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Chitchat Unable to use the $300 climate voucher


Recently I went to purchase water heater when the old heater not heating properly.
And realised all the listed participating shops are not accepting the voucher for water heater, when the website stated water heater as one of the voucher usable item.

I asked the shop assistant why..
All the shop gave the same answer - you can use it for fridge, aircon dc fan etc but not water heater. I then showed them that water heater is listed in the climate voucher website. And they told me - I don't know, you can try other shops but here cannot use.
I went to fairprice, courts and best denki and all 3 not accepting it. Wtf


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Recently I went to purchase water heater when the old heater not heating properly.
And realised all the listed participating shops are not accepting the voucher for water heater, when the website stated water heater as one of the voucher usable item.

I asked the shop assistant why..
All the shop gave the same answer - you can use it for fridge, aircon dc fan etc but not water heater. I then showed them that water heater is listed in the climate voucher website. And they told me - I don't know, you can try other shops but here cannot use.
I went to fairprice, courts and best denki and all 3 not accepting it. Wtf

You can consider this if you really can't get your water heater.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Recently I went to purchase water heater when the old heater not heating properly.
And realised all the listed participating shops are not accepting the voucher for water heater, when the website stated water heater as one of the voucher usable item.

I asked the shop assistant why..
All the shop gave the same answer - you can use it for fridge, aircon dc fan etc but not water heater. I then showed them that water heater is listed in the climate voucher website. And they told me - I don't know, you can try other shops but here cannot use.
I went to fairprice, courts and best denki and all 3 not accepting it. Wtf

can contact NEA about this ?

anyway, all the shops are like that.............and then they will push you what brands and models to use..............others cannot...............

i will report to NEA about this...........

Then change to cdc vouchers.

can do that meh ?


Climate vouchers is a scam. Period!
If we look closely on how the scheme is designed - yes it is indeed a scam.

It has denominations of $2 $5 $10 yet only big ticket items can be used.
They just wanted to entice and scam greedy sinkies to use it.


can contact NEA about this ?

anyway, all the shops are like that.............and then they will push you what brands and models to use..............others cannot...............

i will report to NEA about this...........

can do that meh ?
I believe if I report it to NEA, I will get the same answer I.e you can use it to buy aircon fridge etc.
The only thing that I can tell them back will be
Then remove the fucking water heater from your approved list.


Water heater has low margin and required installation
Actually on my way to the shops, I had already thinking to myself, NEA so good meh can let me use $300 to buy something about $200 and still having a balance of $100 which can be used for the installation charge of $60-70 for a heater.


Recently I went to purchase water heater when the old heater not heating properly.
And realised all the listed participating shops are not accepting the voucher for water heater, when the website stated water heater as one of the voucher usable item.

I asked the shop assistant why..
All the shop gave the same answer - you can use it for fridge, aircon dc fan etc but not water heater. I then showed them that water heater is listed in the climate voucher website. And they told me - I don't know, you can try other shops but here cannot use.
I went to fairprice, courts and best denki and all 3 not accepting it. Wtf
buy good fan and keep in storeroom. then old fan spoil then use. otherwise later climate vouchers expire.


Yah, that's what I notice too, so I am waiting for the climate voucher retailer to roll out new batch of products. If no choice, going to expire, then I will end up with other brands.
Climate voucher cannot buy normal kdk fan de woh


Actually on my way to the shops, I had already thinking to myself, NEA so good meh can let me use $300 to buy something about $200 and still having a balance of $100 which can be used for the installation charge of $60-70 for a heater.
You can think and having wet dream but in reality ahbeng sme shops want to con your money and to seduce u to use your $300 voucher to buy $5000 Miele fridge


Old Fart
Actually on my way to the shops, I had already thinking to myself, NEA so good meh can let me use $300 to buy something about $200 and still having a balance of $100 which can be used for the installation charge of $60-70 for a heater.
Nevermind lah, don't buy water heater. Our weather is generally very hot, water is cool and nice. On cooler days when the water is slightly more chilled, just take short showers. Save water.