Hi Bro Kia and JJcc...
What will happen to our Premier Card and our PD when our membership expires and we do not renew our membership?
Well going by bro slotmania's experience [tho' he's on SE], he said he was told to use up the PD within 2 months of his Premier Card expiry in June ie. by August ?
But ecclesiastes the teacher said to use up the PDs within ONE YEAR from the PA Membership Card Date - see previous page - BUT then he's a Paizza Gold member [in the elite group] !
My MBS Annual Levy expires on 4th August but my Diamond PA Membership expires only in October - should still be able to use up the PDs on Rooms, Gift Shop & Sweet Spot purchases, Rise, Pizzeria Mozza, Cut, Concerts/Show Tickets, etc ...
And do those FREE DAILY SWIPES for whatever promo they're having if desired [to me a waste of time bc I've YET to be lucky at any of these draws :(

Should be able to check with the PA Counter Staff on the EXACT LAST DATE that we can actually use up these PDs as very very low chance of being able to accumulate more points to get PDs in the same way as we did earlier if we're now contemplating MUCH FEWER Visits on DAILY LEVY only

Anyway I have less than 1k PDs balance with the amount of exchanged slot credit done and I'll be using some PDs to pay the balance Room Rate after deducting some Room Certificates for my coming Room Stays this Sat and the last Sun of July - so I don't have any worries of not being able to use up my PDs by Oct or after !
I DID ask whether we need to RETAIN any minimum number of points in our PA Membership Card when doing the Slot Exchange - was told just need to retain some PDs for meals in the Casino etc and that any POINTS already earned remains so FOREVER (it's only the PDs that get used up) - so I'm GUESSING if we're at WHATEVER Current Card Level now, we could simply get it RENEWED upon its expiry since we'd ALREADY EARNED the POINTS to get to that level (Up to us whether we choose to gain casino access by Annual or Daily Levy then ?)
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