My point is in a family with grown-up kids, all working and assuming they are earning as much as you and me, should these kids be penalised just because they live with their parents? The idea is good but we need to find ways not to penalise people like these.
You seem to be unable to understand such simple isse.
Nobody is penalising anyone. If you cannot afford to buy and use the car, don't buy it in the first place.
Let me tell you what the actual suituation is since the ERP was raised in early Nov.
For the first 3 days, many cars stayed away from the time zone which has the highest ERP rate but come the the 4th and 5th day and henceforth, the cars seem to return.
This is typical Sinkie behavior. They felt it too painful to pay when the rate was raised but became indifferent when they knew that HAD to pay, if they HAD to pass thru the gantry during those time zone. They find it difficult to change their time zone so as to aviod those high charges.
Many buy the cars on loan. Too many in fact. The typical Sinkie just refuses to change their behaviour and as such, this cause the high COE to be seen So raising of ERP rate much much further is the way to go.
Since the COE has little in affect in the behaviour of Sinkie towards owning a car, as they take loans to minimise the effect.
It's time for the gov to raise the ERP much higher to achieve the desired result.