My FR of my Thurs-Fri 17 Sep 2015 Hotel Michael staycation
Hmmm...except for the shower curtains (+ not warm enough shower water) and no-door WC, I quite like the Hotel Michael rooms
The Twin Bed room was quite huge and brightly-lit with big twin beds - not like the overly-dark & gloomy Hard Rock [only topped up for its swimming pool which some of my friends like) - and the wood décor was rather cheery and practical/functional - my room had 4 seats while there was NOT even 1 basic chair in my last Hard Rock twin room !
Since my retiree older girlfriend would only be joining me late after her PAP/RC Appreciation Dinner - she replaced the "Original Michael Hotel Request girlfriend" who changed her mind on staying as she suddenly had an early Fri Morning meeting to attend instead of being free till 2pm (where she could have gone home 1st after our checkout) - she didn't want to have to lug her overnighter bag around for Fri !
I managed to get another retiree friend to spend the day with me
Cedele Lunch, Vivo Movie after checking-in, Dinner ....have also already cleared all my CFD positions ahead of the expected volatility on the FED Announcement etc and as RWS had no free Wifi - wouldn't have been able to do any decent trading/monitoring too last night .........
*** It wasn't possible for me to print-out the 1N Hotel Voucher earned at the OUTSIDE Kiosks and the Membership Lounge staff said such Hotel Promos fall within Strictly-Casino Promos and could only be printed out from the Inside Casino Kiosks !!!!
THAT being the case - my mind got ITCHY and THEN began having thoughts to just POP into the casino even if very briefly with the intention to get the Hotel Voucher printed out {Didn't have high hopes of being able to earn another 100+ points to reach 388 for 2N Hotel - not with that miserable-for-me much much reduced BR}
I'd originally thought I had no more funds to go into the casino at all - not after having maxed out my reduced BR and also WD what shouldn't have been WD at all as meant for some payments on my Tues after-facial-n-massage MBS disastrous trip on 15 Sep !!!!
Then while telling my friend that I was AGAIN in 'dire straits' like the last time that we had met up [which was then luckily followed by some unexpected very lucky fruitful casino trips around/before n after my birthday etc that TEMPORARILY saved me for those few 4-5 months ....]
With my itch I then became 'creative' and hit upon the bright idea of using those funds meant for a certain credit payment due at the end of Sep
I said - If I die I might as well die fighting - I live very dangerously remember ?
ie IF the inevitable can be delayed by some last-minute Windfall Funds, why not at least TRY ??? :p

If really the boat refused to right itself when it reached the bridge THIS time round, no big deal as just have to 'surrender to it'
Being made bankrupt simply means the end of holiday travel for me - no big impact I guess here ...bah :o
Also I don't need further credit for any further big-ticket items etc etc etc (My HDB is safe from bankruptcy proceedings too)....
can ALSO stop "struggling" to make further payments etc
THE Big Impact (for ME) of course would be being banned from the casinos and no more trading ?
But that ultimate stage will still be some months later with grace period etc etc (if ever) - as I could still hopefully 'survive and extend what I've been doing' in the meantime with my CFD Trading - so long as I can continue to pay my dues when due, nothing bad will happen
That's how the Real World works ......
But of course, IF ONLY I could strike a Big Windfall soon - to become really Financially Independent with spare millions [ok - maybe Half a Million would do too] - DON'T have to worry over money anymore etc ......
UNLESS this Last Resort (CFD Trading) fails TOO, guess Then & Only Then I have to submit to my 'fate' hahaha

Afterall, THIS is my SECOND Stint at being retrenched ... so IF ultimately am made a bankrupt, not at all strange izzit ?
Guess, if things REALLY become that bad, got to find out whether need to 'transfer/amend' my internet account etc in this hopefully Basic IT Days as surely No More those terrible Unenlightened Old Days when a bankrupt is NOT allowed to own Mobile Phones and Computers or an internet account etc etc ???? Aiyoh - I can DIE without Internet (like Amos Yee hahahaha

THESE Days - even Looking for Jobs NEED Internet sheesh .... !!!!!

Can easily 'hide' a laptop but NOT the Internet Modem etc .... sighzzzz
Has anyone ever SUCCEEDED in continuing to do trading with our own limited cash [maybe WITHOUT anymore margin/credit from the Broking Houses - ie we are only RISKING Our Own Limited Funds] in THIS kind of 'possibly-made-bankrupt' scenarios - at least trading SHOULD be considered Self-Employment for ME as I CAN'T Drive Taxis

Well with some trading ... I can then make the minimal monthly payment (S$10 ??) to the OA and CONTINUE with most of my usual daily activities -
EXCEPT maybe for Casino Trips and Overseas Travel ? Guess can only do armchair online vicarious travel then ....
For ME, Trading is my ONLY likely JOB (with the chance to generate $$ that's similar to previous high salary to pay for my high expenses)
If the heavens do not bless me with any windfalls - slot wins, Toto, 4D, Big Sweep, [even good or fantastic CFD Trades ?]
Only thing left is probably my usual CFD Trading ?
I was telling my friend I need to use the ATMs at VIVO as the RWS ones only pay out $100s and $50s
I was trying to MAX my WDs as much as feasible - every last dollar COUNTS in such "Last-Ditch Waging War/Battle situations" hahaha

In the end - my TOTAL BR for this Thurs-Fri RWS Also-ALL-Loss Trip was only about $700+$300+$200 Slot GP Play
During one of the $100 Slot GP Credit Play, I'd run out of NOTES to play the 250 credit button so had to ask an uncle there to let me have a $2 note exchanged for my 2 $1 COINS before I could play (I was rather reluctant to leave the machine with the Credited $100 converted GPs to go out to do yet another ATM WD !)
When I left my girlfriend in the room for the casino at midnight, I warned her I would probably be back Very Fast - maybe only an hour or so as I was playing with such miserable 'reduced' BR - AND I wasn't at all optimistic in the light of all the BAD FRs !!!!!
Anyway I started off - checking Vanda Room and Orchid Room for my 'usual fav slots' - all occupied
Then went to the former Premium Slot area
Kia's Good 10c CC was only good for a little while - I had to play very 'judiciously/sparingly' with my very small $700 BR (at that stage)
I managed to grow that $700 to at most $1,100+ only with some good 125credit play
Then I switched to max 500 credit and it all went downhill
I switched back to 125credit play but that CC was no good already !
Blame it on my stubborn impatience etc etc etc ......
Then I had some Beginners' Luck at the CC Slot further in at that row - the 1st one - with the balance BR and $200 Slot Credit Play (with the uncle's exchanged $2 note from my 2x$1 COINS)
But again it was just NOT sustainable and I even lost the later $300 ATM WD

I never did get around to checking out the (new) CCs at Island Delight or further in the Smoking Area
I even had THOUGHTS of going upstairs Maxims to try the 3 CCs there
BUT somehow I had that Reluctant Feet syndrome !!!!
My fav OR CC was still occupied so I played briefly its neighbor .... all bad and lost my last note AGAIN !
Finally I got that 1N RWS Hotel Voucher printed out before leaving
In all less than 2 hours slot play from After Midnight entry to Before 2 am departure
(Luckily I'd put aside some notes from my WDs [NOT brought my last dollar into casino and left safely in hotel room] - could use that for some 4D and Toto when we went to Chinatown (from a 'good outlet') for an easy porridge etc lunch after checking out friend had kindly brought along her homemade chrysanthemum tea for the haze etc too for me .....)
- now to see how long I can 'delay' my next CFD WD etc ...... for my continued financial survival if no other windfalls :p