DON'T READ Warning - my lor-sor RWS Fri-Sat 11-12 Sep 2015 FR !
Gave up my half-hearted plans to pop into MBS before the Fri RWS staycation on Polling Day yesterday due to the horrible haze etc
Anyway I was having some problems with the laptop since last Thurs ('limited' internet connection ???) and thought it was due to my fibre connection
Short outcome - I have a new laptop Tues replacing the faulty one as still within warranty period (this comes with good new speakers as I can now listen to the youtube videos again)

(My friend said I'm over-using my laptop with my trading and forum reading etc ... had to touch the old Mac for those couple of days when the laptop was 'out' without internet !

Bro highroller
Afraid I won't know whether MBS casino would be packed during F1 - but personally don't think much more ppl will be going in there tho' or for long ?
Guess it's more of the external-to-casino activities that would be keeping those F1 crowds busy ?
My Fri Polling Day 11 Sep staycation at Equarius Hotel (with $60 top-up)
Before doing our check-in, we went for chendol at Malaysian Street Food (with my MacD sweet potato fries)
Then rested in room until around 7.30pm for shuttle bus - my friend wanted her KL Hokkien Mee which she found yummy but I found the Penang Kway Teow kind of bland last night and also the cuttlefish in last night's portion of KangKong Cuttlefish was pathetic (previous servings were much much more generous !)
After dinner, we watched the Election Announcements + some movie - and I also did my sea salt/kaffir lime gel bath soak in the huge bath tub
My friend told me not to be too superstitious as I expressed my reluctance to go into the casino after having come across a monk that Fri and encouraged me to go (without the snorer me around she can have a sound sleep without having to use ear plugs hahaha)
My friend was too tired to watch on and went to sleep - I changed into my lucky blue top 'casino uniform' and left the room after 1.30am
The receptionist had to call for a buggy to bring me over to the casino as there was none at Equarius
After some waiting, I was buggied over but I deliberately didn't want to use the dark double-escalators usual route to the casino due to the pro-casino feng shui there
So used the longer Festive Walk route using the other Monorail- Casino escalators - better play safe than sorry hahahaha ......
Entered RWS just after 2am
My fav CC in Vanda Room still occupied even at that late hour
So looked in Orchid Room for available CCs
The previous 'loose 8k max CC' was available but so-so play only and then got Call Attendant message
So shifted to nearby CE - that CC tito paper roll was changed later but I was warned not to play that slot as its 'money box' was full and would still be out of action pretty soon due to that
So I switched to another CC but ALSO very lack-lustre and CMI
Within an hour or so I'd about lost almost my $1,800 BR so went to do a 1k ATM WD
Then I went back to the VR and luckily the last player gave his seat up at my fav CC in VR
I swooped and sat down - my fav VR CC was the Highlight Slot for Fri-Sat !!!
It was behaving well altho' NOT as smooth as on that Sat 20-6-15 pre-birthday staycation night (>>10k+)
Anyway, the HIGHEST reached with my later 1k BR was only 6k+ last night (unlike 8k+ 2 weeks ago on 28/8/15 in OR)
I had a 2k and a 4k plus win (mainly playing 25 cr on 20c rather than on 10c denomination - ALSO played short stint 50c denom)
As always the initial portion were better ... usual Downs & Ups etc .....
I WhatsApp my friend to call me when she woke up
Told her I wanted to remain playing in the casino since the CC was STILL hot/good (my 6k max win had dropped to 4k at that stage)
So told her to just leave at her around-10 timing and I would check-out before the 12 noon deadline.....
I was so intent on getting that CC to grow the 4k to beyond 6k etc .....
But by the final moments before catching the shuttle for my checkout, I was still struggling at range-bound 2k - 3.5k
I was almost at Break Even 2.5k (had kept $300 aside from my later 1k ATM WD at that time) level with slight positive at one stage BUT stubborn play
of course saw me ending up with just around 2k !!!
Then I itchy-fart after checking out decided to go back into the casino {sighzzz I MUST NOT Do This kind of thing !!!!!}
By then lots of people at the casino and good CCs all occupied
So ended up losing that 2k too - playing whatever available CCs - also managed to touch same Highlight VR CC BUT its Good Cycle was gone !!!
Also redeemed the latest Lucky Draw Promo slips and the Happy 9 Buffet - but then realised I WON'T be there for Tonight's Draw AND also AGAIN just Missed on the Lunch Buffet Timing by minutes ! But I was not really hungry as had eaten my 'breakfast bun' late after doing my checkout and had also taken the chicken meat from the chicken rice served [left most of the rice] - also had forgotten all about the orange juice placed in the fridge last night until had ALREADY alighted from the shuttle and walking towards casino !
We're so forgetful - my friend misplaced her sleeping T-shirt in the room 2 weeks back (and housekeeping couldn't find it)
(Hmmm AGAIN I DIDN'T sleep in my bed at all ....)
Now I've to do another withdrawal from my trading profits - to pay further expenses and next casino BR (guess can't rely on my very small 3+1 and 3 number Toto sound from any of my 4D too)
Next week will be checking into Hotel Michael for my very 1st stay there [due to my friends' curiousity on 28/8]
But strange thing is - my friend is now NOT staying over [due to sudden early morning meeting etc the next day]
So I'll try to get another friend to join me in the staycation here
ADDED : My retiree RC friend will join me after her PAP/RC Appreciation Dinner at Mandarin Orchard - can't stand it - why SgPoreans vote this way sighzzzzz
After that it's a 2N MBS Stay at a Premier City View room (at $50++ upgrade per night) over the Hari Raya Haji holiday with the casino-going friend (to collect MBS Mooncakes then) - I better bring my laptop in case want to do some DJ trading then ???
BTW - MBS has given me 2N free room [+ 4N Discounted Rooms] again for 1-28 Oct
So I've booked a Sat room [but was suddenly told that Sat rooms are non-upgradable - so only a choice between the Premier Garden View and the smaller Deluxe City View in T3 without bathtub ?] and re-booked a Mon Oct Club Room as my friend likes the Club Evening Canapes/Breakfast after checking her schedule yesterday in the room
So - it looks like the RWS CC slots may have been 'loosened' towards the night time cycle when I was there as they seemed tightened after that from around noon time !
Also I touched very briefly one of those new 20c CC in VR after seeing a 6k+ tito slip being printed out from that machine
Hmmm NOT as tight as the previous time playing it
Will see whether I'm allowed to upload a couple of pics taken on this visit later
(Fell asleep Sat night while doing this post so only posting this on Sun morning !!!)