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Posted on 04 Dec 2011
Westerners 'act blur' and cut queue of marathon runners at bag deposit counter
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<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 35px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; OVERFLOW: hidden" src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/what_bugs_me/839702/westerners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font=verdana&colorscheme=light&height=35" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 110px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-horizontal" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html#_=1323012612918&count=horizontal&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fstomp%2Fsgseen%2Fwhat_bugs_me%2F839702%2Fwesterners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html&text=STOMP%20-%20Singapore%20Seen%20-%20Westerners%20'act%20blur'%20and%20cut%20queue%20of%20marathon%20runners%20at%20bag%20deposit%20counter&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fstomp%2Fsgseen%2Fwhat_bugs_me%2F839702%2Fwesterners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></SCRIPT>STOMPer angry singaporean was queuing to deposit a bag at this morning's marathon but a few westerners 'acted blur' and went straight to the front.
Wrote the STOMPer:
"I was queuing in the morning to deposit my bag at the StanChart booth.
"There was a long queue and everyone was queueing for their turn.
"I saw not just one westerner but a few of them acting blur and cutting our queue.
"Can't they see there is a long queue?
"They should join the queue instead of just going straight to the front and cutting our queue.
"So they think they can have priority over us?
"we are Singaporean and we do serve the nation."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Westerners 'act blur' and cut queue of marathon runners at bag deposit counter

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 35px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; OVERFLOW: hidden" src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/what_bugs_me/839702/westerners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font=verdana&colorscheme=light&height=35" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 110px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-horizontal" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html#_=1323012612918&count=horizontal&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fstomp%2Fsgseen%2Fwhat_bugs_me%2F839702%2Fwesterners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html&text=STOMP%20-%20Singapore%20Seen%20-%20Westerners%20'act%20blur'%20and%20cut%20queue%20of%20marathon%20runners%20at%20bag%20deposit%20counter&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fstomp%2Fsgseen%2Fwhat_bugs_me%2F839702%2Fwesterners_act_blur_and_cut_queue_of_marathon_runners.html" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></SCRIPT>STOMPer angry singaporean was queuing to deposit a bag at this morning's marathon but a few westerners 'acted blur' and went straight to the front.
Wrote the STOMPer:
"I was queuing in the morning to deposit my bag at the StanChart booth.
"There was a long queue and everyone was queueing for their turn.
"I saw not just one westerner but a few of them acting blur and cutting our queue.
"Can't they see there is a long queue?
"They should join the queue instead of just going straight to the front and cutting our queue.
"So they think they can have priority over us?
"we are Singaporean and we do serve the nation."
Click on thumbnails for larger image