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Chitchat Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos


Ehh...we dont hate the xtians. But the xtians hate Muslims. We dont ridicule xtianity. Just look at all the threads. Oh ya....including urs too.

Muslims followed the commandment as laid down by the Quran. Xtians ridicule us for following their OT. :roflmao: Haha...Btw why would any Muslims care abt the xtians. I mean nothing to do with us. Day of Judgement u answer to ur creator.
U say others ridicule Islam. Just look at what yr kind is doing in Europe. Look at Christian minorities in mudslimes countries. How can any decent human being not get fed up with the mudslimes? N u say day of judgement. We will all be judge. Just like the mudslimes and their terrorist acts.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Do you know what is the new commandment that Jesus gave? And where is the 10 commandments in Islam?

I just read watever translated fm the bible xtians using now. Cos the original Injeel no longer exist. So to my understandg Jesus pbuh warned not to break any OT laws. He came to fulfil them. Not abolish them. As for Muslims the 5 pillars of Islam n pillars of faith are of utmost importance.


Alfrescian (Inf)
U say others ridicule Islam. Just look at what yr kind is doing in Europe. Look at Christian minorities in mudslimes countries. How can any decent human being not get fed up with the mudslimes? N u say day of judgement. We will all be judge. Just like the mudslimes and their terrorist acts.

I had mentioned many times to u. Let me repeat again. If teres no invasion wars in ME, then there wont be migrants. Tere wont be million of innocent deaths. Look. U can turn ur cheek aside when million of innocents were massacred. But when a "muslim" killed a non Muslim out of revenge etc.. u highlighted it 24/7? U tink is fair?Decent human fed up? Of course. Life is precious. Millions were massacred unnecessary. Even now killing still on going in Syria n Afghanistan. But u dont hear media highlightg those killed do u?

Yes. Come Judgement Day u n i will be judged too.:cautious:


I had mentioned many times to u. Let me repeat again. If teres no invasion wars in ME, then there wont be migrants. Tere wont be million of innocent deaths. Look. U can turn ur cheek aside when million of innocents were massacred. But when a "muslim" killed a non Muslim out of revenge etc.. u highlighted it 24/7? U tink is fair?Decent human fed up? Of course. Life is precious. Millions were massacred unnecessary. Even now killing still on going in Syria n Afghanistan. But u dont hear media highlightg those killed do u?

Yes. Come Judgement Day u n i will be judged too.:cautious:
Please note alot of muslim lands were Christian lands..so who invade who? And u say usa invade iraq etc. U support saddam n his sons? The usa wanted to get out of ME. But instead of the iraqis banding together to build the nation. They destroyed it themselves. And yes the west made the mistake in allowing refugees. Stupid ang more values. Should have forced them to remain where they are or stay refugee camps. Do not forget. The Crusades was to defend against mudslime aggression. Mudslimes did invade Europe.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please note alot of muslim lands were Christian lands..so who invade who? And u say usa invade iraq etc. U support saddam n his sons? The usa wanted to get out of ME. But instead of the iraqis banding together to build the nation. They destroyed it themselves. And yes the west made the mistake in allowing refugees. Stupid ang more values. Should have forced them to remain where they are or stay refugee camps. Do not forget. The Crusades was to defend against mudslime aggression. Mudslimes did invade Europe.

Xtian land? U mean nobody living in ME when xtians conquered those lands?

I nvr like Saddam. But tat doesnt mean US n his xtian allies have the rights to massacred million of innocents. US n Israel have many options to take on Saddam, no? Tats only Iraq. Hw abt the rest...Egypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan etc .


I just read watever translated fm the bible xtians using now. Cos the original Injeel no longer exist. So to my understandg Jesus pbuh warned not to break any OT laws. He came to fulfil them. Not abolish them. As for Muslims the 5 pillars of Islam n pillars of faith are of utmost importance.
Jesus came to fulfill the old testament because his coming was prophesied in the OT. Since the OT was fulfilled, he has made a new covenant with the people. Jesus was prophesied and came to fulfill it. Yr prophet was never prophesied in OT so yr religion is not a successor to Christianity. And look at your Quran....all terrorists acts are justified in yr religious book. Look at all the terrorists acts...yr kind has committed most of them. When a so called Christian commit such acts..Christian leaders etc will condemn it. But yr kind beheaded the teacher. He was not insulting and having a proper debate. N got beheaded in the name of islam? N when the execution happen..no sight n sound from yr kind. All these riots etc happen in reaction to Macron's speech. No support at all for the victim. N what about other acts by yr kind? Slavery, rape, child rape, all quoted n followed by yr kind. With such actions dont blame others when Christians and other nations defend themselves against yr kind


Xtian land? U mean nobody living in ME when xtians conquered those lands?

