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Posted on 11 Nov 2011
Not just Sentosa: Foreign workers also flock to public pools to ogle at girls in swimwear
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According to a Lianhe Wanbao report, the men would gather at Jurong Swimming Complex on weekends and public holidays to ogle at women.
They would apparently pay $2 to enter the swimming complex clad in jeans and shirts, with no swim wear. Some of the men even followed girls in bikinis around the swimming complex.
STOMPer Dominic comments on the report:
"Unfortunately, I don't think the women can do anything about this.
"It's not illegal to gawk or ogle, otherwise a lot of men would be in trouble."
Lianhe Wanbao spoke to a lawyer and found that what the foreign workers were doing was not illegal, as long as they do not harass anyone with actions or words.
Not just Sentosa: Foreign workers also flock to public pools to ogle at girls in swimwear

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According to a Lianhe Wanbao report, the men would gather at Jurong Swimming Complex on weekends and public holidays to ogle at women.
They would apparently pay $2 to enter the swimming complex clad in jeans and shirts, with no swim wear. Some of the men even followed girls in bikinis around the swimming complex.
STOMPer Dominic comments on the report:
"Unfortunately, I don't think the women can do anything about this.
"It's not illegal to gawk or ogle, otherwise a lot of men would be in trouble."
Lianhe Wanbao spoke to a lawyer and found that what the foreign workers were doing was not illegal, as long as they do not harass anyone with actions or words.