Wa - missed me huh ?
Just arrived back early this morning from Barcelona (SQ) some hours ago
Global climate now really hay-wire : already well into autumn and nearing winter but still HOT (unusually pretty sunny still for most places) at this time of the year (Good thing only rained ONE whole day Mon 24th ONCE on this trip - unlike my Eastern Europe trip last year when it rained MANY days !)
Well I ONLY deposited/lost 40 Euros at Stanley Ho's Casino Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal playing slots for about 1.5 hours : telling myself "Just For Fun" Mini-BR of just 100 Euros (initially was up with some 30+ Euros WINS, then increased my BR with another 20 Euros and managed to reduce some later losses ultimately ending with mere 40 Euros loss ----> good enough entertainment fees

Played Luxury of Life, Wheel of Fortune, Zorro etc with pretty frequent fun features/bonuses etc didn't have enough time to explore other slots on the other floors :p ). As nobody wanted to visit the casino on our 2nd night in Lisbon, I gave it a miss that night [Am NOT so addicted as to die-die must go there alone even tho' it was pretty easy to hop onto the metro as just several stops away from hotel metro stop)
Passed by on coach another Stanley Ho Casino Estoril (but NO CHANCE to stop and play etc) - set up for the rich Europeans who were in neutral Portugal to escape from World War 2 (in "exile" etc) & known as "the James Bond Casino Royal"
Well I must say the group here is a pretty fun/friendly group and we had LOTS & LOTS of fun & laughs

Spain & Portugal (good especially for those who are Catholics [which I'm not] as plenty of basilicas & religious pilgrimage routes/places) - but long coaching on some days [eg 4+4=8 hours from Madrid to Barcelona !)
I love the coastal/seaside scenery & mountains ..... and the Gaudi architecture etc etc etc

Sighzzz .... back to work next week