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Chitchat Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is copied from Jews/Christians and twisted to fit the whims of it's creator - an Arab womaniser that bulldozed through a 9-yr old bride-child as one of his many wives.

Don't forget co-opting the pre-Islamic pagan belief systems, e.g. the jinns. :biggrin:



The only religion with its religious police going after unmarried couples holding hands and m&ds pigging out during Ramadan month.



what are the cina cheebye babbling about?

fucktards get their whores of women stolen by ang moh and now CECA and others with bigger cocks

now venting against Islam despite Malaysia + Indonesia letting them live in peace for decades and on



wtf are these subhuman alcoholic chink slanty stinkies saying again?



what are the cina cheebye babbling about?

fucktards get their whores of women stolen by ang moh and now CECA and others with bigger cocks

now venting against Islam despite Malaysia + Indonesia letting them live in peace for decades and on



wtf are these subhuman alcoholic chink slanty stinkies saying again?
Yes,,,mudslimes dont drink and dont steal.

Singer Aliff Aziz jailed in Singapore for stealing from Indonesian singer, disorderly behaviour on Orchard Road
Tuesday, 15 Sep 2020 05:36 PM MYT
The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option. — Picture via Instagram/ aliff.aziz91
The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option. — Picture via Instagram/ aliff.aziz91
SINGAPORE, Sept 15 — Singer and actor Aliff Aziz was sentenced to two weeks’ jail and a S$500 (RM1,519) fine today for stealing from an Indonesian singer in a hotel room and behaving rowdily several months later near Orchard Towers.
Another theft charge was taken into consideration for sentencing.

The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option, called a mandatory treatment order, to address his psychiatric disorder.
A mandatory treatment order is offered to offenders suffering from mental health conditions that led to an offence. Those given the order must attend sessions with a court-appointed psychiatrist.

One of Aliff’s four lawyers, Mr Murali Pillai of Rajah & Tann, previously told the court that a psychiatrist at Raffles Hospital diagnosed Aliff with an adjustment disorder.


However, Aliff was found unsuitable for a mandatory treatment order as the court-appointed psychiatrist who examined him said that his disorder had “no bearing, link or contribution to his offending behaviour”.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Pavithra Ramkumar sought two weeks’ jail and a fine which Mr Murali agreed with.
In sentencing Aliff, Principal District Judge Victor Yeo took into account Aliff’s expression of remorse and his “personal circumstances” leading to his offences. He was also willing to continue contributing to the community, said the judge.
This is not Aliff’s first brush with the law.
He was fined S$2,000 in 2014 for theft with common intention.
What happened
On June 7 last year, Aliff met Indonesian celebrity Raja Yunika Perdhana Putri, 32, in her room at the Studio M Hotel near Clarke Quay.
Read also: Singaporean actor-singer Aliff Aziz allegedly beaten in latest roadside brawl
They discussed how Ms Raja could help further his singing career in Indonesia. She then went to rest and left her handbag near Aliff.
He took S$300 and 1 million rupiah (S$94) from her handbag before leaving the room.
When Ms Raja awoke a few hours later, she called Aliff to ask about the missing money. He initially denied stealing it.
She made a police report later that afternoon and he eventually admitted that he stole the cash because he needed money.
He exchanged the rupiah for Singapore dollars at a money changer and spent the cash on food and transport.
He has since repaid the full amount to Ms Raja.
Separately, on Aug 6 last year, at about 4.45am, Aliff stole a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from a man at a Starbucks cafe in Plaza Singapura mall along Orchard Road.
Three months later, on Nov 10, he was captured behaving in a disorderly manner in a video that went viral online.
At 5.30am that day, while drunk, he shouted loudly and gesticulated at another person under the link bridge at Orchard Towers along Orchard Road. Several passers-by tried to intervene.
Two police officers advised him to calm down and he walked away.
Trailing him from a distance, the officers saw him shouting loudly again and gesturing at passers-by. He also kicked the bumper of a taxi.
The officers again told him to calm down but he continued to be rowdy.
Aliff then ran into an acquaintance and the pair got into a scuffle.
The officers intervened and arrested Aliff.
For theft in a dwelling, he could have been jailed up to seven years and fined.
For behaving in a disorderly manner in public, he could have been jailed for up to six months or fined up to S$2,000, or given both penalties. — TODAY


Alfrescian (Inf)
They wear their religion like an accessory, behind closed doors - it's a different story. As long as they remain a moslem and in that particular community/culture/habits/practice, they will always view non-believers as 'below their rank.' With a God that incites fear, jealousy and violence, their hearts are empty and black.

No such thing as rank in Islam. In Masjid or Mecca, all are equal. Whether ur black, brown, yellow or white, all are equal in the eye of Allah azzawajal. But i heard alot of stories black xtians were being discriminated by their white xtians. U just nid to google for it. Tioboh?

