The Blame Game
Wong Kan Seng : Even though I am Minister of home affairs.
This is not my affair . It should be K Shanmugam for enacting lax laws .
K Shanmugam : No no it's not under my control, it should be Mr Gan Kim Yong for manpower . we have not enough men to do the necessary patrol .
Mr GAN Kim Yong : Are you mad K Shanmugam, you drag me into this you should at least got Prof S. JAYAKUMAR in Co-ordinating Minister for National Security in to answer all these for letting in all the foreigners that created all these crimes .
Prof S. JAYAKUMAR : I am stumped . Please refer to Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN.
Dr Vivian BALAKRISHNAN : I cannot say it's acceptable but it's our children that need nurture . You know children these days lack the parental care that our generation has . Parents working long hours and come home late. Birds not feed, cats not feed and dogs don't get their walks .
This lack of nurturing is cause by poor health .
You will need to get Minister for Health
Mr KHAW Boon Wan to answer for it.
Mr KHAW Boon Wan : Sorry next week I have my operation appointment . Anything else.
K Shanmugam : It's not that we want to let them into Singapore it's under the request of Minister for Trade and Industry , Mr LIM Hng Kiang .
Mr Lim Hng Kiang : Sorry we only lease and record input and output figures . This was in review by Minister for National Development, Mr MAH Bow Tan who wanting long term viable and cheap labour for many industries .
Mr MAH Bow Tan : You are mad, we plan no doubt . Even though we are paid millions we don't plan so far . The guy you looking for is Minister for Finance Mr Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM . He was for cheap labour due to request from private companies .
Mr Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM : Can't help it . Private companies requested that cheap labour be brought in because they can keep costs down and profit high . Look at out tax collection report . It has being doing down down down . The one you should call to answer is Mr LIM Swee Say who begin to go cheap campaign before the permission to go ahead was given .
All agreed that Mr Lim Swee Say is not to be touch even though Cheaper faster and better MTV was produced . Which cheapen the view of all local labour .
It was then decided it was the fault of Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr George Yong-Boon YEO who is in-charge of affairs of the foreign . Since Mr George Yeo was Foreign Affair, he was not to be found . But was found later somewhere in France learning French cooking .
So unanimously, it was suggested by
Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and
Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Dr YAACOB Ibrahim
as a 1 in 50 years thing .