Nowadays I 'literally save money' by NOT going to the casinos because somehow each time/visit becomes a Substantial Loss Trip for me - so not much point anymore for me since I STILL can amuse myself with the FREE Online Slots

(though if I want to play the GamingClub Slot Games I now have to play on the office computer during my short doses of free time [if any] since they recognise my home IP address and don't allow me further free play after exhausting all their free credits on my home Macbook :o :( )
These days the free online slot games are slowly increasing in number and ALMOST just as fun except don't have that 'payout/real loss' element
Will need to pop by RWS to claim my last few visits' Vouchers [after getting pay next week ...] - to accumulate for some shopping there
For my Sun 9th Oct MBS Stay, guess will need to pay the $100 Daily Levy just so I can go to the main PA Counter and get my PA DiamondCard renewed since it will be expiring by end-Oct ?
Have decided NOT to use my remaining PDs for an upgraded Club Room - save those for some meals instead [or maybe catch Lion King before leaving for my Spain/Portugal trip somewhere mid-Oct] ......
Will be 'sacrificing/switching' my Fri 7th Oct PM OFF or working Full Day that Fri just so I can have my Mon 10th Oct AM Off/Free due to the MBS Stayover
- don't like that as my colleagues say Fridays are always Packed Days somehow as clients seem to love coming to see us on Fridays of all days (well I'm glad I picked Fridays as my Afternoon Off Flexi-Day then from the very beginning since I like the idea of having a 'long weekend of sorts' !

These days too after experiencing the 'genuineness' of those heavily-discounted Deal Offers, I'm on the lookout for the Daily Travel Deals

Can buy 1st then decide on the Travelling Date to be booked later - just do booking within the allowed time-frame for say Next Year's Travel
With my already-extended long weekends starting Fridays, it's quite easy to just add-on a day or 2 days' leave for these cheap short trips
- only problem is finding a suitable travelling companion since they require minimum 2 or a pair per booking [but maybe minimum 10 in group or 5 pairs per confirmed date]
Hmmmm......maybe for those Land Tours where the airticket is NOT included I could simply pay for 2 pax {especially when they are heavily discounted say at 70-90% off : total for 2 less than $200 ?? } and then just pay the Daily Tips 2x and buy ONE airticket instead
[should be much much cheaper than paying Single Supplement travel] !!!!
YES - spending $$$ on Travel & Holidays seems so much more meaningful than simply losing lots of $$ at the casinos without any return (so far for me

Sighs what I've lost so far could have travelled 1st Class on many long trips etc etc etc too

BUT then there's this online psychic who's predicting for me a Very Substantial WIN at a Game of Chance from/after Oct .... so must still pop by RWS (if not MBS too) before my RWS annual levy expires in Nov at least to TEST this out [for whatever it is worth hahaha

Going off for my Spain/Portugal trip briefing now ........