God tat incites fear, jealousy and violence? Yes, i agree with u as mentioned in ur bible. Tats how the xtians jihadist invaded ME killing million and million of innocents. But main stream media very quiet.

Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. [Exodus 34:14]

It shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. [Deut 8:19]

syed putra

No such thing as rank in Islam. In Masjid or Mecca, all are equal. Whether ur black, brown, yellow or white, all are equal in the eye of Allah azzawajal. But i heard alot of stories black xtians were being discriminated by their white xtians. U just nid to google for it. Tioboh?

God tat incites fear, jealousy and violence? Yes, i agree with u as mentioned in ur bible. Tats how the xtians jihadist invaded ME killing million and million of innocents. But main stream media very quiet.

Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. [Exodus 34:14]

It shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. [Deut 8:19]
No non muslims are allowed in mecca.


Alfrescian (Inf)
an Arab womaniser that bulldozed through a 9-yr old bride-child as one of his many wives.

U must be "She". OK...lets listen to wat Karan Amstrong (a woman) an ex catholic nun, had to say about our beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Below an interview between Karen and a priest.

ANDREW: I'm a Coptic priest. This means I'm an Egyptian priest, Christian priest. And I have seen a rather harsh side of the Islam in the last 50 years, as your guest is saying. And there is a claim that the Prophet Muhammad is the best man ever born or walked on Earth, but his practices with women are really put (unintelligible) to shame.

He - Muhammad married a six-year-old girl and had unusual sexual practices with her until she was nine years old before he consummated the marriage. Can you please speak to that?

Ms. ARMSTRONG: Yes. First of all, no - not one of the great world religions has been good for women. They've all sort of fallen down on this. But this story about I think - I presume you're referring to Aisha. He did marry the child, but this was common practice in the pre-modern world and it continued in Europe well into the early modern period.

Dynastic marriages were made between minors often in absentia. And Aisha continued, the historian Tabary(ph) said, because of her youth to live in her parent's home until she was into puberty. And then she moved in with the other wives.



Alfrescian (Inf)
No non muslims are allowed in mecca.

Every country have their rights to implement their own set of laws/rules. Having said that, the prohibition gives a clear indication that Allah azzawajal wish to keep the city for worship and security. But tourist is allow to enter SA though


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes,,,mudslimes dont drink and dont steal.

Singer Aliff Aziz jailed in Singapore for stealing from Indonesian singer, disorderly behaviour on Orchard Road
Tuesday, 15 Sep 2020 05:36 PM MYT
The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option. — Picture via Instagram/ aliff.aziz91
The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option. — Picture via Instagram/ aliff.aziz91
SINGAPORE, Sept 15 — Singer and actor Aliff Aziz was sentenced to two weeks’ jail and a S$500 (RM1,519) fine today for stealing from an Indonesian singer in a hotel room and behaving rowdily several months later near Orchard Towers.
Another theft charge was taken into consideration for sentencing.

The 29-year-old, who pleaded guilty last month to the charges, was found unsuitable for a community sentencing option, called a mandatory treatment order, to address his psychiatric disorder.
A mandatory treatment order is offered to offenders suffering from mental health conditions that led to an offence. Those given the order must attend sessions with a court-appointed psychiatrist.

One of Aliff’s four lawyers, Mr Murali Pillai of Rajah & Tann, previously told the court that a psychiatrist at Raffles Hospital diagnosed Aliff with an adjustment disorder.


However, Aliff was found unsuitable for a mandatory treatment order as the court-appointed psychiatrist who examined him said that his disorder had “no bearing, link or contribution to his offending behaviour”.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Pavithra Ramkumar sought two weeks’ jail and a fine which Mr Murali agreed with.
In sentencing Aliff, Principal District Judge Victor Yeo took into account Aliff’s expression of remorse and his “personal circumstances” leading to his offences. He was also willing to continue contributing to the community, said the judge.
This is not Aliff’s first brush with the law.
He was fined S$2,000 in 2014 for theft with common intention.
What happened
On June 7 last year, Aliff met Indonesian celebrity Raja Yunika Perdhana Putri, 32, in her room at the Studio M Hotel near Clarke Quay.
Read also: Singaporean actor-singer Aliff Aziz allegedly beaten in latest roadside brawl
They discussed how Ms Raja could help further his singing career in Indonesia. She then went to rest and left her handbag near Aliff.
He took S$300 and 1 million rupiah (S$94) from her handbag before leaving the room.
When Ms Raja awoke a few hours later, she called Aliff to ask about the missing money. He initially denied stealing it.
She made a police report later that afternoon and he eventually admitted that he stole the cash because he needed money.
He exchanged the rupiah for Singapore dollars at a money changer and spent the cash on food and transport.
He has since repaid the full amount to Ms Raja.
Separately, on Aug 6 last year, at about 4.45am, Aliff stole a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from a man at a Starbucks cafe in Plaza Singapura mall along Orchard Road.
Three months later, on Nov 10, he was captured behaving in a disorderly manner in a video that went viral online.
At 5.30am that day, while drunk, he shouted loudly and gesticulated at another person under the link bridge at Orchard Towers along Orchard Road. Several passers-by tried to intervene.
Two police officers advised him to calm down and he walked away.
Trailing him from a distance, the officers saw him shouting loudly again and gesturing at passers-by. He also kicked the bumper of a taxi.
The officers again told him to calm down but he continued to be rowdy.
Aliff then ran into an acquaintance and the pair got into a scuffle.
The officers intervened and arrested Aliff.
For theft in a dwelling, he could have been jailed up to seven years and fined.
For behaving in a disorderly manner in public, he could have been jailed for up to six months or fined up to S$2,000, or given both penalties. — TODAY

