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[Singapore] - Normal Academic student makes it to Medical school, is now working as a medical doctor


Super Moderator
Staff member
How u entered medicine?
I also dunno.

I think I am just good at interviews lah.

There are only 2 interviews in my life where I did not get success.

One was my interview to work at McDonald's in Canada. The guy said he didnt want a Dr flipping burgers.

The 2nd one was for a knee brace company in Canada as a thermoplastic knee brace technician. I dont think I was good enough for the hands on find work.

Otherwise all the other interviews I have gone for all good. I turned down a few job offers including one to go to work in China.

Maybe I should be interview coach instead. Lol!


Hard work, being humble & giving thoughts to humanity leads to success.
That only happens in Disney movies

In real life the crook who knows how to bend rules and has high EQ will beat any top scorers from any top elite school

You work long enough and seen enough you will know I am right


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hard work, being humble & giving thoughts to humanity leads to success.
Hard work yes.

Humble or not doesnt matter.

Giving thoughts to humanity also doesnr matter.

Having initiative. Take action. Seize opportunity. Willing to take chances. Willing to move up. Willing to take on challenges to be better despite hardship longer hours and more difficult work. See Hard work.

Sometimes also need to be objective and not sentimental. An opportunity is given to you to move up the ladder. This was supposed to be for your colleague who you are on good terms with currently. You know he or she wants that very badly. Do you take it knowing it may cause friction in your relationship?

Things like that.


Super Moderator
Staff member
That only happens in Disney movies

In real life the crook who knows how to bend rules and has high EQ will beat any top scorers from any top elite school

You work long enough and seen enough you will know I am right
Those goody goody people are usually like the Snow Whites and Cinderella without the prince or fairy godmother.

Just slog and slog. Hard work. Good souls. Kind hearted. Help poor. Nothing wrong really. But then again Cinderella and Snow white never really complained and kpkb did they? I think they would have quite contendedly continued doing what they were doing till they grew old and died.