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Thinking of starting your own business? I failed miserably, consider yourselves warned.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some businesses are very profitable and virtually recession-proof. Even a little jail time is worth it. :wink:


Qualities and qualifications include the following: glib tongues, thick hides, smartly dressed even at home, image conscious, trendy and a fervent belief that they can communicate directly with God. The list is non-exhaustive.


Qualities and qualifications include the following: glib tongues, thick hides, smartly dressed even at home, image conscious, trendy and a fervent belief that they can communicate directly with God. The list is non-exhaustive.
let's see... dishonest, sociopathic, narcissistic and delusional summarize it?


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Doing biz is never easy especially if have partnership don't know can trust or not. This is why I remain a salesman selling screws, let my Thai boss take the risks while I relak one corner.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Successful entrepreneurs are usually 富二代. They can afford to get burnt, many times if necessary. Their rich parents will network with peers to bring business to their children.


Successful entrepreneurs are usually 富二代. They can afford to get burnt, many times if necessary. Their rich parents will network with peers to bring business to their children.

Very true. Zuckerberg said something very similar - that he could afford to fail. Instead of worrying about rent and living expenses like regular folks, he could concentrate on building his business with the knowledge he had a safety net

syed putra

AMLIFE Electric Potential Therapy


AMLIFE Electric Potential Therapy
A Research For Home Use Medical Device In Japan
In 1926, according to German Journal of Medicine, people living their life under AC high voltage electric field field had lower incidence of tuberculosis and healthier and live longer life expectancy, also the crops vigorously grow with better harvest.

In 1928, the development of electric potential therapy device in Japan.

In 1968, after 40 years of clinical trials, Japanese Ministry of Health has recognized it as a medical device.

In future, there will be over 50% of Japanese families using electric potential therapy device.

Why A Good Sleep Is Important

While we are sleeping, this is the period where our cells are doing a lot of repairing.
Good sleep - helps
delay aging, enhance your body immune system.
Poor sleep - grow taller slowly, can't slim down, makes you
age faster
Full sleep - makes you
look beautiful, healthy, and fit in most natural way


How Healing Works
The Electric Potential Therapy device loads body full with negative ion energy to store maximum energy to balance harmful positive ion, it also enhances permeability of membrane and restores growth, and neutralizes acidic blood to mild alkaline if use for long term.
Whole Body Therapy


When blood and cells begins to deteriorate, the human body will become weak and get sick easier. Recharge human body with electric potential is a natural therapy without side effect. It can help to neutralize the positive ions, revived oxidation cells, and help blood pH become mild alkaline

Four Causes of Acidic Blood

1. Dietary imbalance
2. Lack of exercise
3. Excessive stress
4. Environmental pollution.