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[Singapore] - Normal Academic student makes it to Medical school, is now working as a medical doctor


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thanks to the PAP's idea of meritocracy, this young chap from the Normal stream is able to make it into the prestigious NUS to study medicine. If this chink boy was in jiuhu or indon instead, he would be lucky to make it into a local university even if he was the top of his cohort. Jiuhu reserves nearly all of its public university spaces for moslem bumis only, even if the moslem bumis are complete retards.


Super Moderator
Staff member
this getting into medical school stuff and what not is all about the interview.

You do NOT need to be top scoring to get into medical school.

You just need to be charming and very good in that 15 to 20 min interview. Write a great touching story in your resume or cover letter.

It is a selection of applicants. But that's how it is in real life too for many things.


this getting into medical school stuff and what not is all about the interview.

You do NOT need to be top scoring to get into medical school.

You just need to be charming and very good in that 15 to 20 min interview. Write a great touching story in your resume or cover letter.

It is a selection of applicants. But that's how it is in real life too for many things.
Can we find schools that coach the candidate to do well in essay and interview ?

syed putra

We lack writers, movie makers, creative singers, successful bands, great sportmen, research scientist..
Why must it be medicine, medicine, medicine...


Super Moderator
Staff member
We lack writers, movie makers, creative singers, successful bands, great sportmen, research scientist..
Why must it be medicine, medicine, medicine...
The problem is Singapore is too small a market for those things. Even research scientist there is no critical mass of researchers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's just like those successful towkays the Shitty Times interviewed, for one success story they cover there are plenty of other failures that they didn't cover.

It is propaganda, plain and simple. The motive and timing of such propaganda, that you can decide for yourself.


this getting into medical school stuff and what not is all about the interview.

You do NOT need to be top scoring to get into medical school.

You just need to be charming and very good in that 15 to 20 min interview. Write a great touching story in your resume or cover letter.

It is a selection of applicants. But that's how it is in real life too for many things.
I beg to differ

the interview is a show. Just an excuse to reject a candidate. If the papa or mama gets angry the panel can say : your son/daughter did not do well at the interview

who gets in already screened and approved by PSC. Nowadays the emphasis is on both academic excellence and leadership qualities

I was very lame and uncommitted during my interview . My JC friend turned up in T shirt and jeans and told the panel he was forced to apply for medicine . Both of us got in . He later dropped out to do his passion architecture.

there was a time when they let in the average grade candidates to push the high scorers into another profession like law or engineering . much to their chagrin these average scorers drop like flies and cannot survive the 5 years. Now it’s back to all A scores .


Super Moderator
Staff member
I beg to differ

the interview is a show. Just an excuse to reject a candidate. If the papa or mama gets angry the panel can say : your son/daughter did not do well at the interview

who gets in already screened and approved by PSC. Nowadays the emphasis is on both academic excellence and leadership qualities

I was very lame and uncommitted during my interview . My JC friend turned up in T shirt and jeans and told the panel he was forced to apply for medicine . Both of us got in . He later dropped out to do his passion architecture.

there was a time when they let in the average grade candidates to push the high scorers into another profession like law or engineering . much to their chagrin these average scorers drop like flies and cannot survive the 5 years. Now it’s back to all A scores .
I guess I am one of those. My A level scores horrible. No S paper. Nothing. No leadership in school either. Just a fucking loser nobody. I also dunno how I got into med school. I had no re's though throughout M1-M5.

The funny thing is the same thing happened to me again in Canada!

I had lousy credentials no volunteer work no observorships no Canadian letters of reference.

But somehow I still managed to get ranked high enough. My interview I basically told a CSB and made snide remarks about Drs.

I guess there is also some kind of PSC in Canada too. LOL!


This is specifically for parents whose kids taking psle and going to enter NA or NT next year sec 1.


I guess I am one of those. My A level scores horrible. No S paper. Nothing. No leadership in school either. Just a fucking loser nobody. I also dunno how I got into med school. I had no re's though throughout M1-M5.

The funny thing is the same thing happened to me again in Canada!

I had lousy credentials no volunteer work no observorships no Canadian letters of reference.

But somehow I still managed to get ranked high enough. My interview I basically told a CSB and made snide remarks about Drs.

I guess there is also some kind of PSC in Canada too. LOL!
How u entered medicine?



he is only the 0.000001% who have made it!
but what is the real message behind this article?
izit to proof determination, perseverance etc. of this young chap?
if yes, then its still just the 0.0000001% likelihood that that a determined, preserved young chap whom can make it.

then, what about rest of the 99.99999% young chaps?
well, its the current education system, nonsensical psle standards, school category systems + hypocrisy cover-ups of educational ministers that have ruined them all !!
this chap would have been at least 10% should psle be removed, not to mentioned the streaming by aggregated scores and now cover-up by banding width.

this is actually a very very sad article not relating to the fact that our education system had, have and continue to ruin many many kids!
no one is late-boomers when psle is applied to make his/hers academic excellence coz psle is totally nonsense and uncalled for, on such insane standards by our retard moe system