

This gentleman is doing a good deed; at least this what he thinks he is doing.

And by doing it over tiktok, he can boast that he is doing a good deed. If he did not record his good deed, nobody will believe him he if returns to say he has done a good deed. :biggrin:

The moral of the story is - he wants to be famous.
He's stepping on others, for his fame.

Scrooball (clone)

This uncle damn funny.

Market demand and supply will dictate whether the Malaysian shops raise their prices. U think it’s based on a few people shouting “cheap cheap”?

Hate this kind of boomer uncle acting like some expert giving out worldly sage advice. Fuck him la!


Why you huan loh how people want to act? You pay their bill sibo? If you are not paying their bills, diam diam lah knn try to act machiam like on high moral grounds and dictate what and how should other people act according to your lan jiao standard..... KNN tio simi lan jiao lottery as you claimed? Go and Hou Kau Kan ok lottery ji ki lan ok.... go and see how many sinkies renounced this lampa citizenship every year ok.... KNN open mouth pushing government propaganda.... PCB Paul lampard....

Scrooball (clone)

lol this uncle preach and tell people how to behave, but he himself never piss and look at his own reflection. Some washed up uncle giving advice on a TikTok video. Knn

It’s a known fact that those JB businesses will go to hell without the patronage of Sinkies. Yes so that makes us their owners! It’s a fact. Why pretend to be humble? Save that for the cheebyes who like to act and wayang la.
