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Thinking of starting your own business? I failed miserably, consider yourselves warned.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posting videos on youtube is also a business. For every 100k views, you earn $100. Doesn't cost you much to get into this business. Look at Ryan's World for example. This kid became a millionaire by reviewing toys. His videos sucks but yet he got a huge following.


Share a snippet of my friends tiong wife...online fx trading adverts sgreans would shrink from a distance away but this bu went to join understood the system traded herself and later on become a partner...now mostly trade on behalf of clients from home and organise road shows....than bought a new car and set up a phv agency and rented the car outlet now net of expense making about $500 pm (insurance for a phv company is 3k plus)...so these are areas I would say are relatively risk fre but sgreans would not venture into...for trading they will complain its gambling for setting up a phv co they will say too much competition so end up nothing is done most of the time hence the 70% need to govt to always guide them


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go study the PAP business manual, you will proper all your ;life, even your future generations & in perpetual too. Why struggle with your business or finance, learn from the PAP. PAP is the best!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Post videos of PAP and how much they have done for sinkees and the country. Make videos of how the PAP's Ah Neh policies have worked for the country. You will have 2 million followers of Ah Neh descent and make a killing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Do you have the determination?
What is your passion?
What you good at?
What you know best?
Risk factor?
What is your skill?
In sg quite difficult as the rich channel biz to their rich friends network
Imho sg is saturated or stagnant market


In business, the main thing is to be flexible. My decisions and adaptation to changes allowed me to achieve success.


As a business owner myself, I can tell you that if your focus is on Sinkieland market alone, chances are that you'll go kaput in no time or will be just getting by at most. They're lots of opportunities abroad. Just have to open your eyes and see beyond.

KingFook Sr

Running my own business was a tedious affair that eventually went belly up, so was left with no choice but to return to the job market seeking employment in my mid-30s. Attended a few interviews and somehow felt the interviewers were looking down on me for having ran a company which failed. Haven't received any job offers, still on the hunt for a suitable full-time gig.

I estimated that I lost around 300k purely in opportunity costs accrued from not taking up a salaried role during this entire period, which needless to say makes for sufficient dough to buy a humble HDB flat to nicely settle down already.

I realized that once your resume makes mention of you having dabbled in a business venture previously or took up a self-employed vocation such as being a private hire car driver, your standing immediately takes a huge tumble in the eyes of prospective employers; you are deemed much less employable, ie expect to be profiled within the same category as former bankrupts and ex-convicts.

Why do I say that? Because its true. In their narrow-minded wisdom they expect a former bankrupt to go bankrupt yet again, an ex-convict to inexorably return to a life of crime, a former business owner to forever involve himself in uninspiring enterprises, a private hire car driver to remain a lowly chauffeur all his life.

More at https://tinyurI.com/yx5zrhqg
Your atas behaviour condemns you to failure.
HDBs are homes for 80% of Sinkies. They are proud of their homes.
'Humble' indeed.


Running my own business was a tedious affair that eventually went belly up, so was left with no choice but to return to the job market seeking employment in my mid-30s. Attended a few interviews and somehow felt the interviewers were looking down on me for having ran a company which failed. Haven't received any job offers, still on the hunt for a suitable full-time gig.

I estimated that I lost around 300k purely in opportunity costs accrued from not taking up a salaried role during this entire period, which needless to say makes for sufficient dough to buy a humble HDB flat to nicely settle down already.

I realized that once your resume makes mention of you having dabbled in a business venture previously or took up a self-employed vocation such as being a private hire car driver, your standing immediately takes a huge tumble in the eyes of prospective employers; you are deemed much less employable, ie expect to be profiled within the same category as former bankrupts and ex-convicts.

Why do I say that? Because its true. In their narrow-minded wisdom they expect a former bankrupt to go bankrupt yet again, an ex-convict to inexorably return to a life of crime, a former business owner to forever involve himself in uninspiring enterprises, a private hire car driver to remain a lowly chauffeur all his life.

More at https://tinyurI.com/yx5zrhqg

Who did this idiot voted for?


As a business owner myself, I can tell you that if your focus is on Sinkieland market alone, chances are that you'll go kaput in no time or will be just getting by at most. They're lots of opportunities abroad. Just have to open your eyes and see beyond.
Is JB considered abroad ?


Entrepreneurship is glamorized coz it's hard... if everybody was doing it, it wouldn't be glamorized... the key is to know one's own capbilities... many don't, end up write articles...
or they become consultants. I know blokes who have carved lucrative careers from talking about their failed ventures. One fucker has since had global positions advising govts and now is senior VP in a bank