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That day I walked past my opposite neighbours and someone whistled behind me


Nope, you got the wrong person..Btw, Is your nipples gula Melaka or pink?
Nope I didn’t get the wrong person. You GUTLESS SELF ADMIT CANTONESE @Cottonmouth aka @glockman clone self admitted JEREMY QUEK ASIAN TURTLE SON OF WHORE hiding in rat hole act garang scam my family good name Knnbccb. Go to my facebook to scam my GOOD name to churn evil filthy lies of me a virgin as a fake virgin and dirty toilet bowl cheap cock sucker slut whore mistress and a dirty whore with millions of Indian customers and gula Melaka nipples and chow hai eat cock drink sperm and insult me pig and to harass me with porn photos AND TO ISSUE VIOLENT THREATS to win ok you dirty coward criminal?

kt latha

I already said I took photos of their subsequent harassment - which I will not reveal what it is due to copycat criminals - and sent to management office.
Have jus checked with the mgt office, there was no photos sent to them in the past week, no complaint received on any harassment from residents as well.... you ccb cockroach, spinning lies again and again... go fuc spider lah

kt latha

Have jus checked with the mgt office, there was no photos sent to them in the past week, no complaint received on any harassment from residents as well.... you ccb cockroach, spinning lies again and again... go fuc spider lah
See, the cockroach slut lies are exposed... dare not come to this thread to spin again.. really the ccb!!!