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Chitchat Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos

syed putra

The Constitution also recognises the special position of Malays as the indigenous people of the land in Article 152:

"152.—(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.
(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language."[10]

But this is the reality

Asia / Southeast Asia
Meet Singapore’s royal descendants living low-key lives as taxi drivers and office workers
  • In the 19th century, Sultan Hussein Shah’s treaties with the British led to colonial rule and the founding of the modern country
  • The Singaporean government agreed a payout to 79 descendants as part of colonial-era deal to provide for the sultan’s family
in Singapore
Published: 10:58am, 27 Oct, 2020

Why you can trust SCMP


Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters
Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters

Tengku Shawal, a royal descendant, says a prayer next to the tombstone of his great-great-grandfather, Tengku Alam. Photo: Reuters

In the modern republic of
, several seemingly ordinary people working in offices or driving taxis can claim to be of
royal blood
, descendants of a 19th-century monarch who ceded control of the Southeast Asian island to the British.
But few residents in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities are even aware of this lineage, a sore point with Tengku, or Prince, Shawal, acclaimed by some members of his family as “head of the house of Singapore”.
“They still exist?” is a response the 51-year-old says he often receives when he tells people he is one of the descendants of Sultan Hussein Shah – whose treaties with the British led to colonial rule and the founding of the modern country.

A Singaporean

I can see lots of love in non malay mentalities here. The contract was citizenship in exchange for special privileges.
Can't honour the contract? Please leave!
m&d get free education, an Indian.. I mean a Malay president and all the food delivery jobs. Whats more do m&d want? Not happy implement your plan B and get the fuck back to Mudland.


Muhammed as the muslims' grand teacher of humanity

The life of Muhammed:
-Committed mass-murdering
-Raped children and had under age sex with a girl as young as 9
-Caravan robber
-Keep sex slaves

He was a “teacher” is by demonstrating what a normal person (a non muslim) should not do, by demonstrating what happens when a person worships satan the devil, and is the bad example all people should avoid becoming.

A moslim speaking about “morals” or “immorality” is something that, under different circumstances, might be funny. Their unholy book is full of commands to be “immoral.” and justified merciless killing and beheading.


He was pleased to wait 3 years to have sex with Aisha at age 9! He was benevolent not to sexually touch Aisha when she was 6. Peace be with you.


Mainstream Islam outside of Singapore:

Kafirs are to be subjugated by Muslims and controlled by them as they would cattle. Rogue kafirs who dissent from Islamic overlordship may be culled and removed from the herd by execution. Any private Muslim may cull the rogue kafirs and they will receive the approbation of the UMMAH.

“There is no indemnity obligatory for killing a non-Muslim (harbi) at war with Muslims.” -Reliance of the Traveller, o4.17, p.593


Good for everyone. Islam is for everyone. Listen to wise man words.

“And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) not but as a mercy for the Aalameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107]

View attachment 94954

Please do not misquote the Dalai Lama. I am quite certain he did not say those words.

A Singaporean

Please do not misquote the Dalai Lama. I am quite certain he did not say those words.
Dalai Lama was being sarcastic. He knows that Islam is an evil religion which will not accept any other religions. Thus his indirect way to insult Islam. Of course stupid m&d does not understand this.