I nvr like Saddam. But tat doesnt mean US n his xtian allies have the rights to massacred million of innocents. US n Israel have many options to take on Saddam, no? Tats only Iraq. Hw abt the rest...Egypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan etc .
The yanks invade iran? U sure? And why are there soo many Christian landmarks in the middle east. Egypt got invaded? Afghanistan did not even have a functioning govt when the usa invaded. So wat talking u? N now trump as president he is the 1st usa president to not start a war..n the globalist kick him out. Western nations open their borders to yr kind. Instead of being grateful and building own lives. Yr kind prefer to live in the 7th century. Rape , pillage n plunder. Mudslimes bagus


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jesus came to fulfill the old testament because his coming was prophesied in the OT. Since the OT was fulfilled, he has made a new covenant with the people. Jesus was prophesied and came to fulfill it. Yr prophet was never prophesied in OT so yr religion is not a successor to Christianity. And look at your Quran....all terrorists acts are justified in yr religious book. Look at all the terrorists acts...yr kind has committed most of them. When a so called Christian commit such acts..Christian leaders etc will condemn it. But yr kind beheaded the teacher. He was not insulting and having a proper debate. N got beheaded in the name of islam? N when the execution happen..no sight n sound from yr kind. All these riots etc happen in reaction to Macron's speech. No support at all for the victim. N what about other acts by yr kind? Slavery, rape, child rape, all quoted n followed by yr kind. With such actions dont blame others when Christians and other nations defend themselves against yr kind

Tis type of typical post comg fm u no surprise at all. I can reply with a lengthy response too. But i guess its useless. We crossed path before. So i rather not waste my time discussg religion with u.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The yanks invade iran? U sure? And why are there soo many Christian landmarks in the middle east. Egypt got invaded? Afghanistan did not even have a functioning govt when the usa invaded. So wat talking u? N now trump as president he is the 1st usa president to not start a war..n the globalist kick him out. Western nations open their borders to yr kind. Instead of being grateful and building own lives. Yr kind prefer to live in the 7th century. Rape , pillage n plunder. Mudslimes bagus

Dont play dumb lah. U mean Iraq invade Iran without yankee aid? All the mess at ME caused by xtian US n xtian allies. Be it invasion or intervention. N u blame the Muslims?


Dont play dumb lah. U mean Iraq invade Iran without yankee aid? All the mess at ME caused by xtian US n xtian allies. Be it invasion or intervention
U dont be a hypocritical asshole. When Saddam invaded Iran yr kind all supported him because sunnis view Iranians as shitites...and Iranians were persians..not arabs...and if no Christians etc..the war will be between sunni and shi'ite. U are just sore that saddam lost.


Alfrescian (Inf)
U dont be a hypocritical asshole. When Saddam invaded Iran yr kind all supported him because sunnis view Iranians as shitites...and Iranians were persians..not arabs...and if no Christians etc..the war will be between sunni and shi'ite. U are just sore that saddam lost.

If muslims fight among themselves then tats their fault. They will answer to God. But xtian US took the opportunity to add fuel to fire n support Sadam. Of course u very happy to see muslims killg each other. Xtian US n western allies attacked Lybia..Egypt...Syria...Afghanista...so much blood in their hands.


If muslims fight among themselves then tats their fault. They will answer to God. But xtian US took the opportunity to add fuel to fire n support Sadam. Of course u very happy to see muslims killg each other. Xtian US n western allies attacked Lybia..Egypt...Syria...Afghanista...so much blood in their hands.
Now mudslimes commit terrorist acts in ang mor lands. They are not innocent either. Like u say the cabal who did the invasion will answer to God. Yr kind will also answer to God. At least Christianity dont promote childsex n slavery n terrorist acts


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now mudslimes commit terrorist acts in ang mor lands. They are not innocent either. Like u say the cabal who did the invasion will answer to God. Yr kind will also answer to God. At least Christianity dont promote childsex n slavery n terrorist acts

Want to discuss be consistent. U talk abt terrorist then stick to it. Dont bring in other topic into it. Like tat talk till kingdom cum also no tamat

Before u label us as terrorist. Hw abt those war in ME committed by ur xtian yankees n xtian western allies. Are those not terrorist act too?


