In the main, I shall leave it to the forumers to decide, as your posts speak for themselves.
However let me quickly address the 4 issues of your rebuttal:
1. HDB Ethnic Quota Policy
You have totally failed (intentional or otherwise) to address my critical point i.e. the unfair, unreasonable and inequitable financial hardship incurred by ethnic minorities, which is a real serious fact. Btw I did say that this policy is well intended but misguided.
2. Speak Mandarin Campaign
Your words speak volumes of your insensitivety towards the ethnic minorities. Language is a highly emotional and sensitive issue in a multiracial/multicultural society. The national campaign well intended as it maybe appears to carry with it underlying tones of chinese chauvinism.
3. SAP Schools
Your words speaks volumes so much so in this particular case that I had to repaste them for all to examine:
"The formation of SAP schools is to help further those showing prospects in their mother tongue or mandarin. Now what does a school need to keep it running?? Students. What is the majority race in SG? So which language should be given more resources and attention to since the majority race speaks that language??"
Btw why can't "those showing prospects in their mother tongue or mandarin" adequately do so in NON SAP Schools? The more important issue being in a multi-racial/multi-cultural society is it healthy to have certain segments of the ethnic majority growing up with little (if any) interaction with ethnic minorities?
4. Race Discrimination Employment Cases
This is what you said:
"These companies are their own seperate entities which are not under the control of the government.
Right now this is like enroaching on the individual thoughts and likes or dislikes of the people. I believe that in SG everyone is at least entitled to his own opinion even if some of them cannot be publicly voiced out. Btw how about the 'apparent insidious manner" in which some companies only employ malays or indians???? Why no mention of them? So it is okay to be racist to chinese? Like how a certain bank or some banks seem to be filled only with indians or how delivery, fast food places only seem to be filled with malays. Seems like they discriminate against chinese over there
Racial Discrimination is WRONG regardless of the race of the person/entity doing the discrimination period. Perhaps it is now timely for Singapore to seriously consider implementing clear and unambiguous laws dealing with racial discrimination, in particular with respect to race discrimination employment cases. Having a look at the UK's Race Relations legislation and related Tribunals would be a good starting point.
Oh and I think Scroobal raised another critical issue in his post above i.e. the well intended yet misguided formation of individual ethnic self-help groups. A citizen needing help from the government/society should not be targeted by his/her ethnicity, doing so merely helps to segregate the society and further makes forging a common Singaporean Identity all the more difficult than it already is in the first place.
I was busy for a bit hence the slow reply.
Anyway for pt number 1.
U did not give any reasons as to why you think my response does not suffice. What do u think is the reaon for HDB quotas???? I mentioned to prevent racial enclaves. You disagreed or did not take it up and just went on and on about financial hardships etc etc. This is SG. Majority race is chinese. Yet there are enclaves or areas that belong to certain races and even ppl from other countries. Take geylang serai. Mostly malay, little india is self explainatory. For the foreigners. There's golden mile for the thais. Peninsula plaza for burmese, Orchard for whites and so on and so forth. Despite the HDB quota in place there are many areas that a particular race, nationality has a majority. Btw u did not address my issue of racial enclaves forming.
Take say in another alternative SG where there's no quota. One place say geylang area is all malays, everything malay, chinese get harrassed and bullied there, what would u do??? Mind u SG had racial riots in the past due to these enclaves. You simply skirted the issues i brought up and just went on to say i missed your pt totally saying these ppl are suffering etc etc.
2. That's it??? Chinese chauvanism????? Let me ask what is the majority race in this country?? What language and national programs should have bigger funding??? Btw like i mentioned earlier. Speak mandarin to geared towards the chinese. Unless it means speak mandarin towards the non chinese forcing them to learn it then maybe i would agree that's going a bit overboard. For the speak mandarin campaign. If ur not chinese, then ignore it, its not for you.
Your the sort of person who would peck and calculate at every little single thing that you think favours the chinese and then come out full force and make accusations like chinese chauvanism etc. Yet what about indian or malay chauvanism???
3. Look SAP schools are not racist. There were indians studying in my school and they learnt mandarin. Obviously they didn't have a problem with it. Since nobody forced them to enroll. The reason why they cannot have mixed races without sap schools is because many things are done in mandarin. We said the plegde in mandarin and english. I can still remember the pledge in chinese. Assembly time teacher also spoke to us in mandarin. English can also be used. This is to create a chinese speaking environment which would greatly aid those who want to improve their mother tongue. Common sense the more you speak a particular language the more proficient u become in it. If it was a non SAP school you would have to adjust your language speakig between english and chinese all the time. Not very condusive for improvement. Look the choice of enrollment in SAP schools is up to the individual. There are many chinese ecuated students who do well in chinese and speak it well in non sap schools. If u hate an all chinese environment just don't enroll in a SAP school. Btw let me remind you again. SAP schools are not racist. If indians and malays want to enroll go ahead. Learn to speak chinese, it does help after all this country's majority is chinese. Same as a minority knowing how to speak malay in malaysia, speaking english in USA. In almost every country, more resources are devoted towards the majority race's language, culture etc.
Btw there are special schools only for malays. Madrasahs teach islam to mostly malays and some indians. Why must they do this??? Won't these students not be able to interact with the majority race and the other non muslims???? I can also bet your reply that the reasoning why malays can have madrasahs only applys to them but not to chinese having SAP schools.
4. It's up to the government for them to implement those laws like you mentioned. FYI racism is illegal in this country. Do you not remember the racist blogger incident? Mostly chinese were arrested cause i guess only chinese ppl are capable of racism.

Anyway it has come to a point where ppl are willing to make police reports over minor incidents. In one case in HWZ. One forummer was asking about mooncakes. Another one remarked that many moon cakes were not halal. This forummer who asked was a muslim malay, he got mocked by another forummer for being a cheap skate. Overall it was a personal vendetta. Nothing to do with religion. Yet he made a police report and gave religious sensitives as a reason.He did this cause he knew that the police would pay attention to it. It has reached such a point that it has become riddiculous.
Btw what about racism towards chinese in employment? KFC, MCD, coffee bean, star bucks etc all seem to employ malays. I guess they discriminate and do not employ chinese. This is discrimination. I know you wrote did not mention any race yet i believe you solely meant about companies not employing minorities, i want to hear your opinion on these fast food places favouring malays over chinese.
Btw many places are halal and fast food places too and most of their customers are not muslim yet they made it halal, another example of showing sensitivity for the minorities.
I take it to mean the formation of mendaki or sinda to either aid malays and indians??? So there should be say the national Sg self help group that will help any race irregardless of his race? So there should not be a mendaki or sinda self help group but say an SG self help group? |
Well for this case i feel its a damn if you do and damn if you don't. Why are these ethnic self help groups formed? Cause they feel that mendaki would understand malays better than say an indian or chinese would. They would have the same relgion speak the same language, be the same race(racism to you i bet) and hence be more able to aid the person. It's good like this. And if there were no self help groups like this then more ppl would be complaining. Hey this person does not understand or feel how the malay's plight for eg, or sensitive to his religion. More accusations of racism. Many of these self help groups are funded by the community, if they did not exist someone would say hey u think malays need the help of the majority? They cannot do it themselves? You think malays need others to help us? We can do it ourselves. Another case of racism again.
It is better this way. Btw minorities do make fun of chinese. For eg say practicing taichi to a chinese person and stuff. Yet of course nobody takes issue with that, cause only the evil chinese are capable of racism. Hence a chinese cannot retort back go and eat your nasi lemak lah.