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Today went to Nagasaki Peace Park. Some Americunt young tourist punks very rude sia


A bunch of 3 Americunt young punks were also there and standing in front of the statue and saying “America, Fuck yea!” And laughing among themselves. Luckily no Japanese people there if not sure make them do seppaku

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One thing that puzzling me is based on history, 2 atomic bombs were dropped on Japan namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. If those two locations were indeed destroyed by Atomic Bombs (as per history), wouldn't that place be filled with deadly radiation so high that no humans can ever live there perhaps for thousand of years if not more?

Based on a quick search on Youtube videos on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it looks no different from any other cities in the world with human beings, businesses, shopping malls, schools, cars, etc.... On the other hand, Chernobyl Disaster (26 April 1986) till now still a waste land with super duper high radiation....

Question: Did the USA really drop any atomic bombs at all in the first place?