The gov is not interested or have an interest to find commuter an alternative/cheaper mode of travel.
The gov wants to control certain behaviour that leads to traffic congestion.
Those who use their cars during the peak morning and evening hours are not 'marginal' in numbers.
These are the ones causing the problem which resulted in COE and ERPs.
Imagine if almost 50% would to buy their cars but these remain parked during the peak hours, would you have traffic congestion?
Sure, given the much higher prices to come, some , I say some, will move to public transport or restructure their travel pattern but the disincentive to use their cars now IS NOT STRONG ENOUGH to 'encourage' many to do so.
As I have said, if ERP were to be set at a rate of more than $10 a pop, you will see many will 1) find an alternative route ( which results in congestion in the out llying areas) or 2) restructure their time to pass thru the ERP ( which is what is desired) or 3) use public transport.
For the first not to happen , I say ERP all routes and charge a high rate.
We'll then see, who are the Sinkie who wants to own a car and still can pay for it!