Want to discuss be consistent. U talk abt terrorist then stick to it. Dont bring in other topic into it. Like tat talk till kingdom cum also no tamat
Its ok. Mudslimes dont understand much. And i have been consistent in replying to u. Its yr kind that are causing problems in in ang mor lands. And its yr kind that is living in the 7th century. Sometimes i hope yr kind conduct more terrorists act n push the ang mors n Christians to a corner. Bring about the next crusade. I think that is the only way to defend ang mor lands.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its ok. Mudslimes dont understand much. And i have been consistent in replying to u. Its yr kind that are causing problems in in ang mor lands. And its yr kind that is living in the 7th century. Sometimes i hope yr kind conduct more terrorists act n push the ang mors n Christians to a corner. Bring about the next crusade. I think that is the only way to defend ang mor lands.

Past 400 years teres peace. Islam well established. U dont hear Muslim countries invadg xtian land. But u see xtian countries attacking n invading other countries esp ME. Killg n massacrg million n million of innocent lives. Those r wat we called terrorism.


U say others ridicule Islam. Just look at what yr kind is doing in Europe. Look at Christian minorities in mudslimes countries. How can any decent human being not get fed up with the mudslimes? N u say day of judgement. We will all be judge. Just like the mudslimes and their terrorist acts.

1. The critical issue is not about the revenge or punishment meted out by a muslim but the cruelty and bararism involved. If you or me were to kill, the methods we are going employed will be one of these: shoot will a gun or stab with a knife. Beheading won't cross our mind, so the cechen muslim who killed the french teacher, from where he got the primitive idea from? Answer: The 'holy' Quran. The next question, does the Quran inspire muslims to do good or bad?

2. Islamic Azerbaijani attacked Amenians itself refuted the lie that muslim countries have ceased war on infidel countries for 200-300 years already.

3. Koran says Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight above those who sit. You believe Iran, Pakistan and Turkey won't go to war ? Guess what stopping them?

Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your disposal so that you can strike terror into the enemies of Allah and of the believers and others besides them who may be unknown to you, though Allah knows them. And remember whatever you spend for the cause of Allah shall be repaid to you. You shall not be wronged.

— Quran

Not equal are those of the believers who sit [at home] without any [genuine] excuse and those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has given preference by a degree to those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit [at home]. [In reality], for each, Allah has made a good promise and [in reality] Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight above those who sit [at home] by a huge reward. Degrees of [higher] grades from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

— Quran
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The Constitution also recognises the special position of Malays as the indigenous people of the land in Article 152:

But this is the reality

Asia / Southeast Asia
Meet Singapore’s royal descendants living low-key lives as taxi drivers and office workers
  • In the 19th century, Sultan Hussein Shah’s treaties with the British led to colonial rule and the founding of the modern country
  • The Singaporean government agreed a payout to 79 descendants as part of colonial-era deal to provide for the sultan’s family
in Singapore
Published: 10:58am, 27 Oct, 2020

Why you can trust SCMP


Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters
Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters

Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters

In the modern republic of
, several seemingly ordinary people working in offices or driving taxis can claim to be of
royal blood
, descendants of a 19th-century monarch who ceded control of the Southeast Asian island to the British.
But few residents in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities are even aware of this lineage, a sore point with Tengku, or Prince, Shawal, acclaimed by some members of his family as “head of the house of Singapore”.
“They still exist?” is a response the 51-year-old says he often receives when he tells people he is one of the descendants of Sultan Hussein Shah – whose treaties with the British led to colonial rule and the founding of the modern country.
Cant these singkies m&d royalty claim benefits from the johor sultan? Aren't they related?


Section 152 of the Singapore Constitution, which reads as such:

‘Minorities and special position of Malays

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.
(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.’

Also only the m&ds have a full cabinet minister to look after their "affairs".....