Why do I need you to tell me who I am
You failed in your exams to be a shrink
Went on to become a phony preacher
I am the one who shot this video of you
Posted it on Youtube for world to hear
Now get out of my sight you Rice Wasting FARTING PREACHER :oIo::kma:
why you like to engage old kopi for fart
always produce yours tubes for what
nobody is interested lah
all they want is to know the REAL YOU!!!
not some stupid farty preachers
now please leave Kopi alone to do his Final Execution - all planned to be released soon
Heads will ROLL and necks will gullotined....now pls don't waste my time replying to you
you are far too intellectual, too serious and too poetic for a low down kopi like me...now go for JW5 and Mr Wong Meng Meng
who are your equals. Pls do not descend to the GUTTERS and bathe in your arrogant glory!!! Thank you!!!