Practising Muslims dont drink alcohol. But some Malays do. Especially some celebrities.


It is copied from Jews/Christians and twisted to fit the whims of it's creator - an Arab womaniser that bulldozed through a 9-yr old bride-child as one of his many wives.

Marriage Age In Ancient World During Mr 'Holy' Muhammed's Time

*Ancient Rome
The age of lawful consent to a marriage was 12 for girls and 14 for boys.[9] Most Roman women seem to have married in their late teens to early twenties, but noble women married younger than those of the lower classes, and an aristocratic girl was expected to be virgin until her first marriage

*Ancient India
Arranged marriage is a tradition in the societies of the Indian subcontinent . We, therefore, examined the recorded data from the writings of the authoritative Indian legislators during the period between ca.500 B.C. and 500 A.D. to study the trend in menarcheal age. The age of puberty was at 12 although full completion of puberty took place at age 16. The present day data differed from the ancient data being 0.8-1.2 yrs. and 2.2-2.4 yrs.

*Ancient China
According to descriptions in “The Rites of Zhou” and later annotations, a man’s marriageable age ranged from 20 to 30 and a woman’s from 15 to 20 before the Qin Dynasty (the 3rd century BC). After the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the marriageable age for girls was lowered due to the shortage of workforce caused by frequent wars. Later saw a gradual rise in marriageable age in the following dynasties. Moreover, the gap in age had to be appropriate, and that was a great concern for the parents. Any man who was married to a wife more than 10 or 12 years younger than him or vice versa would be held up to ridicule.

*Ancient Arab Holy Saint
Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 year old before reaching puberty. Even by ancient time standard around the world, 6 year old is considered as under age. Muhammad has sex with an underage girl by ancient world standard.


Marriage Age In Ancient World During Mr 'Holy' Muhammed's Time
*Ancient Arab Holy Saint
Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 year old before reaching puberty. Even by ancient time standard around the world, 6 year old is considered as under age. Muhammad has sex with an underage girl by ancient world standard.
Underage gals, incestuous acts etc... So common n normal for them!


No such thing as rank in Islam. In Masjid or Mecca, all are equal. Whether ur black, brown, yellow or white, all are equal in the eye of Allah azzawajal. But i heard alot of stories black xtians were being discriminated by their white xtians. U just nid to google for it. Tioboh?

God tat incites fear, jealousy and violence? Yes, i agree with u as mentioned in ur bible. Tats how the xtians jihadist invaded ME killing million and million of innocents. But main stream media very quiet.

Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. [Exodus 34:14]

It shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. [Deut 8:19]
Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament laws,...so its the new testament that matters...and Christianity is Faith and the Divinity of Jesus...something mudslimes hate about Christians


Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament laws,...so its the new testament that matters...and Christianity is Faith and the Divinity of Jesus...something mudslimes hate about Christians

Muslims will never be in peace with non believers and their religions, be it christianity, buddhism, taoism.......Unless they don't follow the teachings of Mr Muhammed and their Quran and HAdith.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament laws,...so its the new testament that matters...and Christianity is Faith and the Divinity of Jesus...something mudslimes hate about Christians

Ehh...we dont hate the xtians. But the xtians hate Muslims. We dont ridicule xtianity. Just look at all the threads. Oh ya....including urs too.

Muslims followed the commandment as laid down by the Quran. Xtians ridicule us for following their OT. :roflmao: Haha...Btw why would any Muslims care abt the xtians. I mean nothing to do with us. Day of Judgement u answer to ur creator.
Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament laws,...so its the new testament that matters...

Yes. Jesus pbuh came not to destroy the Law. Not to break it. Then why are the xtians not following those laws? See the warning tere for breaking those commandments?

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.[Matt 5:17-20]


Yes. Jesus pbuh came not to destroy the Law. Not to break it. Then why are the xtians not following those laws? See the warning tere for breaking those commandments?

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.[Matt 5:17-20]

Do you know what is the new commandment that Jesus gave? And where is the 10 commandments in Islam?