Whether there will be a 3-corner or multi-corner fight at Punggol East will hinge very much on who PAP will send to stand for the BE. Also, I doubt there will be a BE. Punggol East can easily merge into Pasir Ris/Punggol GRC without any issue.
Whether there will be a 3-corner or multi-corner fight at Punggol East will hinge very much on who PAP will send to stand for the BE. Also, I doubt there will be a BE. Punggol East can easily merge into Pasir Ris/Punggol GRC without any issue.
Too many political party in Singapore. The real ground was only PAP and WP. PAP had converted other small party (MIC, MCA, UMNO and so on) become a strong party.
The WP leader still sleep. They never try to alliance with other small party to make them strong. .
It is very bad idea to open door for monopoly politic like PAP. It is nothing different from PAP.
The real ground will move to new ground NSP too. If NSP can do better than WP and PAP.
I for one support a free-for-all contest. Political parties should based their decisions whether to contest based on tactical ground rather than chope-ing rules. People who don't support 3CF should ask themselves if not for the fact that there was a 3CF in Ponggol during the GE11, the person who will take on PAP during this BE will most likely be Desmond Lim based on chope-ing rule. Not the most ideal candidate.
3CF allows the stronger opposition party to progress. Why should we want weaker parties to survive at the expense of better opposition? We are not doing ourselves any justices.
In this particular by-election, it is best to let it be a 3- or even 4-cornered fight by the strong parties, namely WP/SDP/NSP, since it is not a life-and-death matter but just a single SMC. Focus on the bigger picture. If PAP is still voted in at the BE, so be it.
Firstly, more opposition parties' participation will itself present a good opportunity for the general public to be exposed to issues and information which they otherwise will not have the chance to be exposed to. This can only be good from the point of view of educating the populace, especially after they had been having little chance to be so exposed for decades. Such exposure can only be beneficial to the opposition cause further down the road, namely the next GE. Let the public listen to more (a greater variety) opposition voices at the rallies.
Don't fight over bread crumbs. The priority is to enlighten the many still daft and ignorant but significant non-web-savvy group. They only had been having the chance to be educated once in 5 long years. If they are not educated or given more exposure, they risk becoming even more daft and unchangeable than before. The sad final result may well be extinction of the opposition as an institution.
I don't think WP got any good candidates left. And whats the point of 1 more WP candidate when the power houses of WP are already in parliament? For variety, WP should step aside.
Last year's GE results do not apply in a BE.
seems as thou' Desmond Lim had been running around Punggol East recently, a 3CF seems prevailing :o:o:o
I seriously doubt he would want to subject himself to another beating.
I seriously doubt he would want to subject himself to another beating.
I am quite certain Desmond will feature in the BE.
I seriously doubt he would want to subject himself to another beating.
Workers Party winning this SMC will signal a new era to come.
A win by WP is a win for many singaporeans, and all Oppo parties at large. we strongly suggest to all Oppo members not to destroy this democratic process at this SMC. Let the Workers Party alone to contest at Ponggol SMC.