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Posted on 21 Apr 2010
Tourists 'surprised' by shirtless men sleeping at Esplanade underpass
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jeremy thinks the authorities should do something about men sleeping at the Esplanade underpass, apparently for the whole day, despite signs prohibiting it. The STOMPer has also observed tourists expressing 'surprise' at this sight.
The STOMPer writes:
"Every morning, I walk from Cityhall MRT to the Esplanade. From the Citylink Mall leading to the Esplanade, there is this area where you will see people sleeping.
"Most of them are elderly men and on a few occasions, men of Indian nationality.
"I'm not sure if they are homeless and they can sleep there most of the day.
"There is a signboard stating 'Please Do Not Sleep in the Underpass' in 4 languages, but they seem to have no effect or rather the men do not understand the sign at all.
"Many tourists use this underpass to get to the Esplanade and I can see the expression on their faces, probably surprised to see this in Singapore."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: sleeping , Esplanade , underpass , homeless
Tourists 'surprised' by shirtless men sleeping at Esplanade underpass
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jeremy thinks the authorities should do something about men sleeping at the Esplanade underpass, apparently for the whole day, despite signs prohibiting it. The STOMPer has also observed tourists expressing 'surprise' at this sight.
The STOMPer writes:
"Every morning, I walk from Cityhall MRT to the Esplanade. From the Citylink Mall leading to the Esplanade, there is this area where you will see people sleeping.
"Most of them are elderly men and on a few occasions, men of Indian nationality.
"I'm not sure if they are homeless and they can sleep there most of the day.
"There is a signboard stating 'Please Do Not Sleep in the Underpass' in 4 languages, but they seem to have no effect or rather the men do not understand the sign at all.
"Many tourists use this underpass to get to the Esplanade and I can see the expression on their faces, probably surprised to see this in Singapore."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: sleeping , Esplanade , underpass , homeless