I think I MAY go MBS mid-week - for a Cash Cove gamble hahahahaha
BEFORE my weekend 3D2N RWS Staycation
DON'T READ WARNING - my long-winded MBS FR !
You might choose NOT to read what I've written within brackets (some lor-sor trivia etc)
I'm back from my Wed 26 August overnight MBS trip - early morning
(After my Wed massage and facial n lunch, I went to MBS
My facial therapist didn't get that small special 'fish trap' for me as the shop (in M'sia) was closed when she went home
But I bought the caviar serum on offer so that the serum could be smeared over my face n neck
She recommended such so as 'to attract the CC fish' hahaha .....
But I did have another 'fish charm bracelet' with red agate beads

This Wed MBS trip - highlight was playing Kia's and my fav 2c 5 Koi 00722 !
I FINALLY found where the 722 5K was moved to (5D+5K+5K+5K)
It is just behind the Pirate, Bier Haus n Eagle WMS Noisy machines - quite near to WOF Wheel of Fortune
I had great joy n delight playing this 722 5K - after many many months of not touching 5K (after discovering CC) !!!
My BR was just $1800 (+ $100 levy)
I only used an initial $200 (in all -only used up to $500 for this 5K !) - the 722 was behaving VERY well
I made a beeline for the 3 5 Kois there - to check whether any of them could be that missing 722
I was early and no one was playing those slots yet - PHEW !
From the start, 722 behaved Extremely Well - overall smooth paying pattern and I was playing max 450 credits with such a responsive slot !
Even had 3-retriggers once - chose majority 10G gold koi then the 13G blue koi n middle black koi with just several times the 20G red koi !
I was glued to this 722 for a straight 8-9 hours till after midnite (very strong bladder-tummy control) when it started to pay less ....
Quite fast I steadily grew the winnings to 9k (using only $200 initial BR) - then it started going DOWN towards 5k. then UP again to 8-9k finally once again
At 1 stage, I had an Auto-printed TITO as the tally exceeded 10k - I kept the 9k Tito aside and continued play with my 1-2k tito
My highest tally Wed night was 11k+
My 2k tito was Down Up Down Down n I also used another $300 BR (total $500 BR used up for this 722)
I stopped playing the 722 when it no longer stayed good n paying
I then merged the earlier 9k tito with my last remaining credits from the other tito
Went to the cashier to redeem a just below 10k tito
Then part 2 - I went to the CCs at the High Limit area and lost half my winnings and remaining BR
ALL the CCs I touched sucked and were just terribly tight and non-paying including my fav ones (both the 10c and 25c ones)
Washing my hands with the green lemon gel didn't work this time round again sighzzz
I then went to the Membership Counter to check on those Race Car game slips etc
Was told IF I were there at 8pm Thurs night then paid DOUBLE if win/strike - otherwise can wait till just before 8pm 20 Sep to claim prizes
They managed to trace and do a re-print of the Silver Globe voucher for me as the ink had 'disappeared with words missing' for me to claim it
The ONLY CC that gave me some initial decent play was this 5c one much later in the early morning when it was unoccupied
The one just outside of Fatt Choi - the highest was up to $800 win before that was lost in further play
Really NOT a CC night for me here - lost my remaining BR and half my winnings from the 722 5 Koi !
Will try to post as many of the non-rejected few pics I sneaked of the earlier 722 5K wins later
Went home after a delayed dinner-breakfast at Tong Dim
After a rest will check-in for my 2N RWS staycation
(Fri having a birthday dinner for a friend with the gang celebrating with her - last year we did the MBS Grand Club Room b-day staycation)
Hope the CCs at RWS will be loosened for my play otherwise jialat what else worth playing ?
If not better don't even bother to play as will be just wasting my BR - but then Thurs n Fri (Caution bc of 15th Full Moon ??) are my supposed lucky days ?
A retired older girlfriend just WhatApp me and she'll be sleeping over tonight (last minute afterthought)
She says to go to the Wax Museum for free - till 31st August